
Chapter 31

The café owner has now reached the table of the young friends, standing a few feet behind them. His eyes scan over them, watching their every move, his expression neutral but his eyes intense. The friends are all sitting rigidly, their bodies tense. The main instigator is the one who dares to glance back, looking up at the café owner with a mix of confusion and unease.

The café owner meets the young man's gaze with his own stern look. For a moment, they just stare at each other, the owner's eyes conveying a mix of warning and authority. The young man looks visibly scared now, his earlier bravado all but gone. He swallows visibly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down his throat.

The café owner doesn't blink, his gaze unwavering. He says, in a low, firm voice, "I'm watching you closely. One more noise, and I'll kick you all out." The friends, all tensely listening to the owner, remain silent, their faces a picture of trepidation.

The café owner waits a moment longer, making sure his message has sunk in. The café is still eerily quiet, the other patrons watching the scene unfold with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. Then the owner turns and strides back to the counter, his footsteps almost ominous in the deathly silence of the café.

As the café owner returns to the counter, the tension in the café doesn't immediately disperse. The other patrons continue to watch the young friends, their gazes wary, their faces slightly tense. The friends themselves are still sitting quietly, their faces now pale and their eyes wide with worry. They look like a group of scolded kids, their earlier loud and defiant behavior now replaced by a wary, almost sheepish silence.

The café owner, standing behind the counter, continues to observe the scene, his expression unchanging. He's now wiping the countertop with a cloth, but his eyes keep straying back to the young friends, his gaze watchful. The atmosphere in the café has now calmed down to a tense, almost expectant hush. The other customers are still sneaking glances at the group, their gazes a mix of curiosity and caution.

The young friends are now studiously avoiding looking at the café owner. They're all huddled together, their conversation now a low, furtive whisper. From time to time, one of them sneaks a surreptitious peek at the counter, checking if the owner is still watching them. The owner continues to clean the countertop, his gaze flickering occasionally towards the friends, his expression stoic.