
The Long & the Lost

She's never known who she is or what she is for that matter. Alvara a hybrid has to find out about her past and her parents ... along the way she meets Ronin, Maggie , and The Queen , but the Queen has plans ... very horrible plans ...

BiSexualArtist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

chapter 4 ( 18+)

"Make him pay " The Queens words played over and over in her mind as she laid in Ronin's old bedroom , she finally got and up looking through his closet finally she got dressed in a black jumpsuit . She wore a leather jacket she walked out of the room into a large chest of a man ." Hey Vara... finally going to the modern world ? " it was a her boyfriend Maxwell unfortunately he couldn't go with her , he chose to stay in the magic realm . For him he had no reason to go to the modern world .. " Yes my love I'm finally going " She kissed the man long and slowly ... she enjoyed his warmth. But not as much as she would enjoy Ronin's , she walked away after the encounter and went straight to the training room... she stared at all the things in the room . Rope,chains,knives , and even daggers ... " I have no time to deal with this crap..."she let out an annoyed sigh and walked into her room she packed her things . She couldn't forget what she needed to do " Make him pay " the queens words ran through her head once again and her blood boiled with anger . She stormed out of the room running out side to the snow ... it was cold. She got in the carriage and went to the modern she immediately was brought to her own home , a new home ... it was beautiful the walls were carved beautifully the paint on the walls were fresh and clean everything had a slight shine like jewels. It had been weeks sense she last came to the modern world . Her hair grew long and her body changed she became more muscled and toned . Now it was time to find Ronin after searching for months she finally got his address she drove there and pulled into the drive way of a beautiful White House there were children's toys in the front yard " He had kids..." her heart sunk into her stomach, he had moved on ... she got out of the car knocking on the door a man with a slight stubble of a beard answered " Hello ma'am what can I help you with..." his voice went low a women yelled " Honey who's at the door ?" He stared at the women in front of his door .. he couldn't believe she was alive and in the modern world .." Alvara ..." he spoke and his kingdom accent kicked in ." Hey Ronin ..." she smiled she had to hide whatever flutters she felt . From when she was a child she couldn't let it leak through , she couldn't break she needed to kill him ...." Come in " a women came downstairs with a very pregnant belly she smiled at him and he smiled back " Well Hello who's this ?" The woman asked , Alvara felt slight jealousy the women was so beautiful with her blonde hair that flowed perfectly down her shoulders and her perfectly shaped face.. she had to admit her liking of women kicked in ..." Honey she's a friend of mine.... A friend I have missed for quite a while ..." he helped the girl sit down and she and Alvara spoke they laughed ..." Val can I speak with you ? " Ronin asked taking her upstairs once they walked out of view " what is it ?" Before she could finish her sentence he smashed his lips onto hers ... it's that warmth again . The warmth she missed he wrapped his hands around her waist ... " Ronin- " she pushed him off and walked back downstairs ..." Aw Alvara your leaving already? " yea I'm really sorry Maggie but I'm so late for work..." she kissed the girl on the cheek and she blushed .. a girl married to her old friend blushed just from the touch of a women .. she walked out of the house and got in her car starting the engine ... Ronin ran out yelling for her to wait but she drove off . She left it had been 2 months sense she last went to that place .

3 months later....

