
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 45: Evolution atlast!

"Be careful, Rookie. If the Pokémon is defeated, take it back immediately. Anything is permissible on the court, including death."

When Kaede was about to leave the lounge and enter the passageway of the stadium, a young female Trainer sitting near the door turned her head slightly and said expressionlessly to him.

"Thank you for your reminder. I will pay attention." hearing the female Trainer's words, he also turned his head and glanced at the shivering Vulpix in her arms. He smiled slightly and said, as soon as he finished speaking, he opened the door and entered the arena.

"You are very optimistic about him, you would actually remind him, why, do you like him?, he is not as handsome as me."

After Kaede left, the young Trainer behind the female Trainer, who was obviously her companion, said playfully.

The young female Trainer looks like a standard Kanto person, with black hair and dark eyes, and her skin is healthy, wheat-colored and she is a good-looking one.

From the simple dressing, the young female Trainer should also be a civilian Trainer. At this time, she is holding a lovely Vulpix in her arms.

"Hmph, you better be careful, haven't you noticed Vulpix, she is scared of that person."

The young woman said with a serious face that the Vulpix in her arms has a certain magical ability to perceive danger. With this ability of Vulpix, she has avoided crises several times, so she always pay attention to her Vulpix.

Just when Kaede passed by, Vulpix in her arms trembled. This is Vulpix sending her a message.

"No way, Vulpix is ​​scared. How long ago this happened. From this we can say without a doubt, the guy just now is probably a ruthless character. Well, we should find a chance to get acquainted."

Hearing the words of his female companion and seeing Vulpix her arms, the young Trainer immediately put away his playful expression and became serious, because he was also a beneficiary of Vulpix's ability, so he believed very much in the words of female Trainer.

"Look at the screen, you should be able to see his strength in this battle."

After the young woman had finished saying this, she stopped looking at her partner and turned her attention to the big screen. At this time, Kaede and Ishida Taro had arrived on the opposite platform on the battlefield.

"Come on, Dear viewers, we are going to start the next Pokémon battle again soon. This time the player is a Rookie named Sato Kaede, and his luck today is a bit bad. His first opponent is Taro Ishida who has won 6 consecutive victories and 21 wins.

In the next second, cheers came from the audience.

"Ishida Taro"

"Ishida Taro"

"Ishida Taro"


Obviously, because of the winning streak, Ishida Taro is now very famous in this Pokémon battlefield. After the referee said his name, the audience immediately cheered for him.

"Is this the thrill i was seeking? It's really a different exciting feeling, but I seem to be considered the loser here."

Looking at the crowded auditorium around, and hearing the cheers from the audience in the surrounding auditorium, Kaede thought secretly.

"Hear it, boy, if you are wise, you can give up immediately. I don't want my Pokémon to waste precious energy on your pawn tonight."

The cheering of the audience made Ishida Taro very excited and proud. He liked the Pokémon battlefield and the atmosphere here, and he felt that this place would allow him, a civilian Trainer, who has no background, to obtain resources for promotion.

Therefore, he wants to win, and keep winning, and use the Pokémon he cultivated to win all the money and fame this place could offer.

Soon, the two roulettes on the big screen placed on the battlefield began to rotate. Finally, the pointer of one of the roulettes pointed to Taro Ishida, and the pointer of the remaining roulette pointed to the Rock pattern, which also indicated that Taro Ishida will be the first to release Pokémon and this time the battle site is Rock.

"Hmph, even if you have slight advantage ot wont matter much, go ahead, Poliwrath."

Seeing the pointer of the roulette wheel pointing to himself, Ishida Taro said nonchalantly. After switching the battlefield to the Rock field, he immediately released the Pokémon in the Pokéball in his hand.

A white light opened the Pokéball from Ishida Taro and landed on the Rock Field. After the white light disappeared, a very strong Poliwrath appeared on the Rock Field.

This Poliwrath's temper seemed very irritable. As soon as he came on the field, he immediately smashed a piece of Rock with his pair of sandbag-sized fists, then easily jumped to the tallest piece of Rock, and then tauted Kaede to come and battle it.

"Hahaha~~, it appears Taro Ishida's Poliwrath gestured to the opponent again. Facing Poliwrath's taunt, what kind of Pokémon would Sato Kaede throw out to challenge?"

Seeing Poliwrath's actions, the middle-aged man as a commentator immediately added fuel to the fire, picked up the microphone and shouted, and the atmosphere of the scene instantly became enthusiastic.

"A little bit of strength, but wanting to defeat me easily like this is a foolish dream."

When Poliwrath made provoking gestures to him, Kaede was using the detection ability of Assist's system, and looked at Poliwrath's information.

Poliwrath information is as follows:

Pokémon: Poliwrath

Level: LV30

Attribute: Water/Fighting

Characteristic Trait : Damp

Gender: Male

Ability: Mudshot , Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double edge, Rain Dance, Body Slam, Bubble Beam, Circle Throw, Water Wave (Genetic), Ice Punch (TM), Protect (TM), Hyper Beam (TM)

From the information of Poliwrath, this trainer Taro Ishida is not weak, and he has the ability to buy a water stone as well as he bought two very expensive TMs: Ice Punch and Hyper Beam.

