
the Levi’s family

Beauty_Levi · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Accident ;

We where just playing outside our compound when suddenly a young lady came running towards our direction , the moment she get close to us she started screaming for help that our elders sister has gotten into an accident .The lady called out my name Isabel ....I was so scared that I ran out from the play group so she went to my parents explaining how Helen got into the accident

My mom and other siblings were already crying

According to what the lady explain (miss melody)

On how Helen got the accident was very horrible.

So we all went to the place of where the accident have occurred but before getting there Helen has already being taken to the hospital, my parents both rush to the hospital where they find Helen lying in a critical state Helen have broken Botha her legs that both bones where really damage and according to the doctor Helen needs to under go a surgery.

My dad and mom who believes in the word of God heard already being praying, so after much prayers the doctor came back telling us that Helen will not under any surgery cause they can fixed it by the grace of God . So Helen stay in the hospital for three months after that she started using wheelchair which lasted for about 1 months .

Life was going smoothly when one sunny afternoon my eldest sister came with her admin that she has gotten admitted to the university we all celebrate the outcome of Julie progress , after which we where celebrating my fathers elder sister came to pay a visit and she asked the reason of our celebration with happiness my mom told her everything. Not long aunty Rebecca decided to take her leave and we all respect that .

The next day being on Monday for Julie to go to her school to pay for the requirements needed before entering the school, she find out that her name was not on the board with tears in her eyes she ran home to us .meanwhile I was just twelve years when all this was happening so I hardly understand what was going on .But with the reaction of my parents I could tell something was wrong , so after Julie explained everything to my parents my mom was very angry cause she didn't understand how Julie admission got canceled.

Just be careful with people

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