
The life of the Omnipotent Being

TreeMan_CreatorAll · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 9: N°21

"How about sending people from earth to another world?"

-ohhhh, yeah thats a good idea, hmmm who should i send

-<Teleport: earth> lets see <Fly> yeah i think i'll send someone that nobody cares about and is an otaku

-<System locate and show me any thing that matches with what i want>




Found target


24 target found"

-24?!? Damn, okay then teleport me to the one that has the most potential to be a hero in another world




"Target n°21 has the most potential"

-How much?

"The target is 2000% sure to be a hero"

-2000!?!?!?!?! Yeah thats good

<Time stop>

-<Universe Creation: Normal isekai world>

Discription: the average fantasy world with various races and magic

-Lets see how it looks

-Hmmm yeah that planet looks good


Name: isekai world

Age: 10 seconds

Mana: 0

-<Skill creation: Transfer mana>

Discription: Can give mana to things

Cooldown: none

Level: max

-<Transfer mana: quantity, infinite>

-<Barrier, target: Isekai world>

-<Life creation>

-Ahhhhh this is too much work

"Should i do it?"

-Yeah do it for me

"Creating isekai world"

"Creation Race: Elves, Dragons, Lizardmen, Gods, Demons, Humans, Dwarves, Fairies, Goblins, Orcs"

"Creation monster: General isekai monster"

"Creation Magic: Elemental magic, Void magic, light magic, dark magic"

"Creation Personal magic: Types of magic that people can make by combining other magic"

"Creation: Life"

"Time fast forward 1000 year a second"

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 done creation isekai world complete"

-Well, umm thanks i guess

"No problem"

-Now <Creation: Dimension>

<Teleport: target candidate n°21 location: Dimension>

-*n°21* Huh?? Where am i?

-*Scary tone* Hello mortal

-Ahhh, who're you!

-i am the creator of the universe, the god of creation, (sh*t what should i call myself) i-i um i am Anon

-So umm god anon where am i

-You are in the Dimension i created before you get teleported to the other world

-*Excited* Huh! Are you serious, I'm gonna get isekai'd



-But you do have to choose between being reborn or just transportation

-I want to be reborn

-Before i transport you, do you have anywishes I'll grant 3 of you're wish

-Hmmm, first i want to be handsome and be born in a wealthy family

-Thats 2 but I'll count it as one

-i want to have 10 skills that will help me win battles

-Okay and for the final wish

-I want to have 2 more wishes

-(oh no) okay so what are you 2 wishes

-I also want to have you're blessing

-That was gonna happen regardless

-And for the final wish i want a world book skill that will let me know all of the secrets of the world

-Hmm, ok, wait i need to...do this (grant his wish)

"<Wish granting>"

-And you're set to go, wait yeah i need to give my blessing, I'll also give you some extra skill

-Oh ok


Blessing of the God of creation>

-<Reincarnation Target: Candidate n°21>

-Ba bye



-*n°21's new mother* look at this darling, he's so cute

-*father* Yeah, and so tiny

-(so this is my parents huh, thanks god i guess)

-*father* What should we name him

-*Mother* Our boy will be called "Azura"

-(hey Hey HEY what kind of name is that)

[1 year later]

-(its been a year since I've been isekai'd)

-(i gotta say the skills that the god gave me are pretty op)

-(System: Skill list)


50× exp boost: Can do anything 50× faster than normal

Fire magic: Lv 4 Extra skill unlocked: Fire ball, Fire wave, Fire Tornado, Fire Golem

Water magic: Lv 2 Extra skill unlocked:

Water Spear, Water Slash

Earth magic: Lv 1 Extra skill unlocked:

Earth Wall

Wind magic: Lv 7 Extra skill unlocked:

Wind barrier, Fast Wind, Conceal sound, Fly, Wind Golem, Wind Blade, Telekinesis

Affinity to all magic: Lv Max: Can learn anytype of magic, even if you're not supposed to be compatible with that magic

Limit break: Lv Max: Everytime you reach your limit you can break it (as its name implies)

Sword skills: Lv 1: Can use the sword Extra Skill unlocked:

Sword control

Last stand: Lv 1: After your heath reaches 1 you'll gain invincibility for 30 seconds (time limit will increase after level up)

[Advanced] Body strengthening: Lv 2: Strengthen the body for 2 minutes

(time limit will increase after level up)

