
CHAPTER TWENTY:Strange things are happening.

It was a School day, Seo ran was late to school, she arrived at school and walked up to her class just to find a teacher in there teaching, it was the history teacher, she asked for permission and she was allowed to enter the class, the class was busy staring at her because she skipped a day from school last week and that is unlike her.She sat down on her chair,hung her bag on the chair and brought out a book to be jotting the lessons,few minutes later the teacher left the class and jun seo talked to her,"You didn't come to school last week,"jun seo said,"yes I had to take care of few things"She replied,"okay, I just want to apologize for what happened,I know you were mad at me because I didn't return the handkerchief earlier,I am so sorry, please pardon me"jun seo said,She looked at jun Seo,"I am not mad at you,I talked to you that way because I was frustrated and pissed off that very day,I am sorry"She said,"Alright, so do you mind sharing with me the few things you had to take care of"jun seo said smiling at her,Eun ji and her friends were busy looking at them,Eun ji was fuming and jeaulous,she hates to see them together,"It's something personal Jun seo"Seo ran said,"but you can share it with me,I am your sit mate and friend right?I am ready to share your sorrows or problems with you"jun seo retorted,"there is no need for that,it's personal,I wish it's something I could tell you but I can't,it's a family issue"She said,"Alright then,let's forget about it,I saved the last week's note for you,I will give it to you later"jun seo said,Seo ran smiled"thank you so much"She said,jun seo looked at her and saw a trash on her hair,"Stay still"he said to her and gently moved his hands towards her hair,two boys were playing and running around the class,one of them mistakenly shook jun seo and he hugged Seo ran,the whole class shouted and all eyes were on them,they hugged for few seconds before Seo ran quickly released herself,"I'm sorry,I just tried to remove the trash on your hair"Jun seo said and removed the trash and showed her,"Here it is"he said, smiled,and threw it away on the ground,Seo ran noticed the whole class staring at them,she quickly stood up and left the class with her book and phone.Mi ho saw everything that happened, he was about to enter their class to talk to Seo ran and saw the hug between her and the new boy jun seo, Seo ran stood in front of the class door and closed the door behind, she looked at her right and saw mi ho standing with one can of strawberry juice, "Hello Seo ran" he said, "Hi mi ho" she replied, "How are you doing? mi ho asked, "I am fine, and you? She replied, "I'm good too, I came to see you because Gu Na RI told me you skipped school last week, I hope everything is fine. he asked, "Definitely yeah, thanks for your care," She said, "I brought you strawberry juice, your favorite," he said and handed over the juice, she collected it and smiled at him, "Thank you so much mi ho, I love strawberry and you still remember"Seo ran said, "I can never forget it" he replied, and they both decided to go for a stroll around the school compound.

Lee SEO yeun went to work,she was done cleaning the utensils in the kitchen so she went up to their young master's room to check on him but he wasn't there,she thought of another place to see him and went to the bar in the house,she came in,"Wow this cellar is big and beautiful"She said to herself,she was busy admiring the wine cellar until she heard someone cough,she looked and saw their young master sitting on the ground drunk,she rushed to him immediately"Young master,young master,"She panicked,"oh he is drunk"She said in her mind,"I am so sorry dad,I failed you,I couldn't partner with them"Dong ju said in his drunk state,Seo yeun helped him up,She cross his arms around her shoulder and helped him up to his bedroom,she used the other hand and opened the door afterwards took him closer to his bed and laid him,he was wearing a shirt and sweating,"I need to take off his shirts,he is sweating"Seo yeun said in her mind,She is contemplating if to remove the shirt or not,finally she decided to remove it,she quietly took off his black shirt and kept beside the bed,she admired his abs and hot chest,She placed her right hands on his chest,"I am so sorry young master,sorry for the pain I had to make you go through,you are so cruel to me,quite alright but I really hit harder,I shouldn't have accused you for the crime of those idiots and made you pay the price"She said to herself,as she was about to leave,his hands drew her back and she fell on top of him,his hands were clunged to "her waist and her two hands placed on his abs,she looked intensely into his sleeping eyes,"Damn he is so cute"She said in her mind,She got off her thoughts and realized that if someone comes in to see them this way she will be misunderstood,she