
Chapter 27

The next two months passed in the blink of an eye for Harry and he continued his progress with his studies and his quidditch practice and as he decided Harry avoided going to another of the Fraud's classes andvitvwas nearly month after that first class that Professor Flitwick called him to his office.


Harry knocked on the door of Flitwick's office and entered with permission from the Professor.

Harry stood before the Professor waiting for the reason he was called to his office.

Flitwick looked at him and said, " Mr. Potter I have gotten complaints from Professor Lockhart that you have not been attending his classes, I would like to know the reason for that as I know that you are an excellent student otherwise. "

Harry just gave an exasperated sigh and said, " Professor , there us no way I am attending a class of that prancing pillock, I know that he is a fraud and if I have to bear witness to his idiotic antics everyday, I am definitely going to curse him badly so I think it is better for both of us , especially for him if I don't attend his classes and anyway I am definitely learning more from my own self practice than from his bragging. "

Flitwick just smiled and said, " You are definitely your mother's son, you definitely inherited her temper and though I agree with you, and I give you permission to study on your own for Defense, don't spread the word as this is strictly unofficial, and we don't want you to run the defense professor out of the castle if you are forced to attend his classes, which I have no doubt you will do. "

Harry just smiled and said, " Thank you, Professor and promise that I won't break your trust in me. "

--------- Flashback end ----------

The day before Halloween was the first Quidditch match of the year and it was between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

The match turned out to be an easy match as while Cedric was a good seeker he was no match for Harry and he quickly sealed the match in Ravenclaw's favor by catching the snitch quickly winning the 190 - 0 in Ravenclaw's favor.

Another incident that happened in this two months was Harry becoming good friends with Luna and including her in their study group, none of whom had any problem with Luna and on a late evening one day, Harry was returning from his practice in the Room of Requirements when he saw her being harrassed by a few Ravenclaw senior girls.


Harry was returning to his common room when he came across Luna being cursed by 3 Ravenclaw 5th year girls when he erected a shield charm around her deflecting the curses aimed at her and Luna was relieved at the sight of Harry coming to her rescue but was afraid of what they would do to him.

Harry looks at the girls and asks in an ice cold voice, " What do you people think you are doing ganging up on a first year and cursing her? "

Shivering at his cold voice, one of the girls answered cockily saying, " she is a loony and disgrace to Ravenclaw, we will do whatever we want to her, and it would be better for you little boy, if you stay out of it. "

Harry just chuckled and said, " you see, Luna here is a dear friend to me and so I can't do as you want and it would be in your benefit if you just walk away otherwise I won't be held responsible for what happens to you."

The girls became incensed at a second year student threatening them and attacked him with stunning spells which Harry calmly dodged and then summoned their shoes and they landed hard on their backs and Harry disarmed them and stunned them. Harry tied them all up using Incarcerous and went to Professor Flitwick's office while floating the three girls behind him with Luna in town despite her protests to just let it go and saying that she was used to such treatment and she was not worth making enemies with the other students.

Harry just shook his head and said, " Luna, this is not okay, you should told me when it happened for the first time itself and never think that you are not worth it, you are worth it and more to me. Now come along Luna we are going to Professor Flitwick, he will take care of this issue and make sure that nothing of this sort happens in the future.

Flitwick was surprised to see Harry walk into his office with three stunned and bound students floating behind him and when he learned about what happened and the bullying of Luna by her fellow Ravenclaws, just say he was not happy and Ravenclaw lost 150 points and all Ravenclaw prefects lost their badges even the headboy who was from Ravenclaw and he warned the entirety of Ravenclaw house that if anything of that sort happened again then the punishment would be more severe and stressed the message that bullying would not be tolerated in Ravenclaw house. And while the point loss was big the Ravenclaw house earned them back within a two weeks and was in the lead for the House cup after Harry won the match for Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff.

----------- Flashback end ----------

Harry had written about the duel between him and the older Ravenclaw girls to his mother and though she berated him for his recklessness she was nonetheless proud of him for sticking up for his friend.

Another thing which was irritating Harry was that it turned out that Ginny Weasley didn't have Tom Riddle's diary and after searching her belongings thoroughly he concluded that Lucius Malfoy had not placed the diary in her belongings and was relieved thinking that he wouldn't have to deal with the Basilisk.