
The Light in the Shadows of Change

Good and evil isn't always so plain to see. The light everyone see's may just be a veil on a wolf, and the darkness may just be our greatest salvation even if we don't understand.

William_Price_8130 · Ficção Científica
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4 Chs


Gliding through the countryside's sky I spot a stream near a rocky mountain side and small grassy hill next to that. Knowing what needs to be done first I head for the hill to find a final resting place for my late mother.

"You can finally rest easy mom, we're almost there.", trying to comfort myself like she could still hear me somewhere. I angle myself up slightly before retracting my wings so that I might land as softly as I could. Though still making a small thud on the grass, it's mostly a success. "Lay here for a moment, I'm gonna prepare your bed." setting her down on the soft grass, so that she doesn't roll away, with the incline of the hill.

I don't have any tools but given what I've become, or how I've become you might say, digging isn't exactly a hard task. Large armfuls of dirty and grass come up with each reach into the ground and within 10 minutes my sloppy 6' hole is dug to allow her easy rest on the large surface of this hill next to a tree. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is since I've not had lessons in botany, but it seems like a nice sentiment and a sort of makeshift headstone at the same time...

"At least I'll know where she is." as the first signs of hard emotions begin to move in. Picking mother up and moving back into the hole, I can't help but to begin slowly sobbing. "I'll never forget the things you've done for me." tears begin to flow from my eyes onto her bloodstained blouse. "Not the two jobs you held, all the meals you made, or the long talks when my behavior was getting out of hand..*sniff* I love you mom.. Why did you have to die?.... Why do we have to continue to suffer more when we've already got so much to struggle with already!?"

I set her down in the dark cold soil afraid to hold her in my emotional state since I may end up crushing the already wore and blood soaked body. "Why do I have to be alone now?! I don't blame you! It's not your fault.. It's just going to be so lonely.... so quiet... an I'm not sure what to do with myself now. Like my heart is in the darkest pit with no hope of seeing the light..." I rub my face while sniffling trying to stop my tears to finish what I need to do.

Hopping out of the grave, because yeah a 6 foot jump is just a hop now, I walk over to the pile of loose dirt and grab the first armful. "I can't say I'll get the one who did this. It's already been finished." realizing what I could say to my mom I remember the now changed body. "I will say that if this is fate, for me to be like this from now on, I'll make the best of it I can. To maybe help those that would end up like you and me, so that the suffering can at least be lessened, if not ended." I begin covering her, "Please look over me, if there is such a thing after death." and I focus on the work so that my mind doesn't wander into darker paths. "Good-bye, Marion Finly, Mom... mm."


Mean while back in the city in a dimly lit building 1 mile away from the now strange lone pool of blood....

"Hey have you guys seen Franky??? He was supposed to be here an hour ago with the report for our 'merchandise', but...." gesturing around the room, "I'm not seeing a whole lot of Franky right now."

Most of the men in here are rough looking, middle aged, with frayed ratty clothing. Drinking some beers and complaining about one thing or another. Wifes, money, sports, whatever seems to be holding their attention on their free time. One starts to speak up, though he's sitting at an old desk that looks somewhat out of place in both the time and the location.

"Franky? The female 'merchandise' supervisor? No I haven--" His phone interrupts him, "What the fuck is it now, Hello? Yeah, whoa hold on, calm down and say that again, just give me a sec."

Placing the phone on the desk and hitting the speaker phone. "Okay now go aheady and tell me that one more time."

A sightly paniced voice comes through on the phone, "Like I said, the cops are all over the park right now man! Someone said they found part of a body just splattered on the ground and tree near one of the paths!"

"Do ya happen to know who it is or is that all ya know? I'm gonna be checkin' it out either way, it's just too crazy not to, but any other info would be good, yeah?"

"Don, man do you have any way to look at Channel 4 news? I think your gonna wanna see it sooner than later....."

"Uh sure, sure." Turning on the small screen in the corner of the desk.

"This just in from police headquarters, the body here in the park seems to be that of Francis Chapel. One of the small time members of the local Mafia, said to have ties into rape, murder, drug and human trafficing. Police could only identify the body due to the Pandorian State ID in the what remained of the victims pants. Authorities are baffled by the state of the body since it usually takes a lot of force like falling from a plane to make this sort of destruction, but the victim is spread out as if he were thrown at the park from a far distance with no trace of the head or limbs."

Don turned off the screen, not wanting to hear much more so that he might keep his temper under control. The room was deathly quiet. The gossip had stopped mostly when the phonecall came, but was now had absolutely vanished in the shock of the news breaking on the TV just now. They all looked at the boss with fear and anticipation wondering if they needed to run or be ready to find who did the deed with Franky.

Don after a few seconds sat back in his chair with his eyes closed started to inhale and breathed slowly to calm himself and think about next steps after.

"Well I guess that answers a lot of questions then... Only thing left to do is find out who.." As the tall man known Donald Langstrum stood up grabbed a cigar and lit it as he wave his men to follow....

First villain has to be small time right? Well normally a mob boss isn't something you just dive head first into, but hey Sam's a badass! XD

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