
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 53: Hidden power Training

"What is the benefit of telling you?"

Hearing what Kaede said, Anna stopped immediately, then turned around and said with a faint smile.

"Although it is not clear why you want to provoke me into having a Pokémon battle against you, as long as you tell me who that person is? I will agree to your request, even if you wait until you feel that you have thoroughly studied my Pokémon. It would be okay to fight even then otherwise, I will refuse to fight with you, and even if I meet you in the game, I will abstain."

Kaede took a serious look at Anna, and then also said with a smile.

Anna was a bit speechless for his rascal behavior, she thought about it, and finally decided to agree to Kaede's request.

5 minutes later, Anna left, and she left a simple sketch for Kaede. There was very little content on the sketch, but for him, the content was enough.

The content on the sketch is: "A door with number on the door is B-102."

"Does the guy who lives in it sneak attacked me? It looks dangerous."

After remembering the content of the sketch, Kaede asked Growlithe beside him to spit out flames and burn the sketch to ashes.

In fact, in addition to the numbered door on the sketch, Kaede who observed carefully also found some hidden information in the sketch.

Perhaps Anna didn't want his opponent to die. She used some small blanks in the sketch to leave Sato with an "X" which means danger.

Obviously, the reason why Anna would not tell him directly was because she did not dare to offend the other party too much.

After Anna left, Kaede immediately released the other Pokémon on his body one after another, and then quickly started the Ability training.

Now that he knows the clues of the person who sneak attacked last night, as long as the opponent is still on board, Kaede has a way to find him, and the identity of the opponent seems to be very special. He must proceed with caution and not rush.

Since he left the Viridian forest to the present, he has now spent 6 days successively. That is to say, there are only 19 days left for him to complete the task. If the time to finally arrive in La Rousse is marked out , There may be 15 days left.So compared to taking revenge he is more inclined to increasing his Pokemon power.

(Note: 1 day in leaving Viridian forest, 1 day in and out of Viridian City, 1 day in and out of Saffron City, 1 day in and out of Vermilion City, 2 days on board now.)

And today's Ability training theme is undoubtedly the Hidden Power that the 5 Pokémon just learned through the learning machine but before letting Pokémon train this Ability, Kaede needs to know what the Hidden Power of the 5 Pokémon is.

The Pokémon who first tried Hidden Power move was naturally the Big Brother Golbat in the team. Golbat closed his eyes and then stimulated this move according to the Hidden Power TM method.

Because Golbat has just learned this move, Golbat was not familiar with this move, so it took him a full minute to completely release the Hidden Power move.

A streak of Yellow electricity revolved around the mouth of Golbat. A ball of yellow Electric type energy ball was created by it. Hidden Power of Golbat is electric type.

Speaking of which is also strange. Kaede hopes that Golbat's Hidden Power is to restrain Electric Type's and Ground Type, but eventually he awakens Electric Type's Hidden Power. This is really something that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh at.

However, the news that Golbat's Hidden Power is an Electric Type Attribute is also acceptable to Kaede. For Water Type Pokémon, Golbat is indeed a lacked a means of attack.

It is now expected that in future Pokémon battles, as long as it is not as a last resort, Kaede wont be using Golbat to battle against Electric Type Pokémon or Pokémon who is proficient in Electric Type moves.

After experimenting with Golbat's Hidden Power Attribute, it's Nidoran♂'s turn to test. Like Golbat, Nidoran♂ takes about one minute to successfully activate Hidden Power move.

Unlike the Yellow Energy Ball formed by Golbat under Hidden Power, the Energy Ball formed by Nidoran♂ is dark in color and exudes an evil aura.

Feeling the Energy Ball exuding evil aura in front of Nidoran♂, Kaede hardly had to guess, he knew that the Hidden Power Attribute released by Nidoran♂ was of Dark Type.

Subsequently, Growlithe, Mudkip, and Bellossom, who had been resting for a while, also released Hidden Power moves one by one, and he also wrote down one after another what the Hidden Power Attribute they displayed was.

Growlithe's Hidden Power Attribute is a bit weird. It turns out to be a Grass Type Attribute that is restrained by his own Attribute. But now his Growlithe also unexpectedly has the means to restrain Rock Type, Water Type and Ground Type.

And Mudkip's Hidden Power Attribute is very good. It is a very rare Flying Type. It is one of the 5 Attributes that can deal with Grass Type Attribute.

