
The Lonely Monarch

Dust, into the wind it blows. Time has been the enemy of all. I've watched as it turned cities into ruin, monsters into decaying corpses But I am here... I am always here...For I am The Lonely Monarch...

hyperjack · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 5 : Well....Fuck

*Whoooosh (Wind noises)

As a guest of wind past through the streets followed the by light steps pressing onto the ground as a large cat-like beast walks through the streets, their ears twitch with the sound of the wind blowing past them as they walk lightly but firmly whole their tail moves in the air with the blade at the tip moving with it as the light from the sun reflects off of it and onto other things.

While the beast walks forward the sound of metal clanking enters its ears as they twitch and its eyes stare in alert of the new sound as it silently moves forward, using its sense of smell to try and identify what it is and as it moves forward into a narrow alley path, its lumps restricted due to the tightness while it's back limbs step over some rope not knowing what it was.

Suddenly as the beast moves forward it stares at a piece of rope in front of it, links back to the rope from behind until a loud noise as heard followed by a rumbling noise as the rope behind and in front of it suddenly moves forward being pulled forward, not allowing the beast to act as it's back likes caught by the rope and its front also held by the other sides rope and its forcibly dragged along at a fast speed as a loud roar comes from its mouth as it's flung into the air while being pulled, scraping against the walls of the buildings on both sides until it slams into the one in front of it, making a loud bang sound, leaving a smashed wall as its pull again to the side.

As the monster goes between a conscious and unconscious state due to slamming into the walls, the pulling stops suddenly and the rope lowers before being pulled by the beast flying forward into a large dumpster head first leaving a large face like a dent in it before it slumps down onto the ground.


As Daniel turns off the engine to the car he hijacked, his heart would be pounding due to the adrenaline rush he was experiencing from this insane plan he hatched.

He knew he couldn't beat this monster in close quarters even with the restriction so he decided to come up with a way to beat it without touching it. Such as using a rope tied to the backoff the car to bind its feet together then drive forward to pull it along and have it smashed against the walls to hurt ita lott.

As Daniel walked forward carrying a bottle of lighter fluid and a light in the same hand as he gazed down as the seemingly unconscious beast he then started pouring the liquid onto its body while making sure to not get any on himself.

His mind races with excitement as he pours it onto the monster as he finally believes he has beaten it despite not having fought it one on one.

'Finally! it might not be what I was originally wanting to prove but it still counts as a win for me!'

While inwardly celebrating his victory his eyes move from the front of its body to it's back where his eyes follow the long tail which was moving still as he follows its movement upward, tilting his head up and seeing the it in the air and he then looks back to the front and sees the large black with red clawed eyes staring at him with rage in them.

As his mind processes what was happening his eyes look changes completely from excitement to confusion then finally to realization as all he could do was utter 2 little words with a dumbfounded look.


Once he finishes speaking the long blade on the tip of its tail comes forward at a high speed while the monster roars out while still bound but struggling as the blade finally comes to Daniel all he feels is a brief moment of discomfort followed by a harsh wind blowing in his face as he looks down his eyes following as he sees the shit he was wearing was cleaning cut yet his skin was not touched by the looks of it but his mind could not be deceived as his thoughts roared on.

'NO! DON'T!' As screamed a long vertical red line starts to form on the center of his chest he continues to scream inwardly.

'DON'T OPEN UP, PLEASE!!!' His inward begging stops as blood erupts from his chest in large quantities and he utters a low shriek as he falls to the ground, coughing up blood. As the huge amount of pain makes him squirm and crouch in agony he stares at the struggling beast as its tail blade continues to slash wherever it can while looking at him with eyes of hate so intense that they send him into a panicking state as his body shakes greatly with fear that he doesn't bother about the bloody wound on his face as his eyes dart around looking for the lighter he brought with him and then sees it close to the mouth of the beast which terrify him greatly his fearing eyes dash forward in an attempt to grab it only to find another similar wind sensation in his right shoulder as his left arm grabs hold of the wet lighter before the side of his arm is viciously chomped into by the mouth of the beast as another scream erupts from Daniel's throats his eyes carry a mixture of fear, pain and agony as he attempts to light it despite his arm being bit on as a spark is seen but nothing happens yet and he continues once more, fighting against the pain in his shoulder, chest and his arm.

As his attempts at sparking finally work and hope is seen in his eyes once more until the lighter bursts into flames, burning his hand but he then slaps his hand on its side, managing to touch the fur of the beast as it spreads throughout, from its face to it's back and legs. It shrieks out, releasing his arm and leaving a horrible bite mark while its struggling increases until the rope finally breaking free as it runs around, no longer caring about Daniel as it rolls around in agony for the first time, trying to put out the flames on itself in a futile attempt. Not long after it finally stops and falls to the ground in pain as only a few groans can escape its sizzling face as the flames die down and reveal its scorched body filled with blistering, charred skin as it flinches with every desperate breath it takes until finally…

Nothing. No other sound comes after its final exhalation signifying it had finally died, leaving Daniel all alone and bleed out in pain as he breath through blood splattered, clenched teeth and desperate eyes as he crawls towards the car he used at the beginning leaving a bloody trail behind him with every crawl motion as he goes up against the car but couldn't find the strength to open the handle and his hand slumps down leaving another blood trail as it goes down.

As his hand moves down a large earthquake erupts, shaking everything with the passing of time yet no buildings look as if they will be destroyed yet Daniel and infact all other forms of living organisms feel as well as if something is changing in the world itself.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Hey author here, now its been a while since my last post, that was cause I was sick and couldn't focus enough on my novel, As I said i'm not a good author but i like to try my best. I intend to continue doing just that. Btw side can someone give me a good D&D name for my goliath??

hyperjackcreators' thoughts