
The day of School

The day of school ..... o no please I didn't want to go mom . Please i really need to stay home... please I don't want to go with all the new kids. I don't want to wear this uniform I don't like black Mom I don't like white and green they don't mix. Everybody's going to see my ears and make fun of me. What happens if everybody doesn't like me in brothers make fun of me too. It's going to be the last year again at the old school. You have to go sweetie it's the first day but can happen. But mom please don't make me go I don't wanna go. Please I don't want to go to a new school with new friends and everything what happens if they don't like me. What happens if I get into more fights with more girls and guys this year and get kicked out again. This is another school I could get in a fight and get kicked out again and then will have to move again because of me. Please I don't want to go to school today. You're going to school no matter what goodbye have a nice day at school so "early shifts are out of the door". Let me go let me stay. You're not allowed to stay goodbye. Fine I'll go to school "start walking really fast to school"