sprang up from his body immediately and shifted her gown,after that she left his bedroom. She went downstairs panting heavily, she couldn't believe she found herself on top of his abs today, "let me check what's happening on social media" She said, she brought out her phone and logged in to Twitter, she was scrolling up and saw a shocking trending news, "What! from my neighborhood?dead?this is strange, and he is a blogger"She soliloquized, she saw the news about the death of a popular blogger that lives in sangsu dong neighborhood, she kept looking at the pictures to know if she could recognize his face, she stared and recognized him as a boy she knows from their neighborhood, it was stated that he was pushed out of a strange car stabbed in different parts of the body, he was rushed to the hospital immediately but unfortunately, he didn't survive it. Her mood changed because it was someone from her neighborhood and she sees him as a calm guy, "Who could have been so heartless, what has he done? She questioned herself in her mind, she kept thinking until she heard the chief maid calling her and she left to answer. Madame jun ri can be seen in her pavilion, she was drinking a hot cup of coffee and at the same time pressing her phone, her maid was standing beside her and fanning her, "What has dong ju been up to? She asked the maid, "Nothing madam, he has just been in his sad mood" The maid said, "Sad mood? Madam jun ri said, "Yes madam, he lost the contract with the foreigners, "the maid said, Jun Ri dropped her phone on the table, "What! She shouted out, "Yes madam, it was said that he slept off on that day and he woke up late, and that was how he lost the contract," the maid said, "He is such an incompetent fool, how could he, sleep? this is strange, how could he just lose the contract just like that, "She said furiously and sipped her coffee, "Firstly he called off his partnership with the gang industry and now he lost the contract with the foreigners," She said tapping her hands on the table not quite long her phone rang, "Leave me," She said to the maid and she excused her to answer the call, "What is it? She said over the phone, "Job done"A voice said over the phone, she laughed and cut the call, "Finally, I have gotten rid of the threat, he thinks he can tie me down with his useless threat, no, no, no, I wasted his life then, he can't just play with fire" She said and brought up her cup of coffee, "Cheers to me" She said to herself and sipped her coffee.

Park dong ju was deep inside his imagination,he saw himself holding a lady's hand as they both talked,they got close to kiss each other and he felt a little pain on his head,he turned slowly and opened his eyes,he looked around and saw his bedroom,he looked beside him and saw his shirt,"Wait,I was wearing my shirt,how is it on my bed?he got up immediately and touched his forehead,"What on earth happened?how come my shirt is removed and am with no shirts on"he said in his mind,he tried to know if he can remember anything that happened,he remembered drinking in the cellar and recalled himself drunk and on the ground but he couldn't remember how he got to his bedroom,his mind flashed back to the picture of a lady lifting him up and laying him on his bed,he tried to remember her face but kept remembering blur face,the echo of her voice got into his mind again and he recognized the voice to be that of Seo yeun,"Lee SEO yeun"he said out loud,he heard a knock but didn't reply,he even forgot he was

not wearing his shirt,the door opened and Seo yeun came in with a glass of herbal juice,"You are awake young master"She said and bowed,"You..you.. what did you do to me?what happened?why is my shirt off?he asked her,"You were drunk and I helped you to your room,you were sweating and I needed to stop it so I removed your shirt"Seo yeun said,"And who gave you the permission to remove my clothes"he said,"Do you expect me to allow a drunk fellow pull off his clothes by himself"She replied,"Are you calling me a drunk fellow"he said,"I never said so young master,pardon me"She said and bowed,he stood up from his bed and removed the duvet used to cover him,and he walked up to her,"I can't believe you saw my naked chest,you freak"he said to her,Seo yeun laughed and said"And I am still seeing it now"She said pointing to his naked chest,he gasped and hurriedly picked up his shirt on the bed and wore,"Sorry if you find that wrong young master,but I had to do that for your own good"She said,"Why does it seem like you are acting nice today,I thought you despise me,and you address me as a monster,so why helping the monster and talking to the monster"he said,"I ....."She was about to talk but the door banged open and interrupted her, Madam jun ri walked furiously into his room, "How incompetent could you be, you lost the contract" She said to him, Dong ju walked up to his stepmom's