There is 10 Universe
Universe 1 is the weakest
Universe 10 is the strongest
[Universe 1 Power level]
[Average Strength:50]
[Average Speed:45]
[Average Intelligence:1000]
[Average Endurance:55]
[Universe 2 Power level]
[Average Strength: 800]
[Average Speed:780]
[Average Intelligence:1000]
[Average Endurance:950]
[Universe 3 Power level]
[Average Strength:9000]
[Average Speed:8850]
[Average Intelligence:1000]
[Average Endurance:9999]
Strength-How powerful was your force
Speed-How Fast you can Move
Intelligence-How smart you are include
Battle iq, Strategy,Iq,Etc
Endurance-How hard can take a punch and how hard can you lower the damage
Power Explanation
Universe 1-They were quite weak because this universe is peaceful compare to the other
Universe 2-They are stronger that universe 1 because of larger population means they fight for food
Universe 3-They are much stronger than the already mention universe Because they are in harsh environment all planets in this universe is harsh
They all have the same intelligence:Because
They all have the same common knowledge and they share the same brain cell