

Frita looked down at his brother and his lips pulled into a pout. "He started it."

"You're the elder one," Edrey pulled harder. "Or are you the baby here?"

Frita's lips pulled down even further as he slowly put down their youngest.

"There. Happy?" He looked expectantly at Edrey. With a sigh, Edrey raised his palm, and slowly patted Frita's white hair.

"I want brother to pat my hair too." He took Edrey's free hand and placed the palm onto his hair.

Edrey shook his head, but a small smile still appeared in his lips. "Are you sure that I'm the middle child here?" He asked as he rubbed their hair harder. It almost felt as if he had two puppies. His smile widened. Once he had ruffled their hair enough, he took back his hand.

Afrita smiled down at his brother's, and raise his own hands to rub their hair. "You're the middle child, and that's why we must dote on you. Am I right Teremie?"

Teremie bobbed his head up and down in agreement. "Must dote. Must dote."

Although he understood that they had attained this feeling from the fact that he was the only omega in their family, it left a sweet taste in his mouth. An alpha's instincts to protect an omega was as strong as their instinct to mate with them and get them pregnant with their child. In their case, however, seeing as they were siblings, the need to protect Edrey intensified even harder.

Frita Mumbear White was the first child of the White family and was the one set to inherit the family heritage once their father passed away.

The White family, despite being renowned as strong martial artists, and known for their prowess in producing children with the ability to either control ice or pilot mechas, was originally a farmer family. Although close to seven hundred years had passed, it had not lessened the family's innate need to have large plots of land on different well-fertilized planets. This, in addition to becoming a family of martial artists, had allowed them to become one of the wealthiest families in the land.

This was more so seeing as they never had any internal strife. Every child born in the White family was allocated a duty, which they were expected to fulfill. Thus, even when the firstborn child took over the family in each generation, there were no complaints.

Thus, Frita was no exception. His father was the firstborn child, and in his generation, he was the firstborn. Thus, he was expected to take care of his cute little brothers.

Teremie pushed Frita's hand off of his head, "Afritaa, you're messing up Edy's scent." He dashed and hid behind Edrey. Then, he popped his head from behind Edrey's back and stuck his tongue out at their eldest brother.

Yes. Frita was expected to take care of his younger brothers, even if they had not an ounce of respect for him.

Edrey let out a burst of laughter, and patted Teremie's hair, "There. Is that scent better?" He smiled gently at Teremie.

Teremie snuggled the crown of his head onto his outstretched palm and held Edrey's wrist in place. He bobbed his head, "it's better. Much better."

"Come here you little thing." Frita pulled Teremie from behind Edrey and slung him over his shoulder. "You'll stay there until you tell me that my scent is fine."

Teremie laughed, as Frita tickled the soles of his feet. His laughter was loud, and it echoed up the stairs and down the hallways. "I was wrong." Teremie managed to say amidst his cackles. "Forgive me, brother. I was wrong."

Frita let go of his legs and held them at his ankles. "Why were you wrong?"

"When I said that your scent is bad." Frita nodded his head seriously. Teremie's eyes curved into crescents and his lips pulled up in a mischievous smile, "I meant that Afrita's scent is terrible."

Frita's eye twitched, and he slung Teremie back over his shoulder and continued to tickle the soles of his feet. Teremie began laughing once more, and some of the servants couldn't help but take more than one glance at the trio.

Edrey had a helpless smile on his face, but he did not stop them, knowing that they were simply both teasing each other.

"What's all the excitement about." A voice spoke from the staircase. Edrey's carefree smile froze on his face.

Frita stopped tickling Teremie and glanced at Edrey before flitting his eyes to the staircase. Coming up from the lower floor was Gorover. His tall frame towered over the small rabbit-like figure that walked up the steps slowly behind him.

Frita's smile dropped for a microsecond before he turned to Gorover and gave him a wide smile. "Ah. Gorover. Mother did tell me that there would be a guest you are bringing. I hope the two of you traveled safely." He placed Teremie back onto the floor.

Gorover helped the small figure to climb up the last stair. She was petite and standing in front of all of the males, she seemed like a tiny rabbit inside a wolf's den. She stood nearly at five feet tall, which was the average for most omegas. Her hair was long and curled up at the ends close to her waist. Her light blue eyes sparkled.

Her green hair and light blue turtleneck did little to hide the wide leather collar that was strapped around her neck. She looked like a teenage girl who had just met her idols as she stood just behind Gorover. Her head was poked over his back and her smile was wide.

"She wasn't too far from here, so it wasn't too hard," Gorover answered for them. "Where is aunt, I have yet to thank her for inviting Ellis to the gathering."

"There is nothing to thank." Frita took a step forward and gave him a handshake. "After all, you are practically family. I would feel bad if we were the only ones who did not know that you were expecting a child."

Then, Frita poked his head over Gorover's shoulder. Since he was taller than he was, it was much easier to do that action. He gave the female a large smile. She was wearing a purple turtleneck dress that fell past her knees. The thick brown leather collar peeked over the turtleneck.

"Hello, there short one." His smile was wide and his eyes curved up as he gave her his greetings.

S/T (Small Theater):

(Eight years ago. When Teremie had just begun to speak and call out the names of the things and people surrounding him, the two oldest children of the White family would hover around his bedroom and peek over the nanny's shoulder to look at their younger brother. Teremie, the youngest child of the White family, was small and round, and his cheeks were always flushed. The two children hovered over the cradle and watched as the younger child slept.)

Edrey: (In a whisper) How much longer is he going to continue sleeping?

Frita: (Whispers back) Dummy. Mom said that babies need to sleep a lot so that they can grow. He needs to sleep a lot so that he can grow as tall us we are.

Edrey: (Places his pointer finger onto Teremie's open palm. As if he was waiting for that, Teremie closes his palm and grips onto the finger with all the strength he can muster. Edrey's cheeks burn up.) Our little brother is cute. So cute. We must protect him!

Frita: Don't speak so loudly, you'll wake him!

Edrey: You're the one who will wake him with how loud you...

Teremie: (Babbles) Bwaba

Edrey: (Sighs) You already woke him up.

Frita: (Gushes) Did you hear? He called me brother!

Edrey: I think it would be better if he calls out your name instead. if he just says brother, who knows, maybe he's calling me. (Shrugs)

Frita: (Pouts. Pokes Teremie's red cheek) It's not brother. Say Frita. Frita. It's Frita.

Edrey: (Pushes Frita's face away from Teremie's eyes) No. Say Edrey. Edrey. Big brother Edrey.

Frita: (Pushes Edrey aside) You dummy, he can't say big brother Edrey yet. It's easier if he just says Frita.

Teremie: (Stares blankly at the two of them, before speaking up) Afwitwa. Afwitwa.

Frita: (Freezes, then looks at Edrey with a smug smile) Did you hear that? (Pushes Edrey away and picks up Teremie to bounce him up in the air.) Say it again. Say Frita.

Teremie: Afwitwaaa!