You know, Mudkip's final evolutionary form of Swampert has only one weak Attribute, that is, Grass Type, and Grass Type is restrained by Flying type, Ice Type, Fire Type, Bug Type and Poison Type respectively.

As for the Hidden Power Attribute of Bellossom, he absolutely never thought of it.

Since the evolution of Bellossom, it seems to him that her strength has ushered in a huge increase. Now she is also selected by the lucky Goddess, hitting the jackpot with a probability of one in ten. The Hidden Power Attribute she released is unexpectedly from the Rock department.

Bellossom is a Grass Type Pokémon of a single Attribute. She is restrained by 5 Attributes: Fire Type, Bug Type, Flying Type, Ice Attribute, and Poison Type. Among the 18 Attributes, only the Rock Type can restrain the fire type, Bug Type, Flying Type and ice attribute.

After completing the test of 5 Pokémon Hidden Power Attributes, Kaede thought about it a little bit, and decided in his heart the training arrangements for the 5 Pokémon.

Golbat and Bellossom were arranged by him to train Hidden Power Ability, Nidoran♂ was arranged by him to train the newly acquired Thunderbolt move, Growlithe was arranged by him to exercise the newly learned Double Team move, and Mudkip, who had just joined the group, was arranged by him for physical strength training.

For Golbat and Nidoran♂ electric training Kaede was not without a plan due to his treatment of many people and pokemon. Kaede managed to rent a Magneton to assit them in training. This Magneton knows Electric terrain move which would be very beneficial for his Pokemon.

Obviously, with the help of Magneton's electric Terrain, the difficulty of Nidoran♂'s Thunderbolt training has dropped a lot. Although it can only release a weak current through its horn, it is a very good start.

Nidoran♂ and Golbat's new Ability exercises are gradually on track. On the other hand, Growlithe's Double Team move is also gradually on track.

The Double Team move that Growlithe just learned was taught by Kaede through the learning machine and the Double Team TM was obtained from the Feral Wolf Gang Boss.

Growlithe as of now can create 3 after images And, as Growlithe heats himself up with Flame Charge to further improve his bodily functions, he can even create 6 static Double Teams in one go.

At present, Growlithe is running back and forth in an area, and use Double Team moves while running. According to Kaede's current minimum requirements, Growlithe must be able to make at least 3 accompany him while running.

Double Team also further improved Growlithe's evasion ability to prevent him from being attacked by the fierce firepower of crazy enemies.

Whereas Bellosome who is now on water and is surrounded by an electric terrain is having difficulties in training her Hidden power. Its imperative that he needs to find a rocky terrain for Bellosome to train Rock type energy manipulation.

As for Mudkip its been swiming in the pool for an hour now and already completed 200 rounds.

"Okay, Mudkip, go back to the shore and take a break. You have done nearly 200 laps. It's time to take a break and let the muscles of your body recover a little. Come on, eat something to regain your strength."

After roughly calculating the number of times Mudkip swam around the pool, Kaede at the edge of the pool started talking to Mudkip who had just swam in front of him, and then took out a few high-quality Pokeblock.

Mudkip knowing how delicious these Pokeblocks thingy is immediately came out and started eating them.

But for Kaede, a human he only came to know today, it still didn't relax its vigilance, when Kaede wanted to touch its head with his hand.

The fins on itss head moved slightly, and then it quickly avoided Kaede's head-patting, and took the opportunity to spit up a Water Gun to Kaede face and head but with no power behind the move as if not to hurt him but just make him stop.

Afterwards, Mudkip jumped back into the water again and watched Kaede warily in the water.

"It seems that the most important thing to do now is to gain his trust first, otherwise everything is useless."

Seeing Mudkip resisting his head-patting, Kaede, whose head turned into a drenched cat, and he immediately retracted his hand in embarrassment, and then smiled bitterly at Mudkip who had just emerged from the water.

"Mudkip, after taking a break, continue to do the physical training as I said before swimming around the pool. I will put Pokéblock here. When you get tired, come out and eat a few pieces to restore your strength. Don't eat too much at once, it will upset your stomach".

Kaede took out a towel from his backpack to dry the water on his face, then smiled and said while leaving a basin with high-quality Pokéblock on the edge of the pool.

Immediately afterwards, Kaede turned and left to observe other Pokémon's training.


Seeing that Kaede was not at all angry because he attacked him with a Water Gun, instead he looked nonchalant, Mudkip poking his head out of the water suddenly thought strangely, as a strange color appeared in his vigilant little eyes.

