
Feel the Thunder

The Life and Times of an Average Coward

Chapter 07: Feel the Thunder

Warning: Not edited, possible wrong grammars and such


Dear everyone,

First and foremost, I MISS ALL OF YOU! But anyways, I've been getting along with Kuwajima-san, I mean Jii-chan, just fine. He's really nice as you say he would be Tengu-jiji but don't you worry, you're still one of my favorite old men. Jii-chan is also a spartan master, I can't believe he made me run five times around the village and back to the house (it was on a hill mind you) with blindfold on. I blame you Tengu-jiji for this. You gave him this idea didn't you?!

How are you all doing? The training, how's it going? Did you both get the total breathing concentration thing? Last time I was there you guys were struggling with that for almost a week. Are you boys still arguing? I dearly hope not because if you guys are arguing I will not visit you both next month. Seriously, stop arguing, it's pointless either way. I miss you all! Heck I even miss your arguments no matter how troublesome they are. Sorry about the tear stains ha, I just get really teary eyed and this is my 27th? 30th time? I don't really know, I've lost count. Just know that I've rewritten this letter so many times that Jii-chan complained about me using up all the precious paper.

Not that he's wrong. I think this is the last one or he might be hiding the others in some place.

Going off topic here; did you boys at least grant my request not to take the test yet? Oh I know that you probably did, knowing Sachi's code of honor and that Yuu always keep his promises. Twelve is just too young to be battling man-eating monsters no matter how skilled you guys are, so you both better listen to me and Tengu-jiji and stop pouting. You guys can take it when you're way older, like way, way older but not too old because you'd be grandpa's then. Just… just not now okay? I'd get an early heart attack just thinking about all this.

Did I mention that I miss you all and love you? If I haven't then I'm saying, well writing now, that I miss you all and love ya. I just really, really, really miss you boys. It's a little lonely here but I got Jii-chan as company. 

Oh and I've met this man, he's really huge, he reminds me a little of Daiki-ojiichan though he's taller and skinnier, but he's really kind, like super kind. He lives in a mountain with the other eight children he took in the temple. The temple was a bit away from where Jii-chan's hut is but I uh, discovered it when I… kinda ran away from Jii-chan?

Yes, yes! I know that I probably shouldn't have done that because there's a lot of dangers in the world and my luck is really the worst and I thought for a moment that I needed to take a break from everything and I was really messed up and stressed out. I know that doesn't justify it but, but, I just missed you guys so much and there's the training thing. You all know what my reaction to things that I don't like right? Running away just seemed to be the greatest option. What can I say, I'm a coward okay?

His name is Himejima Gyoumei. Mei-nii is a gentle giant and he cries more often than I do! He's really religious and he's training to become a monk, which fits him really. Why can't you both do a job that's not dangerous like that? I've made friends with the other kids in his care though there's this obnoxious kid. His name is Kaigaku. It's always his way or the highway, really makes me wanna hit him and he bullies Sato-kun and Sayo-chan a lot, but for some reason he thinks I'm really cool. Probably because of Jii-chan but whatever, he doesn't feel genuine for the most part but I think he really wants to be friends with me.

Anyways, this letter is getting really long and I'm running out of paper. I would have loved to write more but since this is the last paper, I don't really have a choice. Write back okay? Oh yeah, I miss you all and love ya! Don't ever forget that. By the way the crow carrying this letter is a friend of mine, his name is Kurotsuchi but I renamed Kurotsuki so call him whatever between those two. Don't freak out much about him talking okay? He's nice but politely sarcastic sometimes. Give him berries or nuts for his service, alright? He already did me a favor by taking this letter to you guys since I begged so nicely. It's much faster this way than letting a merchant deliver it to you guys and it's mostly free. I would be able to send these letters twice a month, thrice if Kurotsuki-kun's flight location matches. He's a really busy crow with important things to do but he's really nice for delivering this. Miss you and love y'all!

I really miss you guys,



"I don't understand Jii-chan, Kurotsuki-kun! Why won't they believe us?! It's unfair! Why would they, why would they kill Mei-nii when all he did was protect me and the other kids?! T-That's…" I sniffled, holding back the snot that's steadily dribbling down my nose while tears leaked from my eye sockets like twin waterfalls.

I am frustrated.

