
The Lost Humanity

Imagine being forced to improve yourself for eighty years. And allowed to return as a 16 year old who know pretty much everything... This is the story of Ye Tian and Ming Yue and their journey to regain their lost humanity. How will they regain their lost humanity?

ChillCultivator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Final Instinct

"Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, 1% chance of winning." Tian Yu said to herself.

"Sadly, their plan was seen through. It is highly speculated that the reason why we won. Was because the universe destroyer has a legendary blessing or taken a legendary treasure that allowed him to gain a mind reading ability and he overrelied on it. Anyway, after their plan was foiled. The destroyer killed everyone with a stab to their heart, directly destroying it. Leaving a pair of couple. As he killed the male, he turned to the female with a savage grin of evil intent. It was then it happened... A stab through the destroyer's heart appeared." Tian Yu paused, giving everyone a moment to process what they just heard. And before anyone could ask who it was, the teacher continued.

"It was the dead male of the couple. There is this legend... A legend that said of a ability... If one is unwilling to die and have a great heart and of a great goal. Those with such a will after death will have something called the "Final Instinct". The dead male, despite already dead. Was unwilling to die. Unwilling to let his lover die. Unwilling to let the universe be destroyed. His body had condensed every single magic he had left, and did the final stab and killed the destroyer." Tian Yu ends it.

For a moment, silent was in the class. Most people felt sad that such a great hero had died. Until...

"Oh yeah, he isn't dead. So apparantly the universe destroyer had a legendary treasure on him that could provide immense healing effect that was so strong that could revive someone from the dead. And he lived. Luckily the destroyer died from one blow." Tian Yu casually added.

At this moment, nearly everyone in the class had one thought. "Let me take back my moment of grief! You should have told us about this earleir!"