But Mudkip didn't think too much. After Kaede left, it returned to the shore, and then ate 3 high-quality Pokéblocks again elated from the taste of Pokéblock.

At this time, Mudkip, who had nothing to do, also turned his attention to Kaede. At this time, he was complimenting Growlithe's training and making head-pats, and Growlithe was very happy with the praise and head-pats given by Kaede.

Seeing Kaede and Growlithe getting along with each other happily, for some reason, Mudkip felt a trace of envy, and then he turned his attention to the other Pokémon on the training ground.

Because they are used to the usual high-intensity training, Golbat, Nidoran♂, and Bellossom are all training meticulously at this time, focusing entirely on training, not at all slacking off.

In fact, when playing with Nidoran♂ in Kaede's room, Mudkip had already keenly discovered that he would be the weakest in the room. Even Growlithe, the Pokémon restrained by his Attribute, it felt a strong threat from the opponent and strongest sense of danger to it was given by Golbat and Bellosome.

Seeing these two strong Pokemon listening to Kaaede and doing as he says so Mudkip also started putting his words to heart and jumped back in the pool to start swimming.

"If I listen to that human in the future, maybe I can become as strong as Golbat and Bellossom, and I don't have to go hungry like I used to." Mudkip thought, swimming quickly in the pool, with a trace of desire in his eyes. .

In fact, because Mudkip lived alone since he was born, his life has been very bitter. He often goes hungry and is bullied by other Wild Pokémon. Therefore, his desire for power and food is generally Pokémon unimaginable.

Of course, before meeting Kaede, Mudkip had already encountered many humans (changed hands several times), and was abused by many humans so he was full of mistrust of humans.

However, seeing the attitude that Kaede showed after it attacked him just now and the strength of other Pokémons in the training ground, and at the same time seeing how he was invited to eat delicious food before, Mudkip began to feel a little bit about trusting and obeying Kaede. He is naturally unaware of sudden shift in Mudkips heart about himself otherwise he would be very happy. but he is now feeling a little headache about one thing.

After seeing the Pokemons training so diligently Ditto who could only watch by the sides felt left out and decided to ask Kaede to also train him for battles as it also wanted to become strong so he could protect his family.

"Well, since you want to participate in the battles, then I respect your choice, but you have to remember it. Once you choose, you can't be as relaxed as before. I will definitely train you fiercely."

Seeing that Ditto, who had expressed his willingness to participate in the fighting tournament in the morning. Kaede thought for a while, then said with a serious face to Ditto, who was now Aipom on his shoulder.

Hearing that Kaede finally agreed to his request, Ditto who became Aipom was obviously very happy, nodded quickly, and patted his chest to show him that there was no problem.

"Well, do you remember I asked you to transform into a Pelipper this morning? The training content I give you is to grasp the transformation of Pelipper as soon as possible, and also practice Soak move."

(Note: Soak changes the target type to water attribute when hit by the torrent of water by a Pokemon)

Kaede took out the laptop from his storage bag and showed a picture of Pelipper to Ditto, who was a little confused at this time.

When Ditto saw the Pelipper on the computer screen, It immediately remembered what happened when it transformed into Pelipper this morning as it could not fly Ditto immediately changed into another Pokemon to play.

Because he has already agreed to Kaede's request, even if Ditto is unwilling to master the Pelipper Transformation, he can only brace itself to master Pelipper Transform now.

Suddenly, Ditto's Aipom Transformation began to glow with white light all over, and the body began to reorganize quickly. After the white light disappeared, a normal-sized Pelipper suddenly appeared on Kaede's shoulder.

Unfortunately, because Ditto's mastery of Pelipper Transform is still in its infancy, it flapped its wings vigorously to try to fly, but just jumped off Kaede's shoulder to fell from the air to the ground due to poor physical coordination.

"Oh~, fighting is going to hurt, and it hurts much more than you are hurting now, Ditto, with your current situation, let alone fighting, you can't even fly normally. You can still back down if you want".

Seeing Ditto Transformed Pelipper fell directly to eat dirt, Kaede sighed, shook his head and said.

But he obviously underestimated Ditto's determination to join the team's battle, and immediately rejected Kaede's proposal, then flapped his wings again and tried to fly again.

After falling from the air more than ten times in a row, Ditto, who is persevering and has some bloody nose and swollen face, seems to have mastered a little flying skills, and gradually become familiar with the body of Pelipper Transform.