Frustration is me.

It's just sooo unfair. Too fucking unfair.

All he did was protect us from the, the demon who was aiming to eat all of us! Why should he be sentenced to death?! That doesn't make any fucking sense! And why the hell won't they believe me about the monster when it's obvious that the children's (fuck they were so young, too young) bodies are missing some organs. What?! It magically disappeared or some shit?! Can't they see that Mei-nii is also grieving, hurting and blaming himself for not being able to protect all of us?!

Don't they know that it's wrong to sentence someone based on guesses and assumption's alone? Is there even a fucking trial?!

This is ROB's, ROA's and ROBi's fault! Probably Fate too because she's the one assigned in the destiny crap.

It's not fair! Not fair at all!

I held on tightly to the warm body enveloping me even further, burrowing my face into his jinbei kimono. "It's unfair! So unfair!"

A warm hand rubbed my back, consoling and reassuring, but the old man doing the action was also angry and frustrated with the situation. The roar of thunder rang in my ears. "Don't cry Zenitsu. We'll find a way to get him out of that unjustified sentence."

I looked up at him, his dark eyes filled with determination and a promise. His gaze fell on the black bird who's been quietly observing us for a while, a gleam of brilliant realization entered Jii-chan's eyes.

"Best not to weep Zenitsu-kun. Humans are arguably narrow-minded creatures. They won't believe something unless they've seen it for themselves. Aside from that, humans don't like having their glass of normality shaken, that's why they would refuse your arguably fine logical points, rationalize it to simple childish nonsensical imagination."

And if a bird could smirk, Kurotsuki did just that.

"And I think I would be able to be of assistance in this blunder."

"I better start writing the letter then." Jii-chan was about to get up from our position on the floor when I caught his sleeve.

"What's going on? Who are you gonna write a letter to? What's it for? Will it really help Mei-nii out of the situation?"

Jii-chan placed his hand over my head wrap, patting it like I'm some adorable (not that I'm adorable, it's just a metaphor) puppy, a reassuring smile taking over his face.

"I'm going to write a letter to Oyakata-sama, he might be able to help with our problem and get Himejima-kun out of his sentence. Kurotsuchi-san right here would be helping us deliver the letter to him."

"Wait, who's this 'Oyakata-sama' person? And would he really help Mei-nii out of this? And what's Kurotsuki-kun in all of this?"

Jii-chan wiped away the remaining tears in my eyes with a handkerchief, cleaning up my nose too in the process.

"Oyakata-sama is the commander of the Demon Slayer Corps and I think he would help us once he learns of this. He might even think of integrating Himejima-kun if Himejima-kun wants to become a demon slayer. He's an intelligent, kind young man and I know that he wouldn't turn down this favor when it involves an innocent man who fought off a demon to defend himself and others."

"And I, Senko Kurotsuchi, will deliver the message to Oyakata-sama as I am one of his personal kasugaigarasu. It would be of no issue."

"Wait?! Commander?! Personal kasugaigarasu?!"

Jii-chan sounded surprised at my last exclamation, surprised that I don't even know what type or what kind of avian my friend really was.

Kurotsuki just sighed at this.

Well, in my defense, he never told me what exactly he was, so being a reincarnated soul in a different universe in bumfuck ancient Japan, I assumed that he was a different species altogether that didn't exist in my last life. Pretty simple right?

"Zenitsu-kun, what we are called is Kasugaigarasu. A special type and breed of birds, selected for our intelligence and our major function in the corps are mainly for communication. We defer to Oyakata-sama, who is the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Mn. That's right, Kurotsuchi-san here would help us get the letter to Oyakata-sama and then help Himejima-kun in his predicament."

"T-Then Mei-nii would be free and not die?"

"Mn. Your Mei-nii would be free and not die."

"Really, really not d-die?"

"Really, really not die."

Hope bloomed inside of me and I couldn't help the smile that erupted on my face as my eyes watered once again, not from sadness but from plain happiness that I wasn't able to contain inside of me.

I tackle hugged the old man bringing us both down, wrapping my gangly limbs in his torso sobbing in relief.

"I-I LOVE YOU JII-CHAN! YOU'RE THE BEST!" I turned my head and gave the crow a grateful watery smile. "A-AND THANK YOU KUROTSUKI-KUN! YOU'RE THE BEST TOO!" The crow flapped his wings and turned around. I could tell from his sound that he was embarrassed but pleased.

