

The man's eyes widened. "Ah. My apologies, you are the chimera hunter sent to kill the lesser ones, eh?" he realized as he scratched his beard.

Grim nodded proudly. "The reason I am here is because I have some business with the prior chimera hunters scheduled to be sent here before me." Grim said while pointing to the paper with his parent's name on it.

"What did you say your name was again?" he asked once more.

"The name is Grim. Grim Fe-" Before Grim could say what his last name was, the man interrupted him.

"So that is why I did not recognize you. The ones tasked with defeating the fodder or weaker chimera are not listed in the briefing papers. Their names are not included in them, that is." The man in charge of the ranch said.

Grim took steady breaths, in and out to try and calm himself.

"Look, just let me stay here for a bit. Just enough time so that the chimera hunters for seven o'clock would arrive." Grim pleaded.