She woke up in her bed groaning still tired... she heard a knock at her door .. she got up still in her plaid pajama shirt and her black lingerie underwear... she groaned rubbing her eyes opening the door. There it stood Maggie who she assumed was Ronin's wife , she no longer had a pregnant belly " Uh hey Maggie ..." she smiled welcoming the women in, she walked past her door into the house and she caught a sent of peaches from the girl ... it made her let out a slight gasp. She knew that scent ... it was her scent " So what brings you here ?" The girl turned around smirking" This" The women untied her jacket and it dropped to the floor reveling a women in green lingerie .. Alvara blushed sucking in a breathe . Turning around not wanting to stare "Maggie put your clothes back on please .." Maggie walked behind her slipped her hand into Alvara's underwear drawing small circles on her nub , Alvara let out a small gasp " You like it don't you , do you really want me to stop ?" She breathed on the shell of her ear " stop now ," it made her go faster and Alvara almost collapsed to her knees she moaned loudly covering her mouth . She couldn't give in to that ... she couldn't give into the pleasure she pushed the woman on the counter putting her jacket back on ... she hesitated for a slight moment thinking on how to resist the urge to rip her clothes off and reveal her perfect smooth body .. she kissed the woman .. Biting down on her lip before putting her jacket over shoulder and slipping her shoes back on .. she carried the women to the wall pinning her . Maggie let out a moan " Fuck- me please.." she begged and Alvara kissed her cheek before leading the women out .." Goodbye Maggie, and Please don't come back unless your in danger or need to really be fucked ... " why not " Maggie walked close to her face .. " you know you want my body so why not take it " Alvara growled pressing the women on her car slipping her cold fingers in her pants teasing ... Maggie moaned loudly " Fuck! " Alvara slipped her hand out licking the juices off of her fingers sense the girl had cum so fast just from a small touch .." now leave before I make you beg for more .." she whispered in the women's ear before walking back into her house leaving a women on her own car with the keys in her hand and her legs shaking from the pleasure .... it had been weeks sense seeing Ronin and Maggie . She wanted nothing to do with them at all , she changed into her normal black jacket and jeans with a airy blouse ... she needed to focus on killing him . She walked out to her car.. she drove back to the one place she hated his house. She got out knocking on the door she regretted that action immediately, the man opened the door his plaid button-up shirt open showing his muscular features . She couldn't help but start at his chest and letting her self look down to his abs they perfectly fit his stomach ... she felt heat in her cheeks , she couldn't stop staring .. Maggie was surely a lucky women" lucky enough to try and have you fuck her .." the memory ran the rough her head . She had forgotten her encounter with the women ..." What's up Alvara ? " he smiled .. that smile she missed it the most .." you can come in if you like .." he moved to the side as she tried to slip between him . She looked at him for a moment while she leaned against the Frame of the door they stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity... till Maggie came down the stair in a rob half naked . The women found her self staring at Maggie admiring her features staring at her perfect tanned legs ... wishing she could rip that rob off of her and make her moan loudly while ronin watched .. " Oh hey Alvara " the women smiled as if there last encounter never happen" Hey Maggie ..." she said in a disappointed voice ... it's as if She was hoping ronins wife wasn't there .. " So how have you been hot stuff- uh I mean Alvara " she smirked , knowing she was pushing her buttons . She decided to play along ..." I've been good Cum Slut- oh I mean Maggie " Ronin felt the tension in the room and made an excuse to leave for a phone call . Now it was just her and Maggie ..." You have to stop Maggie ..." The women smirked shifting closer to Alvara , she placed her hand on her thigh and gripped it " Stop what ? " she teases and Alvara enjoyed it .. " Go ahead and fuck her already "that's all she could think about .. god Maggie was a distraction ... a very bad one at that .." Get your hand off my thigh before I make u moan.." Alvara whispered in the women's ear " Make me you bitch .." She snapped and grabbed the women's jaw smashing her onto the couch .. her eyes blazed with anger , Maggie moaned slightly .." wow Alvara I didn't know you had strength .." she tightened her grip " Shut the fuck up! Or so help me god , I will make your life a living hell ?!" She released the women's jaw , she looked up at the man standing in the door way " Val what the fuck..." he slammed the door after walking back up the stair . She ran after him banging on his door" Please just open the door -" before she could hit it again .. he pulled her in and kissed her ... pulling her pants off " shut up and stay quiet " he kissed her again and they layed on the bed ... Alvara don't do it ... " her mind screamed , she hesitated till she ... kissed him back .