Jii-chan chuckled and raffled my covered head, a pleased blush on his face. "Now, now, as much as I want to remain on the floor being cuddled by my cute disciple, I still need to write the letter and as soon as that's done Himejima-kun will be free."

I looked up at him with imploring eyes. "Can I also write a letter to O-Oyakata-sama? I-I want to tell him something."

Jii-chan glanced over where I knew that Kurotsuki was perched and looked back at me.

"Of course. Now, let's untangle ourselves and start writing."


"And your paper limit is up to five, we can't have you using up all our supplies again!"

"I-I'll try!"

"Don't just try, do."

"O-Of course, Jii-chan."

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Shihan not Jii-chan!" He raised his cane above his head and bopped me with it.

I just smiled widely and used his one weakness. "Love ya too Jii-chan!"

Oh my God! He blushed again, that's just cute! Nailed it!

"Love you too Senritsu."


I, Agatsuma Senritsu (or Zenitsu at the moment) is now ten and is facing a huge problem.

Today's the day.

"I t-think I'm going for a run." I said rather mechanically, my mind racing a mile a second with all the worst possible scenarios that could immediately happen this week.

Oh God, oh God, please all the Music Gods and all the Gods above out there even ROA or whoever, please keep them safe. Keep them absolutely safe, t-they could have injuries but just let them live, please let them live.

"Alright Zenitsu, just try to relax, try not to faint and be home before dinner. Inform Kaigaku on your way that I won't tolerate him skipping more of the training! Seriously, that boy." The old man proceeds to grumble about a missing rope.

Which I ignored because I was too preoccupied with my thoughts.

"Okay, I'll be going now."

I readjusted the sandals (something that I made rather than buying it for a hefty price, because this is ancient Japan and running shoes won't be invented any sooner) on my feet and retied my skull cap before sliding the door open and then closing it behind me with clack.

I focused on regulating my breathing, making sure that I wouldn't be hyperventilating anytime soon and then pass out from overthinking. But for all that I'm worrying as all hell right now and panicking somewhere screaming murder in the recesses of my mind, I was proud to say that the outward sign of all of my emotions was my paler than usual skin, clamminess and my slightly watering eyes.

Unfortunately, I still haven't moved past my crybabiness.

It's all my damn genetics and has nothing to do with my psyche okay. It's all genetics.

Right now, I'm trying to calm myself and stop worrying about them.


I slapped myself soundly, focusing on my breathing and straying my mind away from the possible worst -case scenarios happening at Sachi's and Yuu's exam that could all end in their possible deaths. Which, I dearly hope that that's not the case because I might just follow them to the grave from grief.

It's a possibility. A great possibility.

I closed my eyes, letting the wind rustle my bangs and the grass tickle my ankles. It's peaceful here and after three years of spending my time in this quaint little village that's nestled between grass hills, I could say that it had become home for me as much as Mt. Sagiri was. The people were nice enough with some bullies here and there but otherwise it was a nice village.

And oh, no one has figured out that I'm a girl masquerading as a boy. Yet.

Well, except for Jii-chan, Mei-nii (who identified me after the first meeting) and Kaigaku (who has figured it out when he barged in on me while I was taking a bath). Kaigaku's living alongside us now after the incident that happened six months ago. And like what Jii-chan said, Mei-nii managed to get out of his death sentence and is now working as a demon slayer. He visits sometimes when he has the chance or his mission is right around the corner but he never spoke anything about his work when he does visit. And for some reason, he was avoiding Kaigaku and only visited when the boy was out.

Kaigaku never asks about him either and I have a feeling that the two are not in talking terms since that night when everything went wrong.

But, other than that, Kaigaku was still the same. His opinion was still mostly the same about me but he got it into his head that since he was the stronger pupil (considering we were biologically different and he's older than me by two years) that he was decidedly the senpai and the one to inherit Jii-chan's title. Disregarding that I was the first one to be under the old man's wing.

Not that I mind him having the title but Jii-chan insists on us sharing it together as his successor. But, there's a problem with that too, I only ever managed to master the first style of thunder breathing and Kaigaku was catching up and is now onto the fifth style out of six styles.

