
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Bonus scenes (Set 3)


Bonding with Blake


Blake loved Books

Practically anyone that knew her at all, knew this little fact

if you wanted to find her, you merely have to look in the Library and more likely than not, you'll find her

And As expected Blake was reading in the Library as usual

But today was a bit different

She had an unexpected guest.

It was none other than Mordin looking for something to read

Mordin walked in the library and while looking around for a book saw Blake and greeted her

''Hi Blake''

''Hi Mordin''

Aside from that brief exchange they didn't talk, as Mordin took a Book and began to read on a table nearby.

Both of them were happy to simply read books at their own pace…

Though Blake couldn't help but have her Gaze wander to Mordin after a while.

Come to think of it… even though they were Partners they didn't spend much time together …

They had spent time as Whole team, but not much as Partners

It wasn't only because he seemed more interested in his Cat and training but also because she wasn't the best at talking to people.

…. Should she try to hangout more with him?

They were partners after all…

…But for now she would continue reading

It would be rude to interrupt his reading after all

Blake wouldn't like it if someone did the same to her…

Before Blake knew it the sun had gone down and she and Mordin were still in the Library reading

They were practically alone as everyone else was in another section or had left.

She began feeling drowsy all of a sudden and before she knew it she had begun sleeping on the table.

Mordin heard a thump looked up and saw Blake face lying down on the Table near him.

He was worried for her and so went up to her to see if she was okay.

But he found his worry was for nothing as she was simply asleep on the table.

That was when Mordin noticed her Bow was twitching and he touched it, curious

When he did Blake let out a cute moan… in fact it was quite similar to when Mordin touched Blake ears

He looked up at the Clock and noticed it was getting late.

The Library would close any second now… And they would have to get up before it was closed

But he didn't really want to wake Blake up…

She seemed really tired and it would be rude to wake her up.

So he decided to carry her.

He had to be careful though, so he didn't accidentally wake up her up.

After much debating he carried her in what was essentially a princess carry

The result looked quite amusing as the much shorter Mordin carried Blake to their room.

Along the way Blake woke up surprised to find herself in Mordin's arms along the corridor

She couldn't help but Blush at the embarrassing situation she was in and struggled

''It's fine you can let me down now!''

Mordin wondered if Blake was Sick from how red her face was but let her down

They were already near the rooms anyways she could walk the rest of the way…

As they entered the room, they noticed their other two members were asleep

Felicia sleeping quietly while Ruby was mumbling something about a weapon made out of Cookies…

Something very impractical but cool nonetheless

''Thanks Mordin for… helping me to our room''

''It's alright we're partners aren't we?''

''… Partners?... Yes I guess we are… Goodnight Mordin..''

''Goodnight Blake''

Blake entered her bed and tried to get to Sleep

But thoughts prevented her from doing so

Partner… the last person she called that was-...

...Well… they had left on not so great terms...

At first they got along well, but in the end their Conflicting ideals led them apart…

Compared to her Old partner Mordin was different, Incredibly Strong yet ...so innocent… he had no idea of the True cruel nature of the world…

…But she was his partner… she would look after him… they were Partners after all…

...Though she was a bit irritated he seemed more close with his pet them her his own Partner…

They even had the same name for crying out loud…

…Wait, she wasn't getting jealous of a cat was she?

Sure, maybe she hadn't exactly been the most social with him but-….

…and now she was just making excuses… the un-social one was her.

Mordin wasn't exactly Yang but he was far from Anti-social

Her life in the White fang left her little time to make friends… she wasn't used to it, trying to bond with someone

But she was his Partner and eventually they would have to talk more to each other, to better understand one another

She would have to tell him her secrets… though she had a feeling his cat already knew or at least suspected her…

...She was hesitant though, it probably wouldn't matter to him all that much considering this was Mordin


Locker problems (before Yang confronted mordin with ruby)


"I saw what you did, back there." Yang said with crossed arms cornering their team 'Leader'.

"So?" Cardin answered in deadpan.

"So? You pushed my Sister friend into a locker." Yang answered annoyed.

"Yeah, so?" Cardin kept his tone even.

"Why did you do that? Depending on the answer I might punch you. Perhaps several times. Backhand is possible too." Yang answered stretching her fingers.

"Because he is an insult." Cardin stated firmly.

"Insult?" Yang asked confused.

"What do you think about him?" Cardin's eyebrow raised.

"Stupid, silly, a clown with best hair color of all. Nothing too glaring about him otherwise." Yang supplied.

"Was thinking about combat."

"Yeah... Very bad if you managed to kick his ass like that." Yang joked.

