after meeting micahel told everything about the company share. he said there is 4 share and there are still a family. the wife, and cousin and Mr Kim . Mr Kim is the biggest that having or own the share and the second is Lisa wife of Mr Kim. the company is growing well in this year there are profit and the share having devident. ms Lisa need a money and he said to me , she never told me what it use for. but I think its for her personal . the company can denied it cause she is having or own the share of company. Mr Kim asking about this fraud but it OK Marshall still can handle it. Marshall know that it still the family company. and the share in not for public. but Mr Kim need to know about the company that he will expand in USA. the factory will be building on the right place in USA , the regulation of USA is complicated. I need a lawyer for that job. you should told him Michael. yeah I will told him. the report that Mr Kim want to built the factory in USA I already learning it , there is so.many regulation on it. and I think we need lawyer. we will make it happen and believe me the regulation is simple and we need a lot of money to built the factory. the government of USA will easier if we know the regulation. but cause its a company family , the regulation on USA its can't be a company family we need people who have equity to having the factory share. I think that all you can tell to Mr Kim . OK I have a meeting on hi. at 1 pm and I will asking about that you tell. OK I need go back to my bussines there is a job for me in other company good luck Michael. so I going to the next client. I believe it will can be happen if we have a lawyer on the factory. ahh.,.. miss Lisa yeah Marshall are you in the office yeah mr Marshall. OK I'll be there in a hour. Mrs Lisa is my client she is bussines women and have so many bussines . she is a social it a too.. I don't know that Mrs Lisa is wife of Mr Kim. Lisa meet me and he want me handle the tax of hers. she having so many bussines and don't have time to tax regulation so she need me. its OK for me cause she can paid enough of me. I have a personal client so many it from actress or socialita and bussines women. I just handle their tax and report it then I get paid. Mrs Lisa told me that she is busy so make myself comfortable on her office. so it OK to me I can work alone with minim supervision . Mrs lisa going out from bussines.. and when I check the report there is the rubber factory financial report , I don't know why Mrs Lisa have it but I think she is having share of the rubber factory but who she is... so I remember about Michael told me that there is Lisa as stake holder in the rubber factory. maybe she is the wife of Mr Kim. but it impossible Lisa that I know is a bussines women and a sociallita . she never wanted to be stake holder or anything else. so I have secret of this . I will ask her if I need it.