
Pick Up

"And?" General Alex Glacies asked as he waited for the knight to catch his breathe enough to speak his report out. "T-The citizens inside one house are all gone…the others residing in the area have told us that they crawled out of the windows towards here being deformed and all. Much like a ghoul." The knight said.

Alex Glacies shook his head as he went to the castle to inform the King of the situation. "Are you alright, sire?" He asked King Orwell Augustus. The latter nodded and smiled. "You did well, Alex. I am happy to know that I did not fail in my judgment to choose you as the person to guard the barracks next to the castle." The King commended him.

"I am not deserving of your kind words, my King." Alex knelt as he bowed his head down. "I am not here only to check up on you, sire. It is also about what the Sunstrider and my sister said. It is in fact true, a family of humans have turned into the ghouls we just exterminated earlier." He revealed to the King.