
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

An encounter with Death

fear I felt fear so heavy where was I? what was happening? I need to get away is all I thought, I look down at my hands then bile rose in my throat I could see straight through them, I was like a Spector in this place. I looked down at the rest of my body I was completely bare, the thin sheet the covered my nakedness was gone and I was completely uncovered yet I felt no breeze? I honestly felt nothing at all not even the long grass under my feet, when I realized I was obviously not really in this place my mind calmed, I began to look around it was off the sky was dark and star filled yet I could see the lush green grass as if the sun filled the sky, I turned to see the large almost black wood tree that was huge walking around the base look like it would take a life time the leaves were covered in small glowing bugs I gave a sense of warmth to me I felt at peace here,

"CAW" startled by the sound I quickly looked down at a branch much lower on the tree, it was the crow I cocked its head to the side and let out another loud "CAW" the sound made me fall back "w.. what do y..you want with me?" I asked I was tired of its games the thing has followed me since childhood

" hahaha wrong question" it cackled at me

" what you should be asking is why can you see me?"

" then why can I see you what are you?" I asked

the crow opened it's large obsidian wings and flew towards me , quickly I covered my head as I came for me.

" do not shy from me child, I am but death" exclaimed the beast my eyes where closed tightly as I heard a rustling of its feathers, opening my eyes slowly I looked and gasped where there was just a moment ago a crow was a tall man, he was magnificent dark skin glowing as if kissed by the sun goddess herself long black curly hair cascading down his body like the the night sky itself, his eyes were like stars a soft yet intense yellow, the man had large black wings that shined , beautiful full lips I drank in his image like fresh water he wore nothing on his feet and had a bare chest and in the center of his forehead he had a sliver outline of the moon, I know my mouth had to be stuck hanging open I had never seen such a beautiful man.

"Are you done gawking child?" chuckled the man

"w who are you" I could hardly speak he exuded light he almost sparked,

"I am death itself child as I said to you before and you have known me your whole life" I couldn't help but notice his teeth and the large fangs like a predator in his mouth. death??

death reached his hand down to me " come" I started to reach up then pulled back my hand " if I touch you won't I die?" I spoke fear evident I my voice " no child not you only you can touch me " softness in his voice as he spoke a wide smile appearing on his face making his eyes crinkle as he looked down at me with so much love, I believed him why would he need to lie to me " now come we have much to talk about" so finally I reached up to take his hand and right before out fingers touched I felt myself falling and was tossed into darkness.

"ELLIE!!? ELLIE!!? oh Goddess Ellie please wake"

I could hear a very distressed Dane but yet couldn't open my eyes.

I tried to speak and nothing it's as if I was stuck in my own body I could feel cold spreading through my body I must be on the floor I was thinking I needed to stop passing out Infront of this poor man oh Goddess I have no clothes on, my internal monologue was cut short when I felt a warmth on my lips and my eyes fluttered open to find Danes lips pressed to mine, I felt butterflies in my stomach, Dane must have noticed that I was awake because he pulled away suddenly and grabbed my face gently in his hands fear in his eyes and touched his forehead to mine " I'm so glad that worked" Dane whispered more himself than me

" please don't leave me" .