World book: Lv 2: learn the truth about the world, Effect: Can learn the 5% of the thing known to all of humans

Appraisal: Lv 2: Learn about things that you look at

Item box: Lv max: Can store infinite amout of stuff in the item box, living beings cannot be put in the item box

-I still don't the blessing

Blessing of the god of creation: Lv 1

Effect: Well you'll know the effect after you reach level 5

-i mean it's a blessing how the hell do i level it up

-Status open

"Name: Azura

Level: 2

Mana: 20

Strength: 4

Magic: 4

Durability: 4

Speed: 4

Dexterity: 4

Stat Points: 0"

-(I found out that in this world you can gain exp by also leveling up you're skill and by gaining new skills, every level up  get 10 stat points, i'm also the 3rd son of the duke of this kingdom )

(yeah i did say that i wanted to be in a wealthy family)

-(I had my birthday yesterday i have to say it was fun although since i'm still a baby i couldn't do anything other than say ogoo gah gah)

[3 years later]

-(i can finaly speak fluently, I've been training my skills since i was reborn to this world i gotta say i have a lot of extra skills now)

-(<System: skill list>)

"50× exp boost: Can do anything 50× faster than normal

Fire magic: Lv 6 Extra skill unlocked: Fire ball, Fire wave, Fire Tornado, Fire Golem, Fire Explosion

New skill unlocked:

Electricity magic: Lv 3 Extra skill unlocked:

Electricity manipulation, Electric punch, sonic speed,

Water magic: Lv 6 Extra skill unlocked:

Water Spear, Water Slash, Water Barrier, Water fall, Water Blast

New skill unlocked:

Ice magic: Lv 2 Extra skill unlocked:

Ice manipulation, ice spear

Earth magic: Lv 3 Extra skill unlocked:

Earth Wall, Earth smash, Earth Sword

Wind magic: Lv 10 Extra skill unlocked:

Wind barrier, Fast Wind, Conceal sound, Fly, Wind Golem, Wind Blade, Telekinesis, Wind Armor, Sonic speed, Tornado

Affinity to all magic: Lv Max: Can learn anytype of magic, even if you're not supposed to be compatible with that magic

Limit break: Lv Max: Everytime you reach your limit you can break it (as its name implies)

Sword skills: Lv 1: Can use the sword Extra Skill unlocked:

Sword control

Last stand: Lv 1: After your heath reaches 1 you'll gain invincibility for 30 seconds

(time limit will increase after level up)

(Time limit will double after level 2)

[Advanced] Body strengthening: Lv 6: Strengthen the body for 32 minutes

(time limit will increase after level up)

(Time limit will double after level 2)

World book: Lv 4: learn the truth about the world, Effect: Can learn the 20% of the thing known to all of humans

-(I've learned that 50× exp boost also applies for skills, well i mean it did say "for anything" with the 50× boost I've reached level 10 for wind magic, since wind magic is easy to use even inside a room since it does the lowest damage for now its the highest level)

-(oh, yeah when i was 2 years old i made a promise to myself that i wouldn't check my stats for 2 years i don't know why i did that but oh well, i wonder how high my level has gone)

-Status open

"Name: Azura

Level: 41

Mana: 4 100

Strength: 44

Magic: 44

Durability: 44

Speed: 44

Dexterity: 44

Stat Points: 390"


"Blessing of the god of creation Level 2"

-(huh? How??)

-(ehh, what ever its not like i can check what it'll do)

[6 years later]

His Father:

Name: Garza

Age: 41 (after status check)

Height: 182cm

Weight: 72kg (muscle)

Hair: dark gray

Eyes: Dark green

Gender: Male

Discription: Duke, father of 3, husband of duchess, A rank adventurer

His mother:

Name: martha

Age: 41 (after status check)

Height: 168cm

Weight: 61kg

Hair: White

Eyes: Dark blue

Gender: Female (obviously)

Discription: Duchess, wife of duke, mother of 3, A rank adventurer


Name: quinela

Age: 28 (after status check)

Height: 164cm

Weight: 57kg

Hair: Dark blue

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Female

Discription: Maid of duke's 3rd son


Name: Azura (new)

Age: 10 (after status check)

Height: 145cm

Weight: 42kg

Hair: White

Eyes: Dark green

Gender: Male

Discription: Duke's 3rd son, Other worlder, Former otaku, Future Her