(But the boy never managed to get the hang of the first style much to his annoyance.)

I've told the old man a ton of times that I don't mind Kaigaku getting the mantle but Jii-chan is one stubborn old fart.

Always believing in what could only be a hopeless case, because come on! I only managed to do the first style which was the easiest one out of all of them! I really am such a pathetic loser.

I let out a sigh, and I heard before I saw him. Kaigaku was currently lounging at his all time favorite tree, which is a peach tree by the way, looking smug as he chews on one of those sweet, sweet pink gift of the Gods (and yes they are my favorites and no, I am not talking about you ROB, ROBi or ROA, you three are too psychotic to invent such a wonderful creation) 

"And what do you want Kohai-kun?" 

I'm too stressed and negative to put up with this bullshit right now.

"Jii-chan is looking for you, Senpai, he says it's urgent and has something to do with his missing ropes. He says when he sees it on your neck again, he will use it for strangling you and also, your fashion sense is awful. Why not try a dyed string either blue or the same color as your eyes, maybe add a little charm to go with it but that's just me. That's all and I'll be going. Happy dinner."

Without further ado, I turned my back on him, not completely missing his skin turning pale to red and his heart rate picking up from both panic and anger.

I'm not dealing with his shit right now when I am already dealing with my mental shit. So I did the best thing I knew that would distract me.

"Come back here, Zenitsu!"

I concentrated on my breathing and ran.


"Oh thank the Music Gods above, thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm so glad that you're both safe! I almost had an early stroke in my worry because of you two! But I'm so glad you both are safe! Oh I'm so happy that you both decided not to unalive on me! But thank the Gods you aren't because I would be totally sad and die from grief and throttle you both in our unalive life!"

Or if I can even have an unalive life.

Three arms circled around me as tears sprung from my eyes, thanking every deity that both of my idiotic brothers are both alive, no matter how the other ended with only half of a pair of arms in the process.

I rather like them alive no matter how there's one limb missing.

One boy for each shoulder, Yuu on the right, Sachi on the other.

My right shoulder is starting to get wet, the position the boys sunk themselves into isn't the most comfortable of all hugs but I can bear with that arrangement. Happy to just have them as close as possible after the ordeal. Just grateful that I can have them this close, a reassurance that I haven't lost another precious person.

"I-I'm sorry, I failed Zen-chan, I l-lost and now I'm a―" The boy choked on his words, the rain not present, just a cloudy sky that was silently abating a rainstorm.

"N-no it's my fault, I was a burden, I wasn't able to protect you and only if I hadn't―"

"Shhhh…. The both of you, s-shut up and it's nobody's fault and if anything, it's that stupid demon's fault for existing. You both did your best a-and you both came out alive, t-that's all that matters. That's all I want to matter."


If I have my ways these two should be wrapped up in the softest blankets and hidden in the confines of the safest basement to be ever built and stay there until they're both wrinkly and senile.

But alas, that's never meant to be.

Stubborn idiots will be stubborn idiots.

Damn, I guess I need to step up my game if I want to keep my precious alive while also being alive.

To start with that, I need to have all the thunder breathing forms down and even after three years I was still unable to do them except the first. 

Maybe I should take Jii-chan's suggestion to make my own style, something that suited me, a style that plays with my strength and covers my weaknesses, something that I could base off of the two styles I'm familiar with; water style and thunder style. I'm capable of doing a halfass water style but it just doesn't feel right and according to them (Tengu-jiji, Jii-chan and Mei-nii) using the style should feel natural. Using the thunder style felt natural but I have trouble at execution. I've practiced the first form countless times and tried to do the others but it just falls away everytime.

It's frustrating. I could compare it to using somebody else's pillow, it's comfortable enough but it just doesn't feel right because it isn't mine.

Arghhhhhhh!!!! If I want to protect them, I would need to learn the best way that I can and I can't do it like this!

All fluid, graceful, fast and destructive. A combination of these maybe. I can play up my speed, agility, flexibility and my passable strength, these categories that I'm fairly confident – that all came from my precious people's supported claim that I was doing great at and they had repeatedly drilled in me to take pride and confidence in and I reluctantly did so to just stop them from pestering me with words and head swats – mostly the head swats – in that Kaigaku grudgingly admits that I'm superior than him.

