
The royal capital

In one of the chambers of the Black star sect, Lord zair was comfortably sitting on his study table peacefully drinking a phoenix ale to quench his thirst and calm his nerves. All the ruckus in the last two days with the humans have been nerve wrecking. Now he was finally able to take a breather or so he thought.

The doors of his chamber opened abruptly, breaking his peaceful moment as he saw his cousin zulah barging into his chamber. The expression on her face alone told him that another headache was on cue and he refilled the now empty glass with the phoenix ale.

Where did you send them? asked zulah.


You know who I am talking about! Those brats! where are they?! asked zulah.

Why do you ask? sigh said zair. Where I send them is none of your business. Now leave said Zair.

I am not going anywhere till you answer my question said zulah.

Zulah didn't budge a single bit waiting for his response. Looking at this zair sighed in surrender and said they are on their way to the royal capital.

The royal capital? Why are you sending them there instead of the black Market in the trade city of Niria said zulah. Are turning back on your decision.

I am not turning back on anything. The dicision I made was as a representative of the emperor himself, Once made it cannot be changed. And the answer to your first question is I sentenced them to slavery, I didn't mention that I would sold them in the black Market said Zair.

That doesn't explain why you sent them to the royal capital? asked zulah.

I sent them there so that they could serve their sentence at the royal palace. They will serve at the palace as the incharge there deems fit. Now if you have got your answers get lost, please said zair politely.

Zulah wanted to say many things which were not so pleasant to his cousin but she left the chamber silently without saying anything.

Meanwhile, Johan and his friends were taken to the top of the mage tower present in the black star sect. The top floor of the mage tower was quite open with no walls and a rooftop supported by round stone pillars. One could see the entirety black Star sect from up there. Even the forests were visible from up there.

There they found two ice giants wearing green robes waiting for them. Upon their arrival the two giants started channeling the mana in the air without sparing a look at them and made some hand symbols and chanted something that they could barely hear. Johan assumed they were chanting spells, he had heard from his father that mages needed to chant spells and perform some hand signs to cast magic, but he had no Idea what was their purpose or how they did that. When they were done with their spells a rift formed at the centre of the floor opening a portal. Johan and his friends were quite amazed watching the portal. It was the first time they had seen one so they had no idea what it was. The portal was colourless and looked like a broken mirror as they were able to see their reflection in it.

The two giant gaurds that brought them here shoved them forward, what are you all waiting for shitheads, move! saying this he pointed towards the portal. Johan reluctantly stepped forward and stopped right infront of the teared down space. He didn't knew what to do next. Seeing the human acting like a dimwit made the giants sigh in annoyance.

One of the gaurds stepped forward and entered the portal. When his figure touched the ripple it appeared as several broken glass shards and when he passed through it and his figure completely disappeared after which the portal went back to it's ripple form. It was then the group realised it was a portal.

The next second Johan was pushed through the portal and what appeared in front of was the replica of the place where he came from. It was the same mage tower and he was present at it's top floor. For a moment he thought that the portal did not work. Slowly one by one all of his friends followed his suit and came out of the portal.

It was only when they looked outside through the pillars did they come to know that it wasn't the same place. They weren't at the black star sect anymore. They were at a completely different place. In comparison to the black star sect the city infront of them was just marvellous. There were several huge brick structures the size of zair's palace and the place seemed to have no end. It's borders stretched out for miles. The boys looked out at the place in daze. They have never left their village nor visited any cities. It was their first time seeing something like this. They were brought back from their thoughts when the last gaurd passed through the portal and it closed for good and went back to normal.

The gaurds then took the boys out of the mage tower.