
The Little Fish

Mesage from the writer: I am not all that sure how to write a synopsis. I tried one for this book eariler, but I dont think it was good enough to be clear what this book is actuly about, so no one decided to read it yet. So now I am going to be comepletly honest, and leave out all of the mystery nonsense. I have allways wanted to be a writer when I grew up, all the way since kindergarten. I have won several first place awards for my works, includeing two childrens books I wote in elementary school that can make a grown man cry. Now that I am in college however I plan on becomeing a vet. This is not because I've given up on my dream I just hate writeing about things I dont care about, and earning a living in creative writeing is hard. It depands on people which I don't quite understand, necuse I have autism, so I will suport my self with a job, that may just verry will give me extra experience for my writeing. This story happaned becuse I wanted to see how this platform would work. The idea for it happend becuse I looked at my fish after reading "Beauty and the Beasts"(a story on this site) and wondered why no body made an aninal morph man story about fish, or more specifically pet fresh water fish. Mean they are gorgeous and really friendly. So I decided to make a story based on a factured version of my life as an obessed fish keeper, liveing at home, while going to college, that now includes magical fish that can take on human form. Expect a well detailed story that has alot of emotion in it. My policy in writeing has been to give every portion of it some sort of reason. I would aprciate suggestions on what kind of creature to add in next to the story, even if its not fish related. I kind of imagine this as some sort of adventure that I as the writer can go on with the reader. I figure it should ne fun. I figure its going to be a wacky comedy overplayed by a more serious sounding narritve. But as I kinda want to see how people react to my weridness I will accept toneing it down or toneing it up. If anyone does like this idea please let me know, in the coments, and I will continue writeing, if not I wont.

marla_rose · Fantasia
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3 Chs

03 03

Rosana looked into her 1 galon hospital tank made out of a 1 gallon plastic pretzel jar from Cotsco, which now housed the the little naked man. She watched the little creature swish the long ribbon like things on its, back. It stayed balled in a a fetal postion hands near its head, it's eyes were full of fear.

"Poor thing," she felt bad for scareing the pittful creature. "I'm sorry little one I didn't mean to scare you. I just don't want you in my tank where you disturb my fish. I dont even know what are. You're just going to sit here in this isolation tank for a bit, if you need me I'm going to be sitting over here doing my math work, so tap on the plastic if you need me okay?"

The little naked man just floated there, his big back eyes filled with fear. She shook her head and sat down at her desk to do her work.