face, "And what does that have to do with you?Dong ju said to her,"I am your step mom and your father's wife,I am also the assistant manager of the company,I have every right to know"his step mother said,dong ju smirked,"Did you just say assistant manager?and you don't even care about the affairs of the company,you only care of your greed,you spend time gossiping and enjoying with your friends, that's all you do,and you call yourself an assistant manager"Dong ju said to her,"I don't care what you say,but you are a full disappointment to your late father,he has always wanted to partner with that company and you had the chance,but what did you do,you ruined it"his step mother said,they forgot that a maid was there and let their emotions get the best of them,it's Seo yeun's first time to see his step mother and now she understand what the workers mean by they don't get along,looking into his step mother's eyes she can only see hatred and greed,the moment she told him about been a disappointment and losing the contract,she felt really bad because she knew it was all her fault,"I know,I admit that I am a disappointment,fine,but you are a failure as a mother and as a wife,you are wicked and selfish"Dong ju said,"I don't care,I only care about the company image, don't ruin it because of your incompetence and stupidity,your late father worked hard to get this company to a greater height and now you have taken over,you better do your job well"Madam jun ri said and left as she banged the door hard,Dong ju scattered the things on his shelf and hit his hands on top of his table,he looked and realized that Seo yeun was still there,"And what are you still doing here"he said to her,"I am sorry young master but you didn't give me the permission to leave"Seo yeun said defending herself,"Get out "he said harshly to her and moved to his Windows facing back,Seo yeun dropped the glass of juice on the table,"you are still not fit,I made a glass of herbal juice for you,it will help cool you down,I will leave now"She said and turned to leave but turned back again,"One more thing young master,you are not a disappointment,you tried your best and you do your best everyday,your father must be happy wherever he is"Seo yeun said and left,he looked back but she was gone,he moved close to the table where she kept the juice,he gulped down half of the juice,"It's good"he said in his mind.Lee Seo Yeun finished her work for the day, she entered a train, two ladies were sitting beside her, "So sad, he died, right after his confession video"One of them said, "I don't even feel sad for him because he tried to ruin someone's future and reputation" the other said, "I know but it is still a death case, we should feel sorry for him, I like most of his blogs"the other said, Seo yeun knew they must be talking about the death of San min, "Excuse me please, you talked about a confession video if you don't mind can you please tell me the full details"Seo yeun said to them, "You mean the dead blooger, right? one of them said, "yeah, I mean him"Seo yeun said, "San min is the blogger that lied against the CEO of park industry, he made up a scandal about him, saying he is an illigetimate child and killed his father"one said, "CEO of park industry, does that mean the news was a lie? he is a legitimate child and also didn't kill his father?Seo yeun asked them suprisenly,"Yes,it was just a scandal from the dead blogger,and no one knows the reason for his deed,he made a confession video and posted on his Instagram and YouTube page"the other lady said,"okay thank you so much"Seo yeun thanked them,she quickly brought out her phone and searched for San min's page,she scrolled through his posts and came across a confession video,she watched it and it was true,he admitted he lied against the CEO and just wanted to ruin his reputation,"Park dong ju is not who I think he is,he is not an illigetimate child and he is not a killer nor a monster I think he is,there are many things I just don't know about young master"She said in her mind,she is suprised that all she thinks about him isn't true but all lies,"I have really wronged him,maybe he is just rude by nature but not evil and bad as I think,I feel so bad that he lost that contract and his step mother blames him for it,I really need to find a way to correct myself,about san min?why will he lie about park dong ju,what could have being his reasons for doing that,"She thought in her mind,"I really think the CEO of park industry is behind his death"one of the ladies said,"Why do you think so?Seo Yeun asked, "Because he might just want to revenge for the scandal he made about him, "the lady said, "Could the young master be responsible for his death?I don't think so and I need to find out, I also need to think of a way to deal with the bullies too, oh my Gosh I am so confused" She said in her mind and scratched her hair in confusion.