
The Light and Shadow

For years, her world has been plagued by grotesque monsters that come from the depths of Hell. So naturally, Thea wanted to be a Mage Knight just like her famous father, but her mother has other plans for her. Her mother wants Thea to stop with those tomboyish childhood dreams and become the lady she is supposed to be. She starts to lust after a man that she is forced to marry, which is someone from her childhood, but that man has a darkside. Their sexual tension explodes any chance they get. Is she stuck being a lady, or is her husband more accepting than she thinks? As their fiery relationship blossoms, they get a better understanding of each other in and out of the bedroom and their power they are capable of wielding. They find out they are destined to be together. Will it be enough to save the world?

Karissa_Tatro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

A forgotten memory

I get into the bed and lay there like a corpse. Staring at the gift on the table, shining in the light of the fire. Slowly I start to drift off once again.

A couple days pass and a letter arrived from Madam Bellerose saying that our dresses are ready for pick up. We make our way over there by carriage so we do not need to carry them by hand on our way back. Mother and my sisters try theirs on first and they do look lovely.

My turn. I have my hair the way I might want it for tomorrow. It fits tight the way I wanted it. Tulle hanging off the shoulders with crystals hanging like sparkling raindrops. Delicate white lace lays over pure white silk. The bodice is covered with white crystals. They then flow around the back and down the long train like a waterfall. The only color on the dress is the small dark blue ribbon around the waist that falls down the train.

The room falls silent, "My dear you are magnificent." Mother cries out.

"Lady Thea, you are a sight!" says Madam Bellerose.

"Thea, you look different." says Calixte, trying to figure out who I am.

She is not wrong, I do. I do not look like myself. What happened to the strong-willed person? She vanished in less than a week. I have become what mother wanted. A lady.

"Thank you again Madam Bellerose. It is lovely. As I stated before we will be paying you extra for this rush. You are more than welcome to come to the wedding; I will have my maid bring an invitation to you later today. I hope that after I move and become a Duchess that you will still make my dresses."

"Lady Thea it would be my honor!" Madam Bellerose replies.

"We must go back home to make some final decisions for...for tomorrow." I add.

I get back home. "Arya can you please help me start packing up some of my things. If pack most of the things now it won't be as much to pack tomorrow."

"Yes, my lady!" She answered

"Just keep out things I'll need for tomorrow and for the ride to his home."

"Yes, My lady. Would you like a bath tonight?" Arya asks.

"No, let's wait till tomorrow." I answer.

"Alright." Arya says sounding a little dejected.

"Arya, what's wrong?" I question her.

She sighs "I'm going to miss you."

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

"You're going away forever. I'll never see you again." She says with sadness.

I laugh "Oh Arya, you're coming with me!"

"I am?" She picks her head up.

"Of course! You my closest friend Arya!" I tell her with a smile.

"As you are mine too My lady!" declared Arya.

We finish packing my things and lay out my dress for tomorrow. Both exhausted will flop onto the bed facing the ceiling.

"Are you ready for tomorrow my lady?" Arya asks

"No matter how much time I'd have I don't think I'll ever be ready." I answer. Mother then enters the room.

"Are you all ready for tomorrow?" She questions.

Both startled into the upright posture, "Yes Mother." I answer.

Mother glances at the chests in the corner that are ready for tomorrow, "Arya please give us a moment." Arya bows and swiftly takes her leave.

She proceeds, "Thea I am so proud of you. You have come a long way in this last week, and you will make a great wife. Marriage is not easy, it never is. It is something that takes a lot of work. You will have good days and bad days but do not get discouraged. Live for the little things in life and you'll be all right."

"Thank you." I mutter staring at my hands.

She went silent for a moment "On your wedding night you will have to....consummate your marriage. It is your martial duty. If you do not, then the marriage will be annulled. If that happens, you will bring shame to this family and will never be able to marry again. Is this something you be able to do."

"Yes Mother. I will not shame our family." I say assuringly.

"If it is something you do not want to perform just lay there and think of something else." She pauses for a moment, "Although it helps when they are pleasing to the eye..."

"Mother!" I say in disbelief, I am a little taken back that she said that.

She laughs "You have nothing to worry about he is a good man! Now I will leave you be, so you get lots of rest! Good night my sweet star." She reassured, patting my leg as she gets up to leave.

"Good night mother." I say.

I lay back down, disassociating from my surroundings and getting lost into thoughts about an unknown future.


"You guys wait for me! Mom and Dad will be upset if you leave me behind!" I shout. Is this a forgotten memory that I am dreaming about?

Zander laughs shouting back, "Try and keep up then! You'll never beat us if you're that slow! Come on Drystan, she'll catch up."

I see a dark face looking back at me "Are you sure we shouldn't wait for her?" Questions Drystan.

"Nah, she'll be fine. Let's go!" Zander pushes. The dark face turns away tailing Zander.

I finally catch up with the boys and they are training under the tree by the lake. I take a seat under the tree to catch my breath for a moment. Looking up at the tree, the sunlight dancing through the leaves from the light breeze in the air. Reaching my hand up to shield the light from my eyes, noticing the tree wasn't as big as I remember, though time changes everything.

The sound of them falling catches my attention, both are on the ground breathing heavily.

"You've gotten better for someone of your size!" Zander laughs.

"I've been training, I have to be better than you." Drystan stated.

"I'll keep training harder too!" Zander adds "Do you want to go for a swim?"

"No, you go ahead." Drystan replies getting up and walking towards me.

"Ok, suits yourself." Zander shrugs and walks towards the edge of the lake.

Drystan comes and sits under the protection of the tree away from the sun. I edge away and not say a word.

"Are you still scared of me?" Drystan questions me

I fall silent, "I take that as a yes." He adds "A lot of people are scared me."

I glance over at him, he is looking down picking at the grass with a bleak face but yet his dark aura he normally carries, has vanished.

He continues "Zander was the only one to accept me, I was…I was hoping you would too." I can see his ears getting red, why is he embarrassed? Moment of silence falls between us and I look back out to Zander swimming in the lake.

Breaking the silence, "I am leaving Rhodale soon, Zander doesn't know yet. I don't want to tell him. I don't want him to find out till after I leave, so don't tell him. Another thing is…I don't want you to forget about me."

I look back at Drystan, he looks so broken and still picking at the grass, "Wh..where are you going?" I stammer.

He looks at me and we briefly make eye contact before looking away again, his face got flushed, "I don't know yet, I was told it will be far enough away from here so I can train and control my powers more."

"The unknown is pretty scary. " I add. "But if you think about it, you don't know what you're made of till you step into that unknown."

"Yeah, you're right." Drystan agreed.


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