In the end, under Kaede's satisfied gaze, Ditto/Pelipper successfully flew in midair. Of course, because of the fear of falling, Ditto currently only dared to fly in the air 2 meters above the ground.

"Very well, Ditto if you can thoroughly master Pelipper, then I don't need to train a Pelipper anymore. In the future, Bellossom can get a potential boost anytime and anywhere."

Seeing Ditto Transform's Pelipper flying low in the air, Kaede's mouth bends slightly, thinking.

Why did Kaede suddenly have a thought and let Ditto master Pelipper Transform? The reason is simple. In the battle last night, Kaede saw a great tactic from a female Trainer.

That should be a Trainer who specializes in Grass Type Pokémon. In the battle last night, Ivysaur, Weepinbell, Jumpluff, and a Vileplume these 4 Grass Type Pokémon were used by her, and there was also a non grass type Azurill.

In the battle, this female Trainer can be described as exceptionally brave, facing the fierce Gyarados without fear, and even completed the outstanding record of defeating a Level 37 Gyarados alone.

In the battle this trainer in addition to the powerful pokemon she used the seemingly weak Azurill in her arm as a Trump card in defeating Gyarados. Azurill would time to time send out a weak but special torrent of water that in surface wasnt dealing any damage but was essential in the process of defeating the beast.

Azurill information is as follows:

Pokémon: Azurill

Level :Level 26

Attribute: Normal/Fairy

Characteristic Trait: Huge power

Gender: Female

Level Ability: Splash, Water Gun, Tail Whip, Water Sport

Hereditary Ability: Soak

TM: None

Inustructed Abilities : None

You see the weak torrent of water wasnt damaging the Gyarados but instead it would remove the Flying attribute of Gyarados thus making it a pure Water type and Her being a grass type she managed to destroy the Gyarados.

Therefore, Kaede was deeply impressed with this move Soak mastered by Azurill, but because he was in battle at that time, he did not continue to think further.

It was only this morning that someone came with an injured Pelipper and asked him to be treated. Kaede used the system's detection ability to detect this Pelipper as usual, and he remembered the Soak this move style again.

Pelipper information is as follows:

Pokémon: Pelipper

Level :Level 26

Attribute: Water/Flying

Characteristic Trait :Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Protect, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Soak, Growl, Water Gun, Water Sport, Wing Attack, Ultrasonic, Mist, Water Pulse, Payback, Brine)

Hereditary Move: Agility

TM: Double Team

Inustructed Move : None

Because Kaede's current Pokémon is the strongest Grass Type Pokémon, Bellossom, so after he saw Soak move again, he immediately thought of her and understood that Soak this move is for his team. The improvement in the strength of his teamwork will be very helpful.

Kaede had the idea of ​​conquering a Pelipper. After all, there are many such Pokémons at sea. Relying on the detection ability of the system, it is not difficult for him to obtain a Pelipper with a good Aptitude or a Wingull. So he had the idea of catching it in the morning next day but with Ditto he has some ideas that might b helpful to him in catching a Wingull or Pelipper.

Pelipper being a water and flying Pokemon is a formidable companion to have and Kaede has already made up his mind to get one.

Kaede knows that Pelipper is still very useful. It is not only that he automatically understands Soak from Bloodline inheritance as soon as it evolves, but the Characteristic Trait it can have is also very powerful.

(Note: Ditto Transform Pelipper, it can also automatically obtain Protect, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Downwind, and Soak through Pelipper's Bloodline inheritance. Of course, it's still far from mastery.)

Drizzle Characteristic trait (Drizzle creates a rain shower when the ability-bearer enters battle) is very useful ability to have other then Politoed and Pelipper having this trait only Kyogre the legendary Pokemon has this trait.

Therefore, the core of the rainy team formed by the civilian Trainer is often Pelipper, because Pelipper's Drizzle Characteristic Trait is not an Implicit Characteristic. As long as Wingull's Characteristic Trait is a Hydration, then it evolves into a Pelipper its Characteristic Trait will turn into Drizzle.

In fact, Pelipper with the Drizzle Characteristic Trait is a very powerful Pokémon himself. As soon as it evolves, it will automatically Learn Hurricane and Hydro Pump with the Drizzle Characteristic Trait try will become a must-have ability.

And having a Pelipper with a Swampert in the future and if Mega evolution is present in this world then they would be a terrifying combination.

After the 3 hours of training at noon, the time has come to 7 o'clock in the evening, and the night has already enveloped the sea.

To be continued....