"Come out, Zubat, i choose you."

However, no matter how strong the opponent is, Kaede did not back down, and directly released Pokémon who was fighting this time.

In the next second, a white light released from the Pokéball opened in Kaede's hands flew into the air, and then a Zubat with an abnormally well developed body appeared in the air.

"Wow, what a big Zubat, Sato Kaede chose to send Zubat that restrain Poliwrath Fighting Type Attribute, then it shouldn't be delayed any longer, let the games begin."

Seeing Kaede release Zubat, the narrator gave a brief introduction, and then immediately asked the referee to announce the start of the battle.

The narrator tone barely fell, Referee on the battlefield signaled the start of this match by waving the flag, and Poliwrath standing on the Rock, without the command of Ishida Taro, immediately attacked Zubat using Bubble Beam.

he saw a series of Bubbles emitting blue light flying out of the center of Poliwrath's belly like a machine gun, and then blasting away at Zubat, completely blocking the space Zubat wanted to move.

But Zubat is Zubat after all. After a week of wild survival trials, it has already developed keen senses. When it first came out, it immediately used ultrasound to see Poliwrath's every move so it might be ready for any sneak attack. Kaede taught it this so they would be safe in the wild but now it came in handy here too.

Facing the precise and deadly sneak attack of Poliwrath, a white whirlwind with a diameter of 3 meters appeared in front of Zubat instantly.

Immediately afterwards, under the surprised gaze of many viewers, all the blue bubbles formed by Water Type energy were deflected.

"Good job, let this supercilious guy, see how powerful we are, Zubat control the cyclone to move toward Poliwrath."

Seeing Zubat's successful use of Gust to block Poliwrath's sneak attack, Kaede complimented it and immediately issued an attack command.

Without the slightest hesitation, under the control of Zubat, the white whirlwind that swept the Poliwrath Bubble Beam quickly approached Poliwrath.

The white whirlwind that swept across the Bubble Beam, Poliwrath's eyes were still calm watching it closing in on it, and with a force on its feet instantly left the original Rock position and appeared on top of another Rock, thus avoiding Zubat's Gust move.

"Be careful! jump down from there hurry, then use Water Gun to fight back."

But before Poliwrath could breathe a sigh of relief, Ishida Taro's hurried voice struck, and Poliwrath jumped off the Rock like a nervous reflex.

When Poliwrath just jumped off the Rock, several Black Energy Balls hit the piece of Rock that Poliwrath had just occupied, smashing the Rock into pieces.

It turns out that when Poliwrath dodged Gust move, Zubat, who has Poliwrath's every move under its observation with ultrasound, did an immediate action. When Poliwrath jumps to another rock, Zubat has come behind Poliwrath and uses the shadow ball to perform a sneak attack.

As soon as Poliwrath jumped off the Rock, the Rock fragments were crushed by Zubat's shadow ball, and a wave of stone dust that obstructed his vision also enveloped Poliwrath, making Poliwrath unable to see what was ahead, and had to cancel the release of the Water Gun move.

"Good chance, continue to attack him with the Shadow ball."

Noting that the stone dust produced by the crushed Rock blocked Poliwrath's line of sight, Kaede immediately seized the opportunity to allow Zubat to continue his long-range attack with the shadow ball.

"Poliwrath, the opponent's attack is coming, quickly jump to the Rock behind you to avoid the enemy's attack."

Taro Ishida was able to win 21 games in this Pokémon battlefield. He is naturally not a Rookie Trainer himself. He has very rich experience in the battle. He saw Poliwrath unable to target Zubat due to its line of sight being blocked, and Zubat can use ultrasound to accurately aim at the Poliwrath to attack.

Poliwrath was convinced that Taro Ishida made a battle order, and, like last time, as if by a nervous reflex, he immediately carried out Taro Ishida's order to the end.

Taro Ishida made the correct instructions, and Poliwrath execution was extremely fast. Finally, Poliwrath successfully avoided Zubat's shadow ball attack again.

"Oh my god, Poliwrath's reaction is really to fast. Doesn't he need to think and relys solely on muscle memory?"

Poliwrath miraculously managed to avoid Zubat's attack again. The commentator on the platform exclaimed. He originally thought that Poliwrath was too late to dodge, but Poliwrath did it.

"Pa pa pa ~~~"

And the exclamation of the narrator was also a warm applause from the audience. Now Poliwrath's opponent is unexpectedly strong, even pressing Poliwrath to fight, and Poliwrath's miraculous dodge at the last moment is also very exciting for them, and at the same time, they also sigh. Taro Ishida's training for Poliwrath has been amazing.

However, a small number of viewers did not feel excited and happy, but frowned. Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zubat's strength is also very strong, and Poliwrath is crushed by the advantage of Flying type.

