
Chapter 2

I'm ready to die! Of course I don't want to spend my life in that company! It's not relaxing! although being lawyer is stressing, at least I can enjoy it. Arghhh.

A few weeks Later.....

I used the grab application for me to reach my destination. Aileen said that we would meet in front of the building.

This is it! It's time for me to apply this Job. I have to try my best. I need a job, I do not get a job soon, My parents will gonna kill me.

I'm not yet applying but I can feel the stress. How much more if I'm already an employee. Right? But no matter what, I need to be Strong. In the name of my Future!!!

I'm already here and glared at the tall building from the window.

It's really nice. I can already Imagine my life being a CEO in this company. But that's impossible. Just wonderin'

I got down from the taxi and looked at the very tall building.

Gosh! I only see it in the Kdrama that I watch. It's beautiful! I wonder how it looks like inside of it.

Where's Aileen? I bet she's late! I knew it was going to happen! What's with that girl? She said that we will meet here at exactly 12:30, and It's already 12:35! Thank God there was a waiting area! I cannot wait to get that job and be the most rich woman in the world!!! Bwahahahahah

What am I thinking?! I'm just an emplyee and not a CEO!!! A goshhh!! I forgot! I'm not an employee yet.

"Hey Claire! Sorry I'm late! I just experienced traffic!" Aish! This girl really sucks!

"You're always late!" I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Okay fine!! Let's go!" She said and accepted her mistake.

We went to third floor. Aileen didn't come with me inside the room and I don't know why, I think it is because it's prohibited for some reasons. There's a man sitting in his chair. He looks like a very strict man.

"So what's you're name?" He said while tapping his pen on his table. I'm so nervous! Actually, My stomach is fluttering.

"Claire Dela Peña." Thank god I didn't stuttered!!!

"How old are you?" He said as he raised his left eyebrow.

"I am 23 years old and I have finished my college, here." I said as I give him the folders that contains all the requirements. I even put my grade on it.

"Your grades are well! and i think you are fit in this Job!"

"Let me ask you, Why did you apply in this Job?" His face turned into a serious one.

What was that again? What was she told me about this question? Gosh I can't remember!!!!

"Excuse me Ms.Dela Peña?" He continued.

"W-why did I a-apply?" I stuttered. He rested his chin on his Hands and waiting for my reply.

"B-because..... You're h-iring?" I whispered but I bet he heard it.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"Sorry, U-uhm.... I applied for this job because this is my dream, being on a company! And this is my profession! So please Hired me!" I said directly. Woow! Is this really me? whoa! How can I do that! Haha.

"Let me see..... You're grades were good, You passed all of the requirements and You answered my question But..... Ms. Dela Peña,..." Nooo!!! Don't tell me! I'm not hired.

"I understand Mr. I don't fin in this job," I sadly said as I look down.

"What? Who told you that you're not hired! Just finish my sentence! Ms. Dela Peña! Your're Hired!"

You're Hired

You're Hired

You're Hired

You're Hired

You're Hired

His Voice is echoing inside my mind! It's the magic word that I am waiting for!!!! O my gosh!!

To Be Continued...