
The lessons

Baron_Martin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


In a small, idyllic town nestled between rolling hills and beside a tranquil river, there lived a young woman named Emily. She was an ordinary girl in many ways, but she had an extraordinary gift the power to manipulate time itself.

At first, Emily used her gift for small, innocent purposes. She would pause time to savor a moment longer, or rewind it to correct a mistake. But as she grew older, her curiosity and the allure of altering the course of events began to consume her.

One sunny afternoon, Emily strolled through the bustling town square. The townsfolk went about their daily routines, unaware of the secret she held. As she watched people rush to and fro, she wondered what would happen if she intervened. She had always been a curious soul, and her temptation to play with time was too great to resist.

Emily selected a moment when a street performer was about to trip and fall, potentially injuring himself. With a mischievous smile, she paused time, preventing the accident. The performer continued his act, the crowd clapping and cheering, none the wiser. Emily reveled in her newfound power, convinced she could make the world a better place.

However, as Emily continued to meddle with time, her actions became increasingly reckless. She would rewind time to ensure her favorite team won a sports match, or pause it to overhear secrets people would never willingly share. Gradually, her actions became less about making the world better and more about satisfying her own desires.

One day, Emily paused time to prevent a car accident, but she failed to consider the consequences. The driver, confused by the sudden disappearance of other cars, swerved into a tree. The ripple effect of her actions was felt throughout the town, as the injured driver was a beloved teacher at the local school.

Emily's sense of guilt grew, but she couldn't resist the urge to continue altering time. She convinced herself that she could fix any mistake she made, ignoring the fact that each change created new problems.

One fateful day, Emily paused time while crossing a busy street to avoid being hit by a car. As she stepped out of the frozen moment, she realized she had made a grave mistake. The cars, still frozen in time, were now on a collision course. Panic surged through her as she desperately tried to undo her actions, but it was too late.

Time resumed its flow, and the collision was catastrophic. The once-thriving town square became a scene of chaos and destruction. In her attempts to avoid trouble, Emily had caused the greatest trouble of all.

The townsfolk were outraged, and the consequences of her actions were impossible to reverse. Emily's gift, once seen as a blessing, had become a curse. She realized that the trouble she had caused in this world could never be undone.

With a heavy heart, Emily decided to use her power one last time. She rewound time to the moment when she first discovered her gift and made a different choice. Instead of meddling with time, she chose to live a life without altering the course of events. She understood that the true power of time was not in changing it, but in cherishing each moment as it came.

As the town healed from the disaster, Emily became a different person. She no longer sought to manipulate time or avoid trouble. Instead, she embraced life's uncertainties, knowing that it was the experiences, both good and bad, that made her journey through this world truly meaningful.

In the end, Emily learned that the trouble she caused in this world was a lesson in itself, teaching her the value of acceptance and the importance of living in the present.