
The life of Eve Dark

In this novel we will follow Eve Dark. She's a beautiful girl, but has trouble finding herself. Left alone, she tries too find her own path. But she is in for a surprise, cause a small mistake will change her life completely. Will it be good or bad, we don't know. The only thing we do know is that she will not give up on life no matter what. I hope you will enjoy this novel and if you have a idea of what could happen next, then please let me know. It would help me a lot

TheBlackMaiden · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 4

In the next few days Lucia helped me with eating, drinking, to wash myself and all the other stuff.

After 5 days my voice finally came back, I still couldn't talk much but it was better than not being able to talk at all. Jack also came every day to check on me. I don't know why he helps me so much, after all I'm just a nobody, with no parents or relatives and I'm living in the pit. Who would help someone like me...

Another week passed by quickly my voice was now fine and I could talk all I wanted, Lucia was a nice girl she helped me understand quite a few things.

I'm not in the kingdom of elves, I'm now in the kingdom of beasts. This kingdom is against discrimination, the nobles here help the weak. If found out that a noble is miss using there status, their are stripped of their status and punished. The king does not like favoritism, in his eyes everyone is equal.

But whenever I asked about Jack, Lucia said she is not allowed to talk about him. When I asked Jack about him he told me that he is 23 years old and the rest I will find out when the time is right. He didn't even told me what race he is...

2 more weeks passed by and I could finally sit up on my own, I still couldn't stand up but it was still much better than to need help with everything. Jack brought a wheelchair for me so that I could move around a bit.

Jack and I then went to the garden. By now I knew that he must be rich, the servants and now that I could see the house, it was not a house and more like a mansion. Also the garden where we went it was so big and well maintained. He brought me to a table and Lucia served us some tee and cake, I never had any cake.

Luck who saw my face after I took the first bite, was startled "Eve what is wrong?" he asked. Realizing that I was crying I said "I'm sorry, nothing is wrong it's just that I never had eaten something as delicious as this cake". Confused he said "But it's just some cake why wouldn't you have eaten some before?"

That was the moment I realized that I never told him who I was and where I came from, so I started talking "I think it's about time you know who I am and where I come from.."

"Only if you want to tell me, I don't care who you are or where you come from. But when I'm honest I'm interested in how you came here." he said on a calm voice.