
The Liabilities of a Wizard

After Voldemort's death, a lasting era of peace begins. The heroes of Hogwarts; Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are hired into the Ministry of Magic and Minerva McGonagall becomes the headmistress in Hogwarts. Everything is fine for the wizards, this is their golden age. Or so they thought... Author Notes: I do not own J.K Rowling's fictional universe and characters.

HardcoreScore · Livros e literatura
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20 Chs

2 Shoes, 1 Goal



".. Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"..Huh, I wonder.. And why are you so strange?"

"No idea."

"Then you have your answer."

Awkward minutes dragged painfully slow as Noah and Juniper stared at each other. Their eyes wandering between the arena and themselves every now and then.

'My Teacher didn't train me for this. Enough is enough.' She said to herself. Never had she seen someone as young as Noah cast wandless magic. It was within reason though. In the wizarding community, only the strongest mages were known for their wandless casting, and furthermore, they could only do basic spells.

"Which spell did you use? A Hex?" She tried asking again.

"I've already told you. Just a simple Lumos and a Wingadiurm Leviosa to top it off." He shrugged.

"Alright, if you don't want to tell, then don't!" She angrily turned her head towards the arena, completely ignoring Noah's existence.

'He should tell me at least, I am his duel partner after all.' Little did she know...

"Listen, we will try another battle for a better room. And that's it, we will eat and sleep like kings tonight." He explained, "But I need you focused on this final duel. Are you with me?"

Juniper didn't look at his way for a good while before relenting, "Fine, but I want to fight as well. Don't let me outside of it."

"I won't."

'Because I can't. Our next opponent is 3rd year, and I am sure he got a good grasp on my tricks. - they won't work as easily this time.

Anyway, what could a 3rd-year cast? Probably Alarte Ascendare... Arresto Momentum? Nah, that's too advanced. But certainly, they are capable of casting a Knockback Jinx, and I have no way of preventing it.

Great, just great.'

"Juniper, I need you to use your Accio spell." He decided.

"W- what? On what would I use it? There is no object in there for me to summon."

"You will understand when we get there."

"Hey! You can't just leave me out on the cold."

"Relax, you will cast it on the wand of our rivals, but only at the right moment." He explained before glancing back at the arena.

'Now we wait.'


"You ready?" He rhetorically asked.

"More than ever." She sarcastically answered as they re-entered the arena, all sound dying behind them.


Their adversaries were way more prepared than the previous ones this time - one-hundred percent alert and ready, their wands were already drawn. Not even 5 seconds passed before the judge declared in a loud voice:

"Begin!" A second of silence went through the ring before a single voice defied it.

"Flipendo!" A girl with oversized glasses cast in a matter of milliseconds.

The air ripped apart, a resounding bang exploded into their ears just as an enormous force punched Noah in the guts, his body flying like a ragdoll through the air.

'Shit! The movies pale in comparison to this.' Was the single thought he had as he hit the ground, dust rising into the air.

"Cough!" His lungs lost their air as he writhed in the ground. There was no time for crying in pain though, so he just dusted his robes away, before rising from the ground.

"Stubborn." She clicked her tongue.


It only took a moment of carelessness for what happened next. An object flew from her behind, too fast to discern what it was. The object hit her casting hand, her wand dropping to the ground in the process.


"Accio!" Juniper aimed at her wand.

"Flipe-" Her partner tried only to be hit by another object at high speed.



"..." They stared dumbly at their hands.

"Winners: Juniper and Noah!" The judge ended the match.

"Is that a shoe?!" Someone in the crowd pointed at the hitting object, everyone turned around to the feet of the losing team, which also did the same. 2 brown old shoes stared back at them, as if in mockery. Then, as if pulled by invisible strands, they flew in the air, spinning in high velocity towards Noah's feet.

They arranged themselves perfectly on his feet, not slowing down the slightest. A slight grin went through his face as he cleaned his shoes.

'You should pay more attention to your opponent as he flies through the air.'

All of the 1st years looked in awe and admiration at him.

'And it seems this venture was successful. Finally, I have my first followers - now I just have to groom them.'

"Stop smiling like that, it is creepy." Juniper elbowed him.

"Oh sorry." His smile didn't go away though, there was another reason for his happiness after all.

Everyone outside of the ring clapped their hands in excitement.

Well, everyone except for a raven-haired girl. She stood at the back of the crowd, her cold black eyes analyzing her new target. His strengths, weaknesses, reasons, goals and everything she could take note of.

Her attitude didn't go unnoticed though. Noah caught her wandering eyes, his grin going even wilder.

"Found you." He mouthed his words slowly. Her eyes opened in shock, and she immediately rose from her seat and started clapping together with the others.

Noah never felt so back to his old self.

'I've found your main agent, let's see how well you will operate inside of this school from now on. You fuckers almost killed me, and I will be sure to return the favor.'

"I am serious, stop smiling like that, you are creeping me out." She elbowed him harder this time.

"Haha, sorry. It is just that I will be sleeping in a bigger bed tonight."

Hi there! So... I've just found out a section in inkstone which shows all the comments you guys posted.

It seems we carry our newbie inside no matter what we do. But anyway! Sorry for not answering your comments, I truly didn't find them.

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