
The life of Edd

Akutami · Ação
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12 Chs

It was all a lie..

Chun unlocks his eye and slashes Edd quick but Edd dodges the attack and stabs Chun but Chun slashes Edd body but Edd passes out because of the power and attacks made by Chun. So Edd eventually passes away but he's not dead his left eye turns white and his right eye turns yellow. A white eye means that someone is controlling you.

Back where Edd passed out from fighting Jon

Some capitan put some ashes in his mouth but that was Edd grandpa ashes he was the legendary sword man who fought a capitan and almost won but he got Executed by 2 Capitans The capitans made a deal with Edd grandpa that he fought for them.

The capitans didn't know that Edd grandpa wouldn't hurt his grandchildren. After Edd passed out injured he came back alive with a weird white eye in his Pupil named Controlled. So Edd Grandpa says in Edd body: Who dare to hurt my grand children. He looks at Chun and attacks him fast. But Chun kannst keep up with him cause he's to.

Fast Chun tired says: Man I can't keep up with this! Teach looks at Edd fighting and says: There is something wrong with him he fights like my teacher. Edd(Grandpa) Grabs Chun with one hand and strangles him hard and fast. Teach looks worried and says: Stop the fight!. One of the instructor hears him and stops the fight. But the grandpa is still.

Going so Teach runs fast at Edd(Grandpa)

And punches Edd but Edd(Grandpa) Looks at teach and says my Student Looks like you didn't join the Clan. Teach looks at Edd and says Teacher! How are you still alive in Edd and what are you doing in Edd body.

Edd(Grandpa returns Edd soul in his body) Edd says: What happend? And how did I beat that guy. Teach says to Edd: Sorry that I signed you up for this tournament. Edd says shocked: But you said this was the slayer Exam. Teach: Yeah but I wanted to see how was your strength and your classmate.

Edd says: So can I sign out? And these students are to strong they are atleast a higher rank than me. Teach says: Well you need to finish a mission before singing up for the slayer exam. Edd says: Looks like Chun won.

Teach goes to his 2 Students and says: let's go home. They go home angry. Saidai says angry: So we fought for nothing! . Teach goes to Saidai and says: you received a higher rank

There are 4 Ranks Shinzu rank 1. Asahi Rank 2. Sato Rank 3 and the final rank Kami rank 4 We Aren't moujang slayers they don't even kill moujang they create more moujang instead we are Hitomi slayers where we.

Have special eyes and the government wants to take these special eyes and make a weapon to destroy the universe they have collected about 780 Special eyes in the last 5 years they need to collect atleast a 1000 to build the weapons And they work with the akarazuka Clan to hunt the special.

Eyes So here you go. Rose says: we already knew that in like grade 4 Saidai says to Teach: Thanks teacher I didn't know. That.

Edd says angry: So I been lied that the Moujang slayers were good And my why did my brother join the moujang slayers.

Teach says: Let me tell you about a story about my Childhood My family died because they had the special eyes and I was 2 years old they died infront of me and my best friend died protecting me everyone in the town called me a Monster because I had the special eyes my Teacher was executed smiling infront of me. So I killed everyone.

In the town so. (Someone knocks on the door)Rose goes to the door to open it but Sai was there in blood: The Akarazuka clan are here Our comrades are dying. Let's go and escape! Teach screams at his students: Let's go and fight they saw a meteor coming at the city. The Sato Slayers managed to make a layer around the city and protect the old grandpa. Teach and Sai and his teams managed to go to a safe bunker.

Where Teach and Sai managed to protect the doors and make a barrier around the door Sai students and Teach students meet. Teach sees Jon and says: HES A SPY! Sai says: That other kid that you fought with wasn't a student but intact a disguised Moujang.

Teach says: I'm going out Saidai and Rose protect the doors. Saidai and Rose say: Okay sir!. What about me. "Says Edd„ it's been 1 hour and they aren't here. Edd says: I think we should go outside am I right guys Jon and Sonja say screaming; No!

looks like it's the end of this chapter. Chapter coming in 2 days and I made some improvements in the oldest chapter