
Techniques and Their effects, so far

Speed Boost: Small Increase of speed for a few seconds with a very small cost of stamina

Great Speed Boost: Great Increase of speed and reflexes for a few minutes with the cost of large consumption of stamina

Strength Boost: Small Increase of strength for a few seconds with a very small cost of stamina

Great Strength Boost: Great Increase of strength and resistance for a few minutes with the cost of large consumption of stamina

Fierce Thrust: Increases the penetration of any sharp weapon like swords and spears

Slayer Slash: Small Increase in the sharpness and toughness of a weapon during a single attack

Consecutive Slayer Slash: Medium Increase in the sharpness and toughness of a weapon for a few minutes

Fire Wave: Conjures a medium-size firewall (3 meters tall x 9 m. wide) that advances directly to the opponent. Slow speed but great range

Heavenly Eye: It allows the user to scan the amount of energy of the target. They need to born with one to be able to use it

Wind Slash: Conjures a wind blade that can cut stone. It had great speed but its range is short

Wind Reinforcement: Covers the weapon with a thin layer of white smoke increasing his sharpness and resistance against some types of magic, only the ones with the category of Magic Swordsman can use it

Blazing Warrior: Increases the strength, speed, and resistance for 1 or 2 realms, depending on the user they can become very weak after using it or they could die from the exhaustion

Three Elemental Boost: Covers the body with Fire, Earth, and Wind. The Fire Magic increases the attack power by generating fire in the hands of the user after taking a weapon this covers the weapon as well, The Earth Magic increases the defense by cover the body with a rock shield and The Wind Magic increases the speed of every muscle of the body. the only thing bad about this technique is the excessive use of stamina and the great pain it causes after combine it with another Boost technique

Blessed Light Healing: A great healing light magic it cures the target's mind and body damage, it's powerful enough to cure small size wounds of anyone else near the target

Fire Prison: Creates a dome of fire around a target it can change the size depending on the target, the duration is around then minutes all the oxygen inside disperse after that time causing the death of the target

Fire Rain: Creates a dozen of small fireballs (30cm diameter) above the target following him for a short amount of time. They are small but the explosion that they caused is huge

Fire Reinforcement: Covers the weapon with a layer of fire that can melt other metal objects at contact the duration depends on the user only those in the category of Magic Swordsman can use it

Light Sword: Makes a sword of yellow light, the sharpness is the same as a Mythril sword but the duration is low around 10 minutes

Trident Sword: A spell that combines with Light Sword, creates 2 additional daggers on both sides of the sword but shorts the duration of the spell Light Sword in half of the time

Strengthened Thrust: Increase in weapon strength during a thrust

this is in the case i forget them XD

I will make more later

Burst17creators' thoughts