
The lone boy in the myserious forest.

The Story is about a young Asian kid Name Jin a 10 year old kid when he woke up one day, he was surrounded by trees, laying on the grassy dirt ground. Follow the journey of Jin as he adapts to his conditions and slowly uncover the truth behind everything.

DaoistAYgH80 · Ação
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1 Chs

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'huh.." Thought a Young Boy laying on the dirt ground eye's closed, The boy Opened his eyes and looked around. Where was he, where was his Mom as Any young Kid would think in that situation but not Jin.

Ever Since he had Known he was abandoned by his Parents, The Last words he heard from who he thinks was his mother was "don't give up" its surprising he could even remember the exact specific words, but it always bothered him since he would have these dreams about this women perhaps his Mother as The Women would say those exact words, "Don't give up " what bothered jin wasn't that, it was the fact that the women kept on Speaking but nothing else was heard just mouth movement.

Jin is Quite Smart, Some At The orphans would go as far as calling him a one in a millon genius, he Matured at a very young age but not like the rest, he matured way quicker than anybody else, Occasionally Jin would go visit The public Library across the Street, Almost all the books inside Jin had read and memorized gaining tons of knowledge of different genres.

Finally After thinking Jin got up, There was this Book Jin had read back in the Library "survival of the fitness" using the information from that book, jin got up, took a deep breath, and searched for material as it would get dangerous once dark comes.