
The life of an Otaku in another world

Awakening in a vast grassland of another world after being kidnapped from your class can be a good experience if you minus the fact that you are all alone without food and water surrounded by monsters.Follow Daniel Curtis in his life as he enjoys and travels through the world with new friends as time continues to flow .

Drwriter_2408 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2 [ Dragon ]

Annnn....nd it was a Dragon . Well what do you expect . A Dragon is a must in a fantasy world . Well standing in front of a Dragon chewing what it seems to be a big bull with three horns . It was a gruesome sight .Running is the best choice right now.So here we go.

Running with all his might Daniel escaped the Dragon and came into a clearing in the forest.

He sat down and huffed to take in a proper breath.

After sitting down he realised the gravity of the situation he was in.

He needed to find a village or a town fast or he was not going to survive in this cruel world.

(Scene Change)

Daniel came across a trail somewhat luckily when he tripped on a rock and fell out a bush . And now he is running on it to find some civilisation.

Travelling through the trail the vegetation started

reducing and the strange voices died down.Finally exiting the forest and walking by enormous plains our protagonist reached a massive stone structure that is probably a wall if you account the giant gate through which wooden carts and all types of people are passing by.

Daniel rushed towards the gate to line up and enter .Nearby people were giving him strange looks .He looked at himself and saw that his student uniform was vastly different from what other people were wearing and he was also quite dirty as a result of staying in the forest.

"Halt" said one of the guards at the gate looking at him up and down."Identification papers" the other guard said opening his hand towards Daniel.

Daniel stuttered and replied slowly "I don't have those .I recently left my village and am new here".

" Ok . But you should get one issued from any one of the guilds as soon as possible ".said the first guard who look like the older of the two gurds stationed there ."By the way I am Richard" .He said extending his hand" .

" I am Allen . Please to meet you"said the other guard .

"Do you know of a place to sell things" .Daniel asked the guards.

"Yes ,there is this place called 'Fading Moon' and it is quite famous".Richard said after thinking for a while.

After wishing a good day to the guards Daniel left and went inside the city to find the place to sell some things he picked in the forest and get some money to rent a place and finally get some much needed rest.