Though he still holds the fact that he was 'older' than me.

If only he knew that I'm currently 25 seeing the 10 years that have passed in this second try at stumbling through life.

If only he knew.

(He's growing up to be a misogynistic asshole and I would need to rectify that. He's slowly reminding me of my now blurry faced sperm donor at his 'my way or the highway' attitude he had going on and if I see another smug smirk that accompanies a gender insensitive comment I will just punch him in the face and probably kick him in the gonads. Jii-chan would lecture me about it but he would understand, he's already trying his best to nip that in the bud so who am I to not give him my assistance?)

I should consult both of the ex-pillars about this.

I'll be needing all the help that I can get.


"Zenitsu! I know you're in there so come out now!"

I held my breath and willed my heart to settle down, what if he hears me with all the thumping it's been doing? I don't want any of that.

All right stay calm he cannot possibl― "GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHKKK!!!"

Goddamnit, give me a fucking break.

"J-J-Jii-chan p-p-please! I need a break! I need a break! I-I can't do it either way!"

"No!" The old man tightened his hold at the scruff of my neck, easily lifting me off above the ground and he forced our eyes to lock in place.

"We are going to go back and train! We haven't even started today's training yet and you're already asking for a break?! You're going to have a break when you're all drenching up in sweat and possibly feel like you're dying."

"But Jii-chan― Urrrrrrrkkk!!! You're choking m-me! Y-You're choking me! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" Damn, if I'm not gonna die by training, I'm gonna die by being choked to death.

Damn strong old men and their spartan training.

"You won't be choking if you just come down right now! Stop," The tug on the rope got stronger making me wheeze. "resisting Zenitsu! I thought you wanted to become strong, we won't be making progress if you don't train!"

With another tug and the lack of oxygen supply, my grip from the branch loosened and I came barreling downwards to the awaiting arms of the old man.

Like the little bitch that I am, I started bawling my eyes out.

"Jiiiii-chaaaaaannnn! I can't take it anymore! I-I'm never gonna be g-good at it! I-I'm such a failure!!!"

I tried to cover up my face with my sleeves, wiping away my snot and tears, sitting there in a slump like the pathetic person that I am.

After two weeks of very harsh training – way, way harsher than before – with no result of me improving and developing anything. With that, my motivation started dwindling at a rapid rate and my sense of self worth and self-esteem took a plunge dive into the gutter.

I'm just no good, okay.

"Oh Zen," A warm hand started patting my head, the rumbling thunder tender and lulling. "No matter what you think, you are not a failure."

"But I still can't do it! I'm just, I'm just wasting your time! Maybe I shouldn't be doing this, maybe I should just give up…"

("Haha! You think you're some hot shit because you're good with music? Well tough shit brat, that ain't special, a lot of other people can already do that, what good are your stupid talents for if everybody else can do that shit? Whatever the fuck makes you think you're special? Fucking stupid no-good little bitch!")

"I'm just no good after all." Maybe my deadbeat sperm donor from before was right, I'm no good at anything. Why the hell am I even trying?



"That's for not listening to me!" He huffed through his nose ruffling his bushy mustache, eyes hard before softening at my pitiful whimper.


"Ah, ah, ah. You are going to shut up and listen to me child or I'm going to hit you again!"

"But you― youch!" I grabbed the top of my head where the stern old man had hit me with his walking stick, patting it for any sign of a bump.

Sad to say, there is one.

Maybe I should keep my trap shut for now to avoid more bumps from appearing.

"Sheesh, for all your superior sense of hearing you kid sure don't listen." He sighed, long and hard. Wide dark eyes looking up at the bright blue sky as if asking why he got saddled with someone like me.

Jii-chan crouched down to my level, face open with eyes asking me to listen and understand, calloused hands grabbing my shoulders. 

"You, Senritsu, are not a failure nor a no-good, how many times do we have to tell you that? Whoever gave you that idea?" He inquired, hoping for an answer to one of the questions that I evade most of the time when asked. 

I can't just answer that it came from my last old man from another world. "From some that I used to know and all the other kids and some adults in my village."

A roar of thunder and the sound of anger hit my ears, making me freeze as the hands holding my shoulders tightened and the wide eyes sharpened in a way that reminded me that this old man used to be a hunter. A seasoned alpha hunter. 

