
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 17: New Addition to the Family

By the time Sato kaede reached the public market it was 10 o'clock in the night.Market was still bustling with people.Sato kaede had some things he wanted to find and thats what he did,Sato kaede went stall to stall but unfortunately couldn't find anything he wanted and was dejected. Mpst people wouldnt go the trouble to burn Pokemon battles on CDs thus it was hard to find it while the Pokemon that Sato kaede wanted to add to his team according to sato kaede should be an all rounder which would help Zubat in training while also negating any shortcoming he had in his abilties at this time.

The Pokemon which Sato kaede wanted was Ditto. Although Ditto is generally weak due to its species strength but with its imposter hidden ability it can transform into any Pokemon it is facing which would be very useful for Sato kaede as he could have lots of Pokemon at the cost of a single one. But its very difficult to catch a wild Ditto thats why no stall were selling this Pokemon.Sato kaede could only buy it from integral Point but this has a problem as well Sato kaede couldnt analyzed the potential of the Pokemon in this manner i would be a waste.

All he could do was wait and see if any stall would sell it in the future or if it would autioned anywhere. Dejected Sato kaede made his way back to his dwelling on the way there while exiting the market Sato kaede suddenly saw a stall which he had never seen before indicating that it was relatively new. This stall was only selling Pokemon Eggs, Sato kaede decided to try his luck there and see if theres any good Pokemon. Reaching the stall Sato kaede saw a board which had written upon it the identity of these Eggs "The note is as follows: Pokemon eggs of the Nido clan, each with 500 Integral Points, his Integral Points account". These Eggs belonged to Nidoran line. The stall owner had obviously stolen Nidoran Eggs in bulk and now was selling them.

Nidoran on the integral point exhange was for only 350 or 400 points this person was obviously selling expensively but still sato kaede decided to try his luck he had never seen a Pokemon Egg thus he didn't knew whether his Appraisal work on them. Praying and activating his ability Sato kaede looked at these Eggs and Viola worked like a charm.

Information about the eggs suddenly came up to his eyes Sato kaede wass elated. Wasting no time Sato kaede started seeing the info of these eggs and suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw a Egg lying in a pile of other Eggs looking rather ordinary but when he saw its information Sato kaede couldnt help but gulp in excitement.

The information of Nidoran♂ is as follows

Pokémon: Nidoran♂

LV: 1

Attribute: poison

Characteristic Trait: Hustle

Gender: Male

Master Ability: Leer, Peck, Amnesia (Genetic), Confusion (Genetic), Disable (Genetic)

"Not only does it have a good hidden Characteristic trait, but also has 3 Genetic abilities, is this God looking after me?" Looking at the Nidoran♂ Pokemon egg on the far left of the booth, There was an uproar in Sato kaede heart.

(HUSTLE increases the ability-bearer's Attack by 50%, however, it also reduces the Accuracy of all Physical moves by 20%.)

(AMNESIA raises the user's Special Defense by two stages.Stats can be raised to a maximum of +6 stages each.)

After confirming he wasnt hallucinating Sato kaede immediately transferred 500 points to the stall owner and took the Egg and went straight to his Dorm.

In his room Saro kaede wiped the Eggs with warm water very delicately and thought about its training and pros or cons as its implicit or hiiden trait was very good it had some drawbacks too like fall in accuracy but this could be negated by simple having my Nidoran♂ learn Hone Claw which Nidoran♂ can learn via TMs.

Moreover, Sato Kaede also knows that the final evolutionary form of Nidoran♂ is Nidoking, and Nidoking's Implicit Characteristic is Sheer force.

( Sheer Force increases the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects.

Beneficial effects are defined as those that are positive for the user)

It can be seen from a clear eye that the effect of this Characteristic Trait outweighs the disadvantages. After all, the additional effect is triggered by probability.

It can be said that among all the Pokémons, the number of moves they can learn is absolutely outstanding, especially in the final form of Nidoking and Nidoqueen. These two Pokémons can learn a lot of moves, so these 2 types Pokémon has a wide range of moves.

And, among the moves that Nidoking can learn, there are many moves with additional effects, such as the most common Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunder, Blizzard, and Hyper Beam, these 6 powerful moves with additional effects can be learned by Nidoking. and with the Sheer Force Characteristic Trait, power of these moves can be upgraded to another level.

It can be said that Nidoking, who has Sheer Force Characteristic Trait, definitely has the qualifications to become the main Pokémon in Trainer's hands. The broad Attack pool combined with the Heer Force Characteristic Trait to improve Ability power can make Nidoking the most trustworthy Trump card in Trainer's hands.

It is also worth noting that if the Forced Characteristic Trait can cooperate with Life Orb, this Characteristic Trait will become very dangerous as it will increase the attack power further.

Finally by the time reached 11 30 Sato kaede finished buying an Egg incubator for 200 integral points. After putting the Egg in the incubator Sato kaede observed the EKG on the little screen showing that the Nidoran♂ is healthy at the same time Sato kaede managed to sell more Pokeblock via a handler now Sato kaede had 1250 integral points remaining with him. After eating dinner with Zubat having a scrumptious dinner its time to rent a low level training hall to train Zubat.

to be continued.



So Nidoran♂ how many of u guessed it well congrats to you. Nidoking is my favourite Pokemom so theres no way i wont put it in.

keep reading and keep supporting guy thanks.

Also take care and drink lots of water Peace✌