"Yeah, screw you too Yang. " Cardin was not amused.

"You wish. I am too hot for you to handle." Yang answered with a bright smile.

"Getting back on track. You think it was beacon very bad, or combat school very bad?" Cardin said after rolling his eyes.

"Your point?" Yang still did not get it.

"Think about it. You saw how 'good' fighter he is. Combat school freshman should be ashamed of his performance in combat classes, but he is a student in one if not the best hunter school. Doesn't student like that strike you as a bit weird sight here?" Carding was getting more and more annoyed.

"Now that you mention it. It is quite strange. From his point of view, this situation should be Jaunting."

"How did he even qualified for initiation? He is not good at combat. He is not smart. You heard his answer in Oobleck classes." Cardin did his best to ignore the pun.

"Your bigot answer was better?" Yang stared at him.

"General Lagune was a great man. All people are going on and on about faunus this, faunus that, but do they deserve respect? " Cardin asked in mocking tone.

"Faunus War happened they got rights and what? White Fang start protesting pushing for more and more. A couple months later their protests end up in fistfights with police. A few years later they start murdering people concentrating their efforts on corporation supplying substance needed for the survival of mankind. Hell, there are times when I would love to hit Princess with mace, but I would not kill her. Those animals on the other hand."

"Come on they can not be that cruel." Yang was quite uncomfortable.

"Do you even watch the news? Try scrolling Schnee company disappearance. If White Fang gets their paws on someone related to Schnee they end up in a body bag, teenager, or not."


"Going back to puke boy. He is zero. Why is he here? No way he got through combat school with that level of skills and I do not believe he could pass entry test for nongraduates."

"But he is here." Yang was happy with the change of topic. Her partner problems were making her unhappy. That whole situation was too Grimm for her taste. Huh, huh?

"Yeah he is, so he either bribed his way in, or we got Arcaic proof that nepotism is a bitch."

"This pun was quite good."

"Your acceptance fills me with shame. I think I should stop hanging out with you before my sense of humor deteriorate more." Cardin said in a deadpan tone.

"Oh come on! Making puns is fun, Brownie."

"Could you stop calling me that?"

"When I figure out nickname based on your pauldrons and breast only plate. Was thinking plate stripper." Yang answered with a smile.

"..... I loathe to admit it, but you got a point there. I should get bigger breastplate."

"I am happy you admit that size matters."

"Either way, do you see another reason he is here?" Cardin answered in deadpan.

"..." Yang though for a while.

"Yeah, so while we all sweat our asses training for years to be here. He throws few lien and walks in like he owns the place. Even our annoying Princess worked for it."

"He cleared initiation test, like all of us." Yang said hopefully.

"What is more likely? Him clearing forest on his own with his pathetic skills, or lucking out with pairing and Champion clearing it all?"

"… Crap." Yang said after few minutes of pondering.

"Yeah, he is an insult to all hunters in the academy. I will make this slacker regret ever cheating his way in." Cardin was furious.

"You going to headmaster?"

"Yeah, of course I am going to the guy he bribed" Cardin answered adding as much sarcasm as he can. "See you later."

Yang thought on things Cardin said. He was quite and ass, but his arguments had some merit. "Hmmm, choices." She stretched. "Maybe I should check out if that Faunus kid should be hanging out with my Sister this much. Maybe I should check Blondie. Baby sister why you have to befriend troublesome people? I guess I will check Blondie first." Later she would regret not picking other option.


Peanut Gallery


"Follow her" Cardin ordered his team.

Alicia and Weiss stared at him. "How long you two thinks Yang can survive without a fight before she gets withdrawal syndromes and goes on a rampage?" Cardin asked in deadpan.

They looked at Yang messing with her gauntlets.



"Let's follow her." Weiss and Alicia said at the same time. "Thought so." Cardin said smugly.

"Neat place. It even got galleries and look at all of that tech. Why we usually do not use this room?" Cardin looked around.

"It's a second-year training room." Alicia answered "It's used in more semblance intensive spars and galleries are made to prevent students watching from getting caught in a crossfire." Weiss added.

"We have to start using this place too."

"What makes you think it is justified, Cardin?"

"Nora and her hammer." Weiss and Alicia recalled their last combat lesson.

"... You got a point"

Mordin enters the area.

"He looks like some kind of miniature robot in that armor." "Solus Paladin." "He looks more like a competitive cyclist to me." Cardin was answered by two snorts.

"Then let the match begin!" Goodwitch says raising her arm, signaling the beginning of the match.

"With Goodwitch we can get out now." Alicia said. "I want to see this. Who do you two think will win this?"




"Five liens on Yang."

