
The Life You Ruined

it's a story of a young man and a perfectly matching women for him... in everyway... she matches him only she is perfect woman for him.. she is the only woman who can c destroyedapture his heart... but what did he give her.. HE RUINED HER LIFE the girl's whose life you completely

Trisha8432 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

episode 4

That was the end of my celebrity obsession. It was still there, though. I could feel it, biting and kicking to be let out of its shell. Some part of me still liked Dex. No matter how much I had tried to suppress and smash that part, it had endured for over five years. I had managed to not sneak a single peek at Dex for that time.

I guess that's why Sadie's poster bugged me so much. It was Dex. Sadie didn't even love Dex like I used to. I bet she only got that poster to bug me.

"Sadie, why did you get that poster?" I asked sadly. She twirled her hair around her fingers nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? I got it for me!" Sadie replied, a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth. Sadie was so pretty. She had dirty blond hair and huge brown eyes, which complimented her heart shaped face. Her body was toned, shapely and muscular, and her nose was cute as a button. I was insanely jealous of her. She got the pretty genes, and all I got was mousy brown hair and a super skinny figure. The only thing I liked about myself was my eyes. They were even bigger than Sadie's, which was saying something, and they were blue-violet.

"I know you didn't," I accused. She groaned.

"Okay, okay," she nodded, "I'll tell you. But first, here's a present for you." She handed me a small silver box. I opened it eagerly, first tearing off the ribbon then ripping the top from the bottom...

It was tickets to Dex's concert here in town.

"Ugh! Sadie!" I angrily slapped the tickets in her hand, "That's not a present!"

"Yes it is,"

"NO IT'S NOT!!!" I screamed.

"Look, Eve. You have been in some sort of depression for the last five years, and you're not popular like you used to be because you've been hiding behind sadness and a mountain of homework. At first, I thought you might be suffering because Grams died," she noted, "but now, I think it's because of Dex."

"NO!" I yelled. Sadie grabbed my arm and twisted, making me moan in pain.

"Hear me out!" she said, pinning my arm behind my back. I screeched in protest. "I think you've been missing Dex. You haven't had a single date in your life, even though I know Peter, our SCHOOL QUARTERBACK, is pining for you. Has he even asked you out yet?" I said nothing, and she frowned, but continued on. "I think this would solve all of your problems. Go to this concert with Delilah and me. Act like a crazed fan, which shouldn't be hard for you," she joked. I gave her an evil glare, "and I think by the end of the night you'll be all Dex-ed out. Then you could go out with Peter!" she grinned triumphantly.

That's true. Maybe if I go crazy this one time... I'll finally be able to look at Peter and be satisfied. I would realize that Dex really isn't the ideal guy. Maybe, at this concert, I could find a flaw that would let me out of the trap he's caught me in.

I smiled slowly, and linked hands with my beautiful twin.

"Let's do it,"