I curled into myself, trying to make myself seem smaller at the face of it, hoping that he wouldn't notice me despite me being already in his grasp.


His eyes cleared and softened, his hold became more reassuring rather than frightening, turning into the bear hugs of all bear hugs. The thunder rumbles on, hiding the storm of lightning brewing inside of him.

"No matter, don't listen to them. Don't listen to the words of people who know nothing about you. Listen to the words of someone who knows and someone who cares. They're just idiots who don't know what they're talking about. We believe in you Senritsu, more than anything. You might not hold faith within yourself but we do, because we know what you're capable of, we know what you'll be able to achieve."

Calloused hands cupped my face, wiping away the tears that can't seem to stop falling.

"It's alright to cry or to run away. Just don't ever give up. Believe in yourself just as how we believe in you! You've endured for a long time and endured my hellish training. Soon you'll be rewarded for that that I'm certain of. Work to forge yourself like a tempered blade, become the most resilient of all and focus on what you do best. I will say this again in case it's still not clear for you."

His eyes shone with faith and honesty as a grandfatherly smile stretched wide on his lips, the scar on his left cheek creasing with the action.

"I believe in you Senritsu!"

I can't express how stunned I am except for the increase of waterworks and unintelligible stutters of 'I love you Jii-chans' and 'I'll do my bests'.

"Come now, haha. Clean your face up and let's start training."


"Haha! That's the spirit! Now give me fifty laps around the village for wasting our time!"

"Mou~ Jii-chan!"

"What?! You want sixty!"

"N-No, no! I'm just about to run, see you later Jii-chan!"


The stars are really pretty aren't they?

Lightyears away yet their light would still be visible to the naked eye and even if they were already dead at some point their light would still remain for quite some time. Shining, glittering in a canvas of darkness. Just a stationary ball of flaming gas but still manages to make it seem more magnificent even though it was just that, a stationary ball of flaming gas, constantly burning until it uses up all its gas and explodes. So flashy even in its death.

The sun is a star.

And on itself, it will blow up some day. Not now, but in the far away future.

The night breeze carried the sound of the sleeping forest that surrounded the foot of the mountain, the only ones up is me and the nocturnal woodland creatures that inhabit it.

Sachi too, it looks like he had given up on sleeping at the moment and was now making his way to me. His footsteps were silent as he can make it with the creaky floorboards, his steps were slightly different from before, not at all as balanced with the loss of a limb in consideration.

The screen door open and closed behind me with a soft clack clack, tabi socks padding close to me until he had placed himself on my left, (away from the swaying sleeve that no longer hold his left arm, the only that remained there was his upper arm, a few inches from his now missing elbow) sitting as close as possible to share warmth.

"Can't sleep?" An arm wrapped around me – as opposed to two – bringing me closer to him, effectively warding off the chill that was slowly creeping up on me despite the blanket draped on my shoulders.

"Slightly. I was just thinking." I took off the blanket and draped it on to the both of us, the warmth making me slightly drowsy.

"Wanna share what is it?"

"It's about you."

A pause. "Oh, and what about me?"

"I was just thinking how I don't want to hear you sad anymore and don't deny it because I can clearly hear you are in pain."

Sachi chuckles, it was out of surprise and I can hear the distinct sound of bitterness. "I can't really hide anything from those ears of yours can't I?"

"I don't need my ears to tell that much, your eyes were a clue enough."

Another breeze passed through, ruffling our hair, the dark and rosy strands dancing against each other. And Sachi used his warm hand to card through my now waist length hair, undoing some knots and making it settle right.

"You can cry, you know, I wouldn't mind. We wouldn't mind. Heck, I cry almost on a daily basis at this point."

The fingers combing my hair stills and the body beside me shudders not at all from the chilly wind that blew once again.

A head drops on my shoulder with a watery snort, then I was suddenly being cradled on the teen's lap. In another time I would have lit up like a red Christmas light but I couldn't really manage that right now. 

I brought my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me, combing through his peach colored hair.

"You know, it's okay to be weak sometimes, you don't always have to be strong. That's why we're here Sabito, we're your family, we'll be the strength that you would need, we'll be anything that you need us to be, so you don't have to face this alone okay? Everything might feel like it has fallen apart but always remember that you have us to support you every step of the way."

