
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 15: Battle

okay first time writing a Pokemon Battle dont judge 🙃 also tell me whether you liked it or not




In the Pokemon world no matter where you are,who you are,what you are doing, if a trainer challenge you to a Pokemon battle you have to accept it.It a matter of honor you cannot backdown.

Rondo challenge Sato infront of everyone leaving him no choice but to accept the challenge.Sato kaede inquired"Pokémon battle? Interesting, what are the rules of this Pokémon battle?" Sato Kaede stared at Rondo's ugly face and said expressionlessly.

"A formal Pokémon battle, without any conditions, will you accept my challenge? Sato Kaede!" Sato Kaede tone barely fell, Rondo smiled schemingly, and immediately replied loudly. He purposely said it out loudly thinking of traping Sato kaede but he had already accepted to battle Rondo in his mind so it was a wasted effort.

At the same time, Ekans beside Rondo stared at Sato Kaede and Zubat which was on his shoulder with its cold slitted eyes, which made Sato Kaede and Zubat very uncomfortable.Sato kaede used Appraisal on Ekans to learn about it

The information of Ekans is as follows:

Pokémon: Ekans

LV: 15

Attribute: poison

Characteristic Trait: Intimidation

Gender: Male

Ability: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Iron Tail (Genetic), Rock Tomb (instructed by Ability)

Sato kaede pupil shrinked Rock tomb was a very effective move for Zubat, This battle was going to be tough but Sato kaede had insurances as Zubat was a sniper he had Shadow ball, gust and ultrasound in it arsenal so Zubat could keep its distance from Ekans and Rondo was not a competent trainer Sato kaede knew Ekans would not have had time to fully trust Rondo so he may be a little wild and leave some opening for it.

Sato kaede said" I accept your challenge but my Zubat just finished its training i will need 30 minutes to better prepare for battle" which Rondo generously gave. After 30 minutes were up a team rocket soldier came up to become the referee while also starting a betting scheme with Sato kaede odds of winning were 10 and Rondo was 1 many people put there integral points on Rondo but Alexa (500 integral points) and Victor(200 integral points) put all of there integral points on Sato kaede while Sato kaede himself put his remaining 104 integral points on himself.

Now it was time for battle both trainer released there Pokemon on one side was the cold and cunning predator Ekans hissing while on the other hand was a hardworking vampiric bat Zubat.

Ekans characteristic trait also activated but it had little to no effect on Zubat but it still lowered Zubat attack ability by 1 level which was bearable. Sato kaede eyes were cold and emotional less and he was very calm during his years of running away from police in his previous life he had seen many things so this battle was not something that would intimidate Sato kaede.

Sato kaede had instructed Zubat to always utilize Supersonic move immediatle without command as to catch its oppenent off guard but due to less training Zubat couldnt do it continuously and only do it in intervals but if Ekans get hit by it it will surely be hurt by Supersonic. But Ekans as a calculative creature saw through this and slithered it way out of the supersonic range.

A touch of Zubat's ultrasonic attack from 20 meters ahead caused a dizziness in Rondo's head.

"Hmph, play useless little moves, Ekans, jump up and use Bite on Zubat." Rondo's willpower is very good. After a little shake of his head, he regained his consciousness and immediately ordered Ekans who was already close to Zubat. The Ekans who was less than 5 meters away issued an attack order.

When Ekans heard Rondo's command, its pupils shrank, and the purple snake's body suddenly contorted into spring shape, and then made a jump to bite at Zubat flying about 7 to 8 meters away from Ground at a lightning speed.

Ekans mouth wide open , approached at a lightening fast speed. If Zubat is bitten, it is very likely that Zubat will suffer severe damage.

"Use Protect", the calm Sato Kaede immediately faced Zubat yelled.Protect was displayed instantly.

Suddenly, a dark-green energy shield wrapped Zubat, and when the dark-green energy shield just appeared, the Bite of Ekans hit the dark-green energy shield.There was a slight crack in the shield, but this attack was undoubtedly blocked by Zubat using Protect.

After the dark-green energy shield lasted less than 2 seconds, it was broken, turning into pieces of dark-green energy fragments and falling down.Zubat took advantage of this block and made some distance from Ekans.

"Seize the opportunity, Zubat, take advantage of Ekans in midair and use Supersonic on it." Seeing Zubat successfully escaped, Sato Kaede's eyes flashed light and immediately commanded Zubat.

"Don't panic, immediately use Iron Tail to Zubat in front of you." When Sato Kaede was commanding Zubat, Rondo was not slow, and immediately commanded Ekans who was in midair.

Under Rondo's instructions, the tail section of the Ekans was instantly coated with a metal-like luster, and then relying on the strength of the body, he forcibly twisted its body, and then used Iron Tail at the nearby Zubat.

Fortunately, Zubat's speed is not slow. When Iron Tail was about to hit, he successfully released a burst of high-frequency ultrasonic waves from his mouth, because of close distance, the extremely fast sound waves hit Ekans first.

Afterwards, Ekans Iron Tail also successfully hit Zubat under the action of inertia, and the huge force immediately swept Zubat away, and it started to fell to the ground.

When Ekans returned to Ground, Zubat also just used his strong bat wings to stabilize his figure in the air. but not without some panting flew in the air, by using Protect and after getting strucj woth Iron Tail Zubat's current physical strength has also dropped a lot.

Now, after being caught in Zubat's close-range ultrasonic wave, Ekans returning to Ground is also in a state of chaos, and its pair of cold snake pupils are now scarlet indicating its pain. Ekans due to dizziness and pain started thrashing its head on the ground to regain its conciousness but all it did was give it more damage.

Sato kