

It's a fantasy story that doesn't mean to demean or demean any party, with less and less forgiveness and thanks. Somewhere in the unknown. There was a light that split itself into two rays of light, and then one of them formed a life as well as civilization. In this story, there are 3 creatures. Angels, genies and humans. The angel kind is made up of the 3rd class, the heavenly angel, earth angel or fairy and the heavenly heaven/afterlife angel. Then even the jinn is made up of three classes, the jinn which has an animal base form or likes to be called demon, then the jinn which is able to change forms into human or animal then, the last one being born in heaven/afterlife, because of its good deeds during the world. Then the last one is human. Humans, in turn, are of three kinds, normal humans, next to giant and small, animal-like humans. This story begins, from an angel who befriended another angel, then he makes an unimaginable mistake. Finally, after forgiveness. He was once again reborn as a genie of the afterlife. She never knew of her past life, each time she was revived into another being. Then, too, he was forgotten from the origin of his creation. Enjoy reading

Numus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


In a place of worship.

Seen 70,000 winged creatures prostrating, then a voice echoed saying,

Stand up, all of you from that prostrate attitude, O angels. I have accepted the worship of all of you, and do what has been seen in the hearts of all of you. That's my job, comes from that echoing voice.

It turns out that all these winged and worshiping creatures are angels.

It seemed that they all rose from prostrating posture with their eyes still closed.

Seen one of the angels who rebuked while in front of the place of worship, now it's his turn to finish worship.

He was seen smiling, standing up. Then slowly opened his eyes, and flew away very quickly from that place.

Somewhere on earth.

Seen a group of people like humans, looking like they want to go to war.

A group of people that look like humans but are half mixed like apes or monkeys. It can be seen from the number of hairs on their bodies and faces.

Before long, it began to be seen that they were killing each other in the great war.

There were corpses strewn about and so did blood everywhere soaking the earth. Then there was a very loud sound of thunder or lightning from the sky, which made the 2 groups of creatures stop for a moment.

THOUGHTSSS… The sound of thunder or lightning, made them pause for a moment.

However, after that they seemed to be fighting each other again, each other launching attacks with spears, arrows and wood tied with stones.

Above the clouds that seemed to want to rain, the view was directed to a creature that was flying silently behind the dark black clouds.

The creature, it turns out to be an angel who was initially greeted by other angels, when he finished worshiping in the afterlife / heaven.

His gaze fell on the angel, who was watching the war between the two creatures below him.

At this time I have been assigned to be an angel of doom, for beings in the world today, to be replaced with other creatures. By mentioning the majesty of the name of the creator, then I will do it.

Seen on the ground there was an earthquake that made all creatures, who fought it buried into the earth. Seen the sea water also rose to sweep across the plains above the face of the earth.

The creatures, could be heard screaming as the earth swallowed them down. None of the creatures at that time seemed safe.

And this, the end of the creature Bin. Said the angel, then quickly like lightning left.

Somewhere else.

An angel who has just finished worshiping looks now in a very terrible place. Seen in all corners of the fire churning, until occasionally overflowing like exploding upwards. Very much like a mountain that is about to explode its contents.

A voice asked the angel who had just arrived,

"O angel, what are you doing in this place?" asked the formless voice,

The angel immediately answered, I am here ordered to take several types of fire.

"What kind of fire do you need?" asked the formless voice again,

The angel answered again,

I was ordered to take black fire, white fire, green fire, blue fire and red fire.

"Okay. Do you know how to carry the fire?" asked the voice,

"No!" said the Angel.

"Mention the name of the creator who controls fire, I beg and take refuge in you to bring this hell fire." Said the formless voice, giving way to carry the fire.

"Thank you, O servant of the creator." The angel answered.

then pronounce the words accordingly, following the input of the intangible being.

Suddenly, some of the needed fire appeared and flew forward, from the angel's direction. One by one, several of the fires gathered in front of him, and then became a ball like an ornament that looked like a bracelet, then he grabbed it and was about to leave.

Don't forget to say thank you.

"Hi, Servant of the creator who is in this place, I have got what I need. So I go and before that, I say thank you." say angel,

"This is my duty, as an angel who has been handed over to be the ruler of Hell. Remember my name is Malieky." Answer An intangible voice named Malieky.

