
The Lonely Monarch

Dust, into the wind it blows. Time has been the enemy of all. I've watched as it turned cities into ruin, monsters into decaying corpses But I am here... I am always here...For I am The Lonely Monarch...

hyperjack · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 7: I'm fine.

Unknown amount of time has past.

With a flash of blue light tens of millions of lights sprinkle across this land and from within comes out the previous inhabitants of what was once know as earth, normally they would be happy to see there once cherished land buy because of the advice from the world they were sent to stating that their land will most likely be ruined and over ruined with monster made most people both upset and cautious upon return from their 10 year trip, lots having accomplished many strong deeds in that time. As people begin to walk out others jump out bellowing a pathetic excuse for a war cry, read to fight what ever they have to, others grouping up to signify strength In numbers while others just glance hoping to find some remnants of their home.

However what none of them were expecting was a empty and ghost town like....well TOWN. everyone in different areas spanning millions of miles away from each having prepared themselves for the fight of their lives were not expecting a clean and well designed city made from stone and wood, with even glass windows!!! some even recognized their own house they lived in, although a little run down due to time it was still perfectly liveable. people stared dumbfounded at the marvel of the emptiness of the place they once called home, but soon their sight was drawn to another spectical which has then go wide eye and mouth dropped to the ground.

random civilian returner 1: "This..wha.....what the FUCK IS THIS!!! "

No one minded the use of cursing, not one as their faze were all glued to the colossal wall which surround the entire town and even further then the eye could see even for some powerful individuals that have accumulated multiple abilities revolving around sight, and they still couldn't see the end of it nor could they fathom how long such a wall would take to even make or even how many people would be needed to help make it.

Many were drawn to the walls and soon they gaze directed to a what they could assume as a gate opening to the outside leading some to venture forth to see what was outside.

RCR(Random civilian returner)male:" How could this have been made in just 10 fucking years?! it's impossible isn't Thomas?"

Everyone's eyes soon moved to a person clad in firey red armor wielding two axes, this man would have an extremely attractive face that would make women drool and men cry tears of blood from jealousy. This man's name is Thomas Harker know as the axe of glory a truly good man that only hopes to help humanity stay alive while on this world and even has the talent and abilities to back up this hope of his being one of the few S rank individuals, but right now even he was dazed but the width of the tunnel leading out if they are to believe the tunnel was still under the walls, as they have already walked 50 meters and still haven't made they're way to the exit outside.

...Finally when they do make it to the other side they are all once again shocked at the sight but this time a sliver of fear is mixed in for what layer ahead of them are the remains of enormous bones looking as if they which to grasp at the wall and mountains of smaller size skeletons piled on top of each other up against it, as though this is a warning to the dangerous beasts lurking outside of these walls just during them to try and breach it.

this had brought a sense of fear to the group as it felt like the place they once called home wasn't actually theirs anymore but rather a more dangerous group.

Moving in from this sight we then see a light shine over at a familiar building as 3 individuals step forth from it.

Older female: "OH look dear our home I still intact!! "

the older yet still attractive looking women with purple hair and wrinkles free face wear a mages robe and a white staff with floating bright red staff exclaimed in a cheerful and happy face.

Older male: "Yes I can see that ali I just hope my vintage alcohol is intact."

The male would be standing at a large 6"2 wearing white and gold coloured armor with a lions face forming on the chest piece and on the large 2 meter length shield aswell while his greatsword would remain at his side.

Two would be Alison and Carter Grey the parents of Ashley Foster family to Daniel.

Alison: "It's been so long since we seen my baby Daniel I wonder how he has been"

At the memory of their son both parents feel slightly sad at not having been able to be with him for this long decade.

Carter: "It'll be fine ali, I'm sure our boy survied, don't you agree ash?"

At the mentioning of her name a women stepped out, dressed in smooth but sturdy armor with flow pink hair and a large 2 and half meter violet colour spear with the spear being 20cm long and looming as if it could skewer a wild boar in one thrust. Her face was incredibly enchanting as almost any man that looked at it would marvel at the sight and proclaim her as their goddess on the spot yet would be forced to retreat because of the chilling glare she kept on her face 24/7.

this was Daniel's step sister Ashley whom had also bullied him before it all. her face was excluding a chilling aura yet some would be able to see some hint of worry on it as well as she looked around hoping to catch sight of her distant brother be fore turning turning her parents.

Ashley: "Let's head inside to see if Daniel is home or not."

Both parents could tell that she was hoping that their forth family member was inside as they both showed a gentle smile full of love as they made their way to the door and noticed it was unlocked, sparking some inside of them aswell they all rush inside and yelled.

All three: "Daniel are you here?!!!!"

for a moment no sound was made as their hearts tighten in their chest before a voice almost unrecognizable to them called out in reply.

Male: "Yeah, I'm in my room!"

The feeling of their hearts being crushed all but disappeared as they ran up the stairs to rush to the last member of their family they had not seen for over a decade as they opened the door to his room.

There standing in front of a mirror as though he was examining their face was Daniel Grey

wearing nothing but a baggy black hoodie, some lengthy jaguar brank pants as though he was getting ready to start the day.

the parents rushed over to hug the son they thought they would never see again while the sister just looked him up and down and get a tiny smile before her face went cold again.

The young man would be smiling and chuckling at his parents trying to feel his body to see if he was OK has he told them.

Daniel:"Hey its fine, I'm fine haha no need to worry haha."

if his family wasn't so focused on him they would note the completely black rectangular box like case underneath his bed as the sounds of screams and roars and the noise a weapon makes when being swung against something hard and it shatters upon impact could be heard as though a distant memory was being played like a soundtrack in the background.

"I'm fine."


I will be making some changes changes the system stats I had also. So much has happened in the time I've be gone and the time before humanity came back, wonder how this has affected him hmmm find out next time on drago- fuck! I mean lonely- ah you know what I mean.

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