It is not difficult to imagine that as long as Zubat continues to control the offensive initiative and makes Poliwrath tired of defense, as long as Poliwrath can't handle it well, he may face Zubat's subsequent attacks like a storm.

And the thing is exactly as these people expected, Zubat now has the dominant power in the offense, it is definitely not easy to return back. "Zubat use Air cutter. Now!" Kaede exclaimed.

Poliwrath that had just evaded a number of shadow balls from Zubat, a gust of strong wind comparable to a cyclone whistled at Poliwrath, almost leading Poliwrath who had just been standing on the Rock to fall.

At the same time, accompanied by the gust of wind, there are 9 air blades that are as fast as lightning. 4 of them are under Zubat's control, completely blocking the movement of Poliwrath on the left and right sides.

"Poliwrath, use Protect, block the opponent's attack, find a chance to counterattack."

Seeing Zubat's offensive attacks wave after wave, did not give Poliwrath a chance to regroup. Knowing that Poliwrath's current retreat has been blocked and there is nowhere to escape, Ishida Taro had to use a valuable Protect move to withstand Zubat's Air Cutter attack this time.

"Damn, this guy is so strong. What did this Zubat eat? He grew up with such a big body and very strong physical fitness. The movement speed is completely above Poliwrath, and relying on ultrasound, this Zubat is already almost in control of every situation, no matter what Poliwrath does, he is a step slower."

Taro Ishida, who was psychoanalyzing the battle, looked very ugly at this time, especially when he saw Kaede, who is still a rookie his face felt a little hot.

After Poliwrath heard Taro Ishida's command, his fists immediately joined forces, and a dark-green energy shield suddenly opened, covering his whole body.

The 4 Air Cutter controlled by Zubat also followed, but relying on the energy shield formed by Protect move, Poliwrath once again resisted Zubat's attack.

"Now, Poliwrath, dont give Zubat a chance to relax, use Hyper Beam."

After Poliwrath successfully blocked Zubat's Air Cutter with Protect movd, Ishida Taro saw that Zubat seemed to be a little tired due to continuous fierce attacks. His eyes were bright and he immediately seized the opportunity to let Poliwrath use Hyper Beam to deal some damage.

Perhaps just as the narrator said, Poliwrath's movements are entirely muscle memory. As soon as Ishida Taro spoke out, Poliwrath immediately moved, and an orange energy beam shot into the air at Zubat with lightning speed.

It has to be said that the launch speed of the Poliwrath Hyper Beam is amazing. At first glance, it can be seen that it has been trained hard, and it is too late for Zubat to want dodge at this time.

Unfortunately, just when almost everyone thought that Poliwrath wanted to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat and defeat the overbearing Zubat in one fell swoop, a word from Kaede made the sudden counterattack of Taro Ishida and Poliwrath useless.

"Protect !"

Kaede, who was always paying attention to the battle, gave Zubat the battle order in a timely manner.

Suddenly, just like Poliwrath, a dark-green energy shield opened and wrapped Zubat's whole body. At the crucial moment, it successfully blocked Poliwrath's Hyper Beam.

The energy shield created by Protect move is extremely strong. Even for the Hyper Beam with such high formidable power it is difficult to destroy it. Finally, Zubat blocked Poliwrath's sudden attack unscathed this time.

"The battle should be over, Zubat, use ultrasound to Poliwrath, and then use the strongest Air Cutter to solve him."

After Zubat successfully blocked the Hyper Beam with Protect, Sato Kaede immediately ordered Zubat to attack.

On the other hand, because of Poliwrath use Hyper Beam, the repercussions also appeared. He can't move now. He can only watch Zubat's ultrasonic waves hit his body. Then he fell into a state of chaos and was struck by Zubat's Air Cutters.

"Bèng bèng bèng ~~"

Poliwrath, who was hit continuously by 4 Air Cutters controlled by Zubat, was hit by a powerful impact and smashed several rocks in succession. Because of Attribute restraint, his body was now riddled with scars.

"Stand up, Poliwrath, stand up quickly."

Seeing Poliwrath being beaten to the ground now, Ishida's eyes were splitting with rage and he yelled quickly.

Hearing his trainer's call, Poliwrath struggled and got up from the ground, but as soon as he got up slightly, two Black Energy Balls immediately appeared on top of his head, knocking him to the ground again.

And this time, no matter how Ishida Taro calls, Poliwrath can't hear him anymore.

"The battle is over and Poliwrath loses the combat capability, so the winner is Zubat."

The referee at the edge of the battlefield also abides by his own professional standards. After Poliwrath still couldn't stand up within 10 seconds, he immediately picked up the microphone and announced the result of the battle.


"Pa pa pa ~~"

"Zubat ~"

"Sato Kaede ~"

Referee tone barely fell, a wave of cheers for the winner suddenly came from the audience.

At this moment, both Zubat and Sato Kaede are enjoying the cheers after the victory.

And being the focal point of hundreds of people cheering and admiration, a dazzling and bright white light was released from Zubat's body.

To be continued...