"Thank you, Malik. Okay I'm allowed to go." replied the angel, who immediately shot quickly away from the place called hell.

Somewhere on earth.

The sea began to recede from the land, then some plains began to appear again.

You can see 4 lights coming down from the sky. Each of the two lights appeared, bringing two beings down to earth.

The view is getting closer to the 4 lights that are starting to approach the land of the earth.

When the 4 lights, arrived to usher the two creatures. One of the lights was heard speaking to the 2 figures who seemed to be a pair of male and female.

Their shape was like that of humans however, seemed to emit fire and water on both sides of their bodies, and the shape of their faces was really strange, like beasts with human bodies.

"You are creatures named Hin, created by the creator with earth, fire and water. So, live well in this world until the appointed time, and do not remember not to spill blood on this earth by killing each other." A sound was heard from one of the 4 lights.

The 2 creatures, kneeling before the 4 lights, answered in a language that was not understood.

"*#@@*$@$" is the language that came from the creature named Hin.

Then in an instant the four lights, shot away from before the two of them.

They, the two creatures called Hin, stood up and then walked back and forth along the land.

Somewhere in the afterlife/heaven.

An angel from hell appears, now walking into the place of worship with the fire in his hand.

When he was already inside the place of worship, he quickly prostrated himself. It turned out that his friend, the angel who gave punishment on earth or the angel he met the first time, was now beside him prostrating himself to something like a black rectangular pile of stones. However, it shines brightly.

Shortly from the top of the stone, a very large light appeared and it seemed that the light was covered by multi-layered glass. However, the light was not dazzling and all the creatures in the worship room and outside immediately prostrated themselves.

There was a voice from the light above the dome of the large box,

Hi, angel. What about the creatures you destroyed in that world?

A voice answered, "I have done what you ordered, O light of truth.

Then again the words sounded from the light,

"Then, how about some kind of fire that I ordered to take it to you, O angel?" Ask the light,

I had carried it, and in an instant the ball of fire that was like a bracelet flew from the angel's grasp and into the presence of the light.

The fires seemed to coalesce, then transformed into a form that was very strange and difficult to explain.

The creature immediately opened his eyes, and looked around him who seemed to be prostrating towards him.

Hi, Jan. You are the ancestor of the Jinns who were first created, solely to worship me, Just like the angels.

The creature immediately turned to the direction of the voice, convinced that the light in front of him was sitting above. Then the light came back saying,

I'll name you Hi, Jan. The ancestor of the Jinns later, with the name Sumiya.

The creature Jan, the ancestor of the future Jinns named Sumiya, now seems to be kneeling and prostrating before the light, saying,

"Thank you, O Light of truth. If I may ask you something, as a sign of gratitude, O Light of the creator?" asked Sumiya, the ancestor of the Jinns.

Say what do you need?

"Servant, I ask for 3 things. First, I want to ask for a life partner in this world, then secondly, I ask for the best form of all your creation, including angels. And finally, I ask to be the most knowledgeable creature as well as my descendants more than the angels. " Said Jan, Sumiya.

"Very well, I grant your three wishes, O Sumiya, the father of all the Jinn in the future." Answer the Creator's Light.

Suddenly from both sides of Sumiya's thighs, something quickly came out in the form of a winged woman, who had a beautiful face like a human but, had pointed ears. Likewise, Sumiya's face changed, becoming a very handsome man with sharp wings and ears.

The two creatures immediately knelt down and bowed again to the suction of the light, and said thank you.

Thank you, the creator, said Sumiya and followed by a new creature who was by his side.

I'll give you a name, Lilith. O Sumiyacouple. You two will be the ancestors of the Jinns. Enjoy this life in the hereafter/heaven, and do not ever approach the Khuldi tree, let alone eat anything that is from it. The command of the voice of the Light,

"Well, the creator light." Answered Shuman followed by Lilith.

Quickly the Light rose up and away from before the two of them, along with the angels with the blink of an eye.

Sumiya and Lilith, got up from their prostration, as did the other angels and seemed to leave the place of worship which was quickly replaced by other angels who were queuing outside the place of worship.