
Chapter 1

Where have you been Aileen? I've been waiting here for so long! The waiter maybe angry because I haven't ordered yet. That's a shame!! Gosh he's staring at me right now!

"Claire! Sorry I'm late! Have you been waiting here for a while?" Aileen said as she sat in front of me.

"Not really!" (Actually yes! Honestly, I want to rip her off! But I want a Job so I'll be nice hehe.)

"Let's order!" I said as I raise ny hand to call the waiter.

"Yes maam?" The man said who had just stared at me earlier.

"Yes, may I order One Large Cookies & Cream Bubble tea with a 25 percent of sugar level, and Less Ice! Thank you!" I said as I look at him. hahahah.

"I'll have the same." Aileen said and the waiter left.

"Guess what? We have the same Job!!!" She said. It seems like she's excited about it.

"So, What is this Job?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

"Jang Corporation. They're hiring an employee in the Marketing department. And guess what? we are at the same department!!!"

"J-jang Corporation?! The most famous Company in the world?! You didn't tell me that you work in a Famous company!"

But Duh! She acts like I'm already Hired. What's up with this girl?

"But Gurl! I'm not yet Hired! You're so excited about that. I'm not even sure that they will Hire me! Look, It's my first time being on a company." I explained.

"Of course they will! They hired me, so they will hire you too." She said.

"How sure you are?" I said rollong my eyes.

"99.99%." She shrugged.

"So you're not sure." I said without expression.

"Claire, You have to trust yourself! You're more intelligent than me!" She said and shrugged her arms again.

Honestly, Being on a company isn't my dream. You know what? My dream is being in a court and handling some cases. But It's okay. It's not that bad. Look at the bright side self! Being in a large company is very okay.

"So what's the requirements?" I asked.

"Don't worry Claire. You already have the requirement!" She said as she move her face closer to mine.

"You finished college, That's the requirement." She said as she went back from sitting and close her eyes slowly. Sometimes, I don't know that she's Aileen, Sometimes she is possessed by someone. Weird in short.

"Maam, Here's your Order." The waiter said before leaving. That's cold, There's no "Enjoy Drinking Maam"

"But before you Proceed and Apply that Job! You need a Training!" She said Before Opening her eyes.


"Exactly. To the library!!!!" She replied.


"So Claire! Remember everything I said." We are already here in the library for an hour.

"Claire, What will you say if they ask your name?"

"My name is Claire Dela Peña."

"Why did you want to be hired?"

What is that again?

"U-umm Because you're hiring?"

"Claire! You're not going to say that! They will kick your a*s out of the company!" She scolded me. Arghh like I've said, being on a company is not my dream.

"Just say, Because being on a marketing department is my profession, I'm good at it." She said one by one. So I'm going to be a bunch of plastic in that company?!

"noted!" I said.

This is gonna be the worst part of my life. Oh my gosh! Imagine! I'll be on that company the rest pf my life!

65 is the age of Retirement and I'm 23! So 1....2....3... 42 years?!!! I'll be there for 42 years?! Ohh come on!

I'm ready to die!!!