After a while, rain started to fall.

A soft whisper, sounding wet and garbled. "C-can you sing for me Sen-chan?"

(The rain pours in waves of sadness, grief, disappointment, anguish and relief.)

I couldn't help but smile as I hummed a cherished tune, arguably I haven't sung it in a while and for the last two verses I decided to accompany it with the lyrics, for me, it always seemed lacking without it.

(But it will always be lacking, the one who's always sung it for me is gone and the only one who'll carry the lilting gentle tones from now on is my own voice.)


"I will think of our song

when the nights are too long

I'll dream of you, for that's where I belong

Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?

Only in my dreams do we meet again"


Just focus, just keep the breath flowing and―

A hand rubbed my back as I helplessly coughed my lungs out. Goddamn, that fucking hurts. I feel like my lungs wants to break out of my ribs and my diaphragm was trying to push itself up to my fucking lungs.

I never knew that I would say this but, breathing is fucking hard, who knew that a natural occurrence could be this hard, that something you need in order to live could be so difficult.

Tears leaked through my eyes and saliva dribbled down my chin. I can hear my blood rushing through my ears, pulse pulsating rapidly as if I'd ran a marathon as opposed to my seated self. My vision was swaying from side to side, a little blurred with black spots in between and then I was lurching forward to the tatami floor.

Hands caught my shoulders before I completely faceplanted in an ungraceful way.

"Don't push it too much Zenitsu. How about a break for now and let's continue this later." Said someone with a gravely baritone voice, right, I was training with Jii-chan aren't I?

I clutched at the sleeves of his brown jinbei kimono, tugging at it with shaking hands, gasping loudly to try and keep my lungs from just not burning.


"N-no, n-n-n-need to be s-s-s-strong. P-P-Protect e-e-e-everyone." Shit, even talking is hard.

Okay, no more gasping. Hold it in one, two, three. Let it out one, two, three and repeat.

"Zenitsu, I understand that want to become strong and I love how determined and dedicated you are. But you can't push yourself too much like this. It might do more harm than good and I don't want my favorite granddaughter to injure herself."

I let out a strangled snort – and that was a bad idea, damn I want to breathe normally again – wiping the drool with my burnt yellow to orange yukata.

"B-But I'm your only granddaughter. That means I'm also y-your least favorite."

"Zenitsu! We both know that's not what I meant! Now listen to me and rest."

"Okay Gramps, if that's what you… zzzzZZZ…"

"Good grief, this child."


"Jii-chan! What do you think of that move?! A-Ah Jii-chan? Jii-chan? JII-CHAN WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!"

Panicking at the sudden teary eyes I immediately threw away my practice sword and ran uphill to gather the old man in my arms. Rumbling laughter came out of him as he hugged me back, a pleased roiling sound burst in his heart, loud, happy and field with… pride?

He took me by my shoulders and stepped back, tears still leaking in his dark brown eyes but a large grin conveyed that it was not one of sadness. The rhythmic th-thump th-thump of his heart was also a dead giveaway.

It all boiled down and confused me further.

"Oh Zen! Zen you make me so, so proud!"



The old man hugged me again with another watery laugh, tucking my head under his chin as I tried to register what that even meant. Then he proceeded to lift me off the ground and spin me around like an elated strong old man that was proud of his grandchild.

And in turn I clung to his arms like a panicking wuss, mind still reeling from his words and when my slow brain finally caught up to it, I proceeded to cry like an overgrown baby.

"That was amazing Zen! I knew that you can do it! I knew that you had it in you! Hahahahaha!"

Once he placed my ten toes on the ground I lurched forward, tackling him to the ground with a garbled screech.

I never knew that I could get to this point in life where someone I look up to and think of as a grandfather/father would say that he was proud of me. Don't get me wrong my Mama, Granny, Tatay Ricky, Kaa-san and Daiki-ojiichan dish out compliments. And Mei-nii, the water boys and Tengu-jiji are not short of it either.

Compliments and the likes are hard to come by for me.

Alright, maybe not so much, because in the last go I was often praised for my music, the teachers, my fellow students and the audience.

I am shamefully not shameful to call myself a Praise Whore. What else could I be? It just feels really nice to hear people talk about you in a positive light.

