
The Lion and His Lamb

Miranda Krislan, a kind, loving girl in love with God besides her current situation in life, she lives and thinks positively as president of the Christian association club at Bellwood High. Surrounded with people suffering from various mental illnesses and traumas she makes it her mission to lead them to God. Will she be successful or will the devil prosper by up coming events in her life? Translations mainly in KJV bible.

Fadzai_Kangausaru · Adolescente
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3 Chs

The Lion And His Lamb 3:

Chapter Three: It's not him.

I walk into school, tired from my sleepless night.

Mother and her boyfriend, Charles, chose to make a noise while playing a 'game'. If you know, you know.

Today I couldn't walk with Trinity, since she had work today and would miss school.

I see Toby and walk towards him, a tired smile on my face.

"Hey Mimi. You good?" He asks, concerned and I nod.

"Yeah, just a bit, fatigued." I say and he smiles and nods. "Toby, do you have hockey at lunch?" I ask and he frowns in thought.

"Umm, nope. Why?" He asks and I sigh, a breath of relief.

"Just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be alone at lunch." I say and he looks around.

"Where's Trini?" He asks and I frown, confused.

"Who's Trini?" I ask and his face goes a deep, rosy red.

"Oh, it's just a nickname I made for Trinity, you know. I wanted my own thingy for her." He says and looks away and I smile, he is so adorable.

"Okay. Um, she has work and can't come in today." I say and he deflates, mumbles something.

"Well, let's go I guess." He ends up saying causing me to giggle at his attitude.

We begin to walk away, but as I turn I see the same guy from yesterday.

His dark blue eyes are locked on my mud brown ones. That's when I notice it.

A tiny spark, I want to walk to him when Hudson, Serenity's brother walks up to him making me halt and sigh.

"Toby?" I say and he looks at me.

"Yeah?" He asks and I pointedly look at the boy.

"Who's he?" I ask and Toby cocks an eyebrow.

"Him? Um, that's Ezekiel Manham. Why?" He asks and I shake my head and smile.

"There's something about him, I don't know what, but I'm intrigued." I say and our eyes meet.

Usually I can't make eye contact, but this time I look at him. He rolls his eyes and looks away.

Toby grabs my arm and yanks me after him, disrupting my train of thought.

"Toby, what are you doing?" I ask and he halts and turns and looks at me, concerned? "Toby, HELLO!"

"Do you like Ezekiel?" I smile and shake my head at his overprotective behavior.

"No, there's just something in me telling me to approach him, I don't know." I say and Toby sighs.

"He and Hudson are bad people. I'm speaking smoking weed and sleeping with girls for fun." He says and I smile.

"And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent." I say, "We need to spread the gospel to people in need, whether they murder, rape, smoke, deal drugs or whatever. God wants us to spread the gospel, that way Jesus can save more people." I finish and pat him, since he seemed very tense.

"I know but, I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" He sighs and I giggle and smack him in the arm.

"I assure you that I'll be alright, okay?" I say and he chuckles.

The bell rings and we make our way towards our first period, chatting, but I couldn't help but notice the sad look in his eyes. Probably from Trinity's not coming to school.


It was recess, Toby and I sat together in the school cafeteria speaking about types of gods we like.

"Toby! Where's my lunch?" Tony, Toby's twin sister, says as she plops down next to me. "Oh, hey mother Teresa." I look at her confused and she giggles. "I'm guessing you didn't hear your new nickname going around school."

Tony was a short ginger head, with freckles and brown doe eyes. She was a cliché tomboy, skated the skateboard, was captain of the girls soccer team and loved wearing nothing but jeans and hoodies. She barely got along with her mother and didn't like her 'girly' ways, since Toby's mom was a walking Barbie doll with perfect blonde hair and a beautiful body. Toby and Tony got their hair from their amazing father.

"No, I wasn't really aware of it, but I'm glad you guys actually thought of me, God bless you." I smile and she sighs.

"You defeat me, buttercup." She says and I smile as she returns to the nickname she originally created for me.

"Tony, I don't have your lunch." Toby eventually says and she pouts.

"But I'm hungryyy." She whines at Toby and he shrugs. "Buttercup do you have food?" Toby immediately smacks Tony and she yelps, causing a subtle giggle leave my lips.

"Sorry Toto, no." I say and she smiles, something passes through her eyes and I know immediately what it is.

I started seeing it the day Dad was arrested.


"No, it's fine I was just kidding. I should go, see y'all." She says, gets up and leaves.

" I'm sorry about her." Toby apologizes and I shake my head.

"It's alright. Just Toto being Toto." I comment and he smiles.

