
The Logos

What if Athena, the Goddess of War and Wisdom among the Olympians had a little brother called Adonis, the God of Words, and Knowledge.

David_555 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

The Primordial of Time

" Clank!! Clank!!" Screeching metallic cries sounded out from deep within the dark and lifeless void.

Looking closely, a figure could be seen quietly sitting cross legged with both palms in an intricate seal. His upper body was bare, and covered in bloody scars, and his eyes were covered in a silver cloth, covered in golden Sanskrit, while his silver hair was dirty.

One could see that, countless blades from deep within the void were continually slashing against the body of said young man and each slash drew ichor from his body and kept increasing the amount of bloody scars on his body.

" Uggh!" With a groan, he spurted out golden ichor while his face paled. However in a burst of silver light, color immediately returned to his face, while the bloody scars on his body vanished as if they were never there.

" Sigh. Ever since I advanced to tier three True God realm, I can't advance anymore. It's as if there's a major blockade that's keeping me from advancing. " He slowly stood up and stretched his back lazily. Although there was no solid ground, his feet were planted as if he was standing on solid ground.

" There's so much divine energy bubbling inside me that I have to refine my body everyday just for me not to explode. In terms of quality and quantity even Apollo won't be my match any longer." He chuckled and spoke.

" Swoosh!" In a burst of silver aura, he was covered in a long neck purple shirt, before his body vanished.


" Athena! Where the hell is your brother!!!" Boom" A young woman in a silver robe was sitting on a golden throne with a countless scrolls in front of her. Her elegance, grace and beauty was unmatched and her golden eyes seemed to see through even the most intricate mysteries of the cosmos.

Suddenly she heard a shriek from miles away which caused her to sigh and toss away the scroll in her hand.

" Artemis, what brings you to my humble abode." In a flash of milky white moonlight, another woman appeared in front of her dressed in a silver armor with a bow in hand and quiver strapped to her back. She was the pure definition of holiness and her entire body gleaned in moonlight.

Athena hurriedly put on a fake smile and walked close to her.

" Where the fuck is your brother!!?" Artemis asked again. Her fury seemed to cover the entire earth in silver light, as she glared at Athena.

" No idea Artemis ." Athena however shrugged her shoulders .

" What the fuck do you mean you don't know!! Isn't he your brother?!" Artemis stomped her foot, causing Athena's palace to rumble.

" Boom!!" Calm down Artemis. " Golden light burst out of Athena's eyes immediately stabilizing her palace. It was built by Adonis in a pocket dimension he made, after she has ascended to the realm of Elder God and defeated Tyr, the Norse God of War in battle.

Artemis was pushed back several steps as her eyes widened in shock. " She's grown even stronger." She muttered to herself, while she decided to calm herself.

" Look Artemis, my brother is the God of Spacetime. If he wanted to hide, not even Zeus could find him. And besides, he didn't tell me either." Athena smiled and said.

" However what is the matter? What did he do this time?" Upon reaching the end of her statement Athena facepalmed. Adonis had turned into a rather annoying prankster and this time he decided to prank no one other than Artemis .

" He stole my moonlight peaches . " Artemis said with a grumble. Athena could see that she was rather trying to keep her anger at bay.

Athena was rather dumbfounded. The moonlight peaches were a rather important relic for Artemis. She loved them and tended to them every night, yet Adonis had stolen all of them.

" I'm back Sis!! Did you miss me!" Athena was about to speak when a familiar voice sounded out and Adonis appeared with his usual carefree smile.

" You bastard!!!! With a loud cry of anger, Artemis immediately drew a silver arrow from her quiver and placed it on her bow. " Boom!" A shockwave immediately exploded, blasting Athena's temple to ruins. While almost shattering the space of the pocket dimension.

" Whoosh! " The silver arrow shot out like a shooting star piercing through the clouds and shot towards Adonis.

" By Gaea" Athena wanted to move but was too late. She didn't really know Adonis' true strength though.

" Boom!" A loud explosion occurred, creating countless singularities all around them.

" I leave for so long and this is how you welcome me ? How rude." A slight chuckle was heard, before Adonis' figure was revealed completely unscathed.

Artemis and Athena couldn't help but gasp in shock. One had to know that, Artemis was now and Elder Goddess while Adonis was still stuck at the tier three True God realm.

" Hehehe. Did you miss me Artemis?" He chuckled once more and with a slight snap of his finger , the pocket realm was restored together with Athena's temple.

" I didn't take your moonlight peaches Artemis. It was Apollo. He framed me." Adonis shrugged. " You liar !!!" Artemis scowled, before drawing another arrow.

" Hmmmm, Senior kindly show yourself . It isn't great to hide yourself from three kids like us." Adonis immediately sensed a presence he had never sensed before. A power that eclipsed even Gaea. Athena and Artemis were both shocked by Adonis' words and turned to see a handsome man in sliver robes watching them with a slight smile.

" Welcome, Lord Kronos. " Both of them bowed, leaving Adonis with his casual smile on his face still standing.

" His entire presence seemed to define the existence of temporal laws. Although his control over space isn't as great as that over spatial laws. The sheer power emanating from him is extremely overwhelming. In other words the difference between me and him is realms apart as of now." Making countless deductions in his mind, his smile turned into a bitter one.

" Sharp senses boy." Lord Kronos walked towards Adonis and patted his shoulder with a gentle gaze. He could already sense Adonis' mind calculating countless countermeasures against him, with intrigued him.

" Who are you?" Adonis asked in a neutral tone. " My name is Kronos. Primordial of Time ." Kronos said with a slight smile.

Adonis really wanted to use his eyes to check out the true origin of Kronos, however he found out that he was frozen.

" I have chosen you as my successor boy, but you are too weak. Not just that, those bird people seem to be looking for you for some reason. " Kronos finished his statement with a slight frown.

" Bird people? Is he talking about angels? As in Micheal? Lucifer!!!?" Adonis exclaimed in his mind, though his face was calm.

" Michael? Maybe but Lucifer? No. He's actually my best friend and definitely wont harm my successor but that Amenidiel and Remiel, I wish I could just pummel their smug faces with my fist." Kronos said with a sigh.

" You can ... read my mind?" Adonis frowned, before immediately pulling off the silver blindfold, revealing the full extent of his power.

" Your eyes are definitely beautiful, but they seem to be recovering, and most of their power is sealed. Make no mistake, even if you get their full power, and want to go against me, I'll definitely whoop your ass." Kronos spoke with a chuckle.

" Anyway I'm here to offer to train you, as my successor. Don't ask why. I can't tell you that now. Do you accept?" He looked intently at Adonis and spoke.

" Fine." Adonis sighed and nodded. He was in no position to refuse .

"Great we shall begin right away. And you might want to say goodbye ." Kronos chuckled before opening a portal with a wave.

" Can't they come with me?" Adonis asked, refusing to part with them.

" No!! Your training is going to be filled with dangers that even you might not be able to face. Do you want them to die along with you?" Kronos spoke the truth point blank.

" Sigh. I guess I won't be seeing you often from now on. Here take this." Adonis walked to Athena and handed her something like a jade talisman. " You can contact me with it." He smiled and hugged her, while she nodded. Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged him back. " Be safe." She added.

" Bye Arty. "Adonis walked to Artemis and swiftly kissed her on the cheek before running away with a mischievous smile .

" Alright lets go!!" With a wave, Kronos' portal swallowed them leaving a tearful Athena and a stunned Artemis.