And it's a whole different thing when it comes from someone I consider my family and someone I idolize.

"R-Really you're proud of me?!"

"But of course! You are my pride and joy Zenitsu. I've always known that you can do it!"

"Did I ever tell you that I love you? If not then," I mashed my face into his chest (possibly my snot in there somewhere). "I love you so, so, so much to the greatest infinity Jii-chan!"

The sound of lilting piano echoed close to my ears and just as expected when I lifted my face up in association to the sound, I saw the red face of one Kuwajima Jigoro.

"I love you too Sen, I love you too." Then he raised me up once again and spun me around, earning another screech from me. 

"Cheeky brat."

"Put me down Jii-chan! Put me doWN!"

"What are you going to name this new breathing style?"

"Well," I tilted my head to the side, I never really got to naming it after making it, but I would really love it if it's something just as cool as the Thunder Breathing Styles naming schemes.

"Something cool, has to do with both thunder and water."

Let's see, what do they have in common? Rain? Ahh, clouds? Clouds are made of water right? Rain clouds? Cumulonimbus clouds? Thunder Clouds? Typhoons? Hurricane? Wait. Backtrack a bit.

Typhoons and hurricanes… oof, got it!

"Jii-chan, how about storm?"

"Hmm…" The old man closed his eyes while doing the generic thinking pose, right hand on his chin and the left hand on his right elbow.

"Storm Breathing Style eh?" He opened his eyes and broke into a large grin. "Sounds pretty cool to me."

"Storm Breathing Style it is then."


Omake: Brilliant Realization

Zenitsu 8 years old

"So to use a breathing style I have to keep my breathing in check so that oxygen flows in the right place, providing me enough strength to overcome demons, right?" I asked no one in particular, being alone on top of the hill that overlooked the village punctuates what I meant by 'no one in particular'.

Because if someone did answer even though I'm clearly currently alone out here I would seriously faint or run for the hills. Whichever reaction my body comes up at that time.

"And the highest-ranking position there is in the demon slayer corps is called Hashira. Or in other words a 'Pillar'."

Wait… breathing that gives you advantage to defeat vampiric like creatures? Highest position in the hierarchy? Pillar? Pillar men?


A large breeze flew down the hill, making my sweating form cool down and my face, which I just know that is set in a deadpan state.

"That's a Jojo Reference. Too bad, nobody would understand that reference."

Then a grin stretched widely in my lips that I find almost painful.


Throughout the little village that's buzzing with life, every single one of them stopped when a sudden bellow echoed throughout every corner of the tiny civilization that even old crones could hear with their defective hearing. Hell, it even echoed to the nearby large city and some other small villages. The unknown voice that they suspect as the Great Winds were the ones to deliver the declaration. Time stood still as the passionate speech happened that would be jotted down in ancient text and be unearthed in the far, far future.



From that day on, the name 'Araki-sama' was renowned and news around the close villages spread like wildfire that the Great Winds have spoken stating worship to the one called Araki-sama. Hence, the religion Arakism was born, with the words of his great creation and his greatest fanatic are the illusive great winds. Tales of the chosen ones called 'Jojo' were whispered and their many great feats and battles fought where lectured with great reverie and adoration, all coming from the melodious voice of the Great Winds.


In the distant future, once the archeologists unearthed the pile of scrolls and text that pertains to one of the religions that vanished in the face of time, it was immediately transcribed and their discovery broke the whole world at large.

The text was amazingly accurate with a few misgivings in some of the dates and names of the characters, but otherwise it was a perfect match to one of the well-known manga series in the world (ZA WARUDO). Conspiracy theories upon conspiracy theories were made and huge questions were heaped onto the well-known mangaka. 

Jojo fans started popping out of the woodworks, determined to revive the once forgotten religion.

Thus, Arakism was revived and the world (ZA WARUDO) will never be the same.


~Taisho Secret~

Senritsu is a Jojo fanatic. She was dearly influenced by her awesome Mama and cultured Granny. She even influenced her Tatay Ricky in liking the series. The musical references just add to her love for it and what pushed her to the path of music.



This whole thing is 7k+ hope y’all enjoy and keep yourselves safe! And we’ve only got another chapter left before canon starts. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts on this chapter! 

XielleSkycreators' thoughts