"How has, umm, home been?" He asks hesitantly looking at his ham and cheese sandwich.

"Toby, you don't have to be nervous. It's been better. Sure mom does, uh, punish me but it's better." I say and look back down at my calculas homework.

"Okay, don't forget I'm heref if you need anything okay." He says and smiles softly, his brown eyes twinkling with fear, fear of me getting hurt.

"Of course, bestie." I say and he chuckles.

"You're such a weirdo you know." He says and I giggle and wink at him.

"You know you love me." I say just as someone sits next to me.

I immediately start to feel uncomfortable, without even knowing who it is.

"Hey Miranda, hey Miranda's friend." The imposter says and I look to my side.

My eyes widen when I notice who it actually is. What was happening?

"Hudson?" Toby says, shocked and confused. "What do you want?" Toby groans and Hudson shoots him a menacing glare, it actually scared me.

"I'm hear for Miranda, not you." He says and I look at Toby, a bewildered look in my eyes.

I was used to going after people I wanted to hear about Jesus Christ, but this time he came right to me.

Praise the Lord.

"Yes, Hudson,  how can I help you?" I ask and he smiles.

"I'd like to take you out, tomorrow evening." He says and I finally look into his eyes, and I see it.

His eyes are a light brown, his face looks much different from earlier when his eyes were a dark brown, so dark they looked black.

It's not him.

"Oh, um sorry Henry but I'm good." I say and he looks at me, eyes wide open, mouth slightly agape from the name I just used.

"Who's Henry." He asks with a slightly shaking voice, however it didn't shake from fear, but from anger.

I move closer to his ear and whisper; "You Henry. There's Henry, Harry and Hudson, no?" I move back to see his face pale, now this' Hudson.

"I-I..." he says, speechless, I look at him calmly and patiently.

"What's going on?" Toby asks and smile at him, telling him to hold on.

I look at Hudson go into panick and I touch his hand.

"Hey, I can help you control them okay, they don't have to be taking your body every single day. You barely remember anything, right?" I ask and he nods, tears building up in his dark chocolate eyes.

Suddenly he flickers and yanks his hand away. He gets up and glares at me.


"You don't know s*it b**ch! F*ck off!" He says and walks away, fuming.

"Mimi, are you okay?" Toby asks and I nod looking to where Hudson...Henry just ran off to.

"What happened?" Toby asks and I look at him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be fair on poor Hudson. It was just a misunderstanding." I sigh and he sighs.

"Gift of dicenment?" He questions and I reply with a nod.

This is a gift give to some people by the Holy Spirit. It helps you detect spirits around you or certain energies.

That's what just happened with Hudson.

I felt really uncomfortable without even looking at him, and last time I went to the office heard his parents speaking about some disorder he had, DID?

Yeah, that's it.

When I heard them, I didn't believe it but now after feeling so unsettled, I knew it was true.

I personally did not believe in that,  the multiple personality thing, I believe it's the influence of negative spirits, no offense to anyone who goes through these things.

"Dang, I mean why was he so angry? He asked you out,you said no. What a baby." He says and I shake my head and chuckle, just as the bell rings, announcing the end of lunch.

"I have art now so I better get going, bye Mimi." Toby says and I nod and wave good-bye at him and make my way to my next class.


School had ended, and I was placing my books in my locker when I felt someone stand right behind me.

It couldn't be Toby because he left a while back because he had hockey practice at his fancy hockey club.

I turn around to be met with intense blue eyes.

"Oh, uh, hi?" I ask and he smiles, the most gorgeous smile I'd ever seen with his pearly white teeth.

"Sorry, did I startle you? I'm Ezekiel, are you Miranda?" He says, once again with his thick british accent.

"Yes I am. How can I help you?" I ask clutching my book against my chest since he was right in front of me, making me feel funny.

Since I was tiny, he had to bend his head a little to look at me.

"Oh, um yeah. I'd like to join the Christian Association Club." He says and I look at him stunned.

"Really?" I ask and he nods." Oh my gosh, yes that is perfect. We have meetings every Monday and Wednesday, sometimes after school. Tomorrow we have one in Mrs. Hurning's class." I say and he thinks.

"Perfect, see you then, bye Miranda." He says and and I stop him as he was about to leave.

"Just Mimi, please." I smile and he nods. "God bless you, bye." I say and he waves.

Today was weird, oh gosh.

I wonder why he had a sudden interest in the club.

You know what I don't care, as long as I can help more people know about God.


Fadzai Kangausaru

And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

Luke 4:43 KJV

Have a blessed day, thank you for reading please vote and share the book ✝️❤️🌟