"Ten on Yang."

"Ten liens on Mordin."

Alicia and Weiss stared at Cardin. "If he loses I got to see him getting pummelled into a wall several times, if he wins I will get fifteen liens."

"That fair."

Yangs simply smirk and easily dodges Mordin blows.

"Yep, as expected."

"You know you are loosing?"

"I do not mind. Although she is much slower than usual. I wonder why?"

Yang's fist hesitates just as it is about to hit Mordin. He makes use of the opportunity to step aside and watch her fist pass him by.

"What. the. hell?" Cardin asked.

The peanut gallery was shocked.

"Why did she do that?" Weiss was confused.

Cardin looked at Alicia.

"She was avoiding spars with me lately. She said she has to do something before." Alicia looked concerned.

Mordin fist connects with her torso, but she simply pivots her body with the blow and negates his attack.

"At least she moves like always." Alicia commented.

"He sucks." Weiss added.

"Compared to Yang most of us suck in hand to hand. Still, the pukey boy probably could throw a better punch than his. Now she goes for a grapple... Even looking at that makes me dizzy."

"Oh, there she goes." Weiss added right before a laud crash sound.

"That got to hurt." Cardin flinched.

Alicia noded.

"She is down to seventy percent. That impact was big."

"Yeah we heard it, Princess... and now goldilocks is on fire again. This should end this. She at last starts being serious."

"Don't you think that it looks... odd?" Alicia looked at Yang with a frown.

"Now that you mention it."

"Oh, she charged. Everything is good in the world."


"What? What you would think if she did not charge?" Cardin pointed a finger at his partner accusingly.

"... Yes, I understand what you mean."

"Do you see what I see Animal doing?"

"If you see him deflecting bullets with his bare hands. Yes, we do."

"I say bullshit to this."

"His Semblance?"

"Isn't that body manipulation?"

"Can't handle the heat? Don't worry I'll cool you off!" She says with a cocky smirk. She stops chasing Solus, allowing Mordin to gain some distance.

Weiss groaned.

"Still better than usual." Alicia nodded to Cardin words.

"And she will probably char... What the hell? Why is he just standing there while Yang is closing in?"

"Yang tricked him." Weiss said in a slightly uneven tone.




"I am not sure what I am more shocked about. Yang using her head long enough to think about doing something other than charge, or there being a person falling for a scheme of all charge queen." Weiss and Alicia nodded.

"On related note animal is now a wall painting. Why is..."

"What is it, Cardin?" Alicia looked at him concerned.

Yang took a relieved breath.

"Nothing. I must say it is a nice touch." Cardin said with fake cheer.

"What is?" Weiss asked.

"Planting wolfie next to her crater. Payback at it's finest."

"Losing time on theatrics, really Yang?"

"Forthy percent. Final charge."

"Charging is so Young thing to do."

Weiss glared at him.

"Stop imitating her. It gives me creeps that there might be more of her."

"Annnnd... This is bullshit." Cardin shared his opinion.

"He stopped mid-air? How?" Weiss asked surprised.

"Blake and Solus. BS duo. A singing cat might be more normal of two. That says a lot." Cardin commented.

"Fist Bump? That is such a Young thing to do." Alicia said with a smile.

"Could you forget that I ever did that, please?"

"No!" Weiss and Alicia answered in unison.

Cardin felt like he and his team was forgething something very important, but was not sure what.

'Keep calm Cardin, keep calm like you never did before and sway her with your sexy logic and eloquence.' Cardin thought. Preparing for this mortifying experience. "I saw Yang going here, so I thought to check it in case she decided to start a thing. Ma'am. In case I should stop her from doing a thing, but that was not the case of the thing, so I did not stop her. Ma'am. After that, I just could not stop looking. Ma'am." 'Nailed it.'

"Mr. Winchester it's not a bad thing for you to witness his teammate progress. It can be a quite nurturing experience, so it will be forgiven. I would appreciate if you and your team did not make this a habit Mr. Winchester."

"Yes, Ma'am!" He valiantly runs as quickly as possible retreated with rest of team CWAL.

Sometime later

"So what that was about?" Alicia looked at her partner.

"She was afraid of hurting him." Cardin knew how successful he would be at convincing her to drop it.


"I think you will be much better at dealing with that." Alicia just nodded.

"We going to tell Weiss?"

"Nope. Princess Weisscream is not the most tactful person."

"You going to train with Weiss right?"

"What for?"

"So I can do my part with Yang with no interruptions."

"Fine, although it is a pain."

"Not that I needed to convince you after all both you and Weiss does not like to lose." Alicia added with a smile.

"What was that?"
