
The Long & the Lost

She's never known who she is or what she is for that matter. Alvara a hybrid has to find out about her past and her parents ... along the way she meets Ronin, Maggie , and The Queen , but the Queen has plans ... very horrible plans ...

BiSexualArtist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"Hello and welcome to The kingdom of Thera I am the writer of this book so here are all character aesthetics "

Alvara: 19 years old

Her parents abandoned her at age 3

She grew up fighting in the woods

Went to war at 14-17

Ronin:19 years of age

He's a warrior

Battle scars

Younger sister (not in story)

Queen: age is unknown


Read minds

Killed her sister

Villagers: all ages

Witnessed a lot of things

Character abilities

Alvara: controls fire, immortal 

Ronin: unknown , immortal

Queen: strength, read minds, controls death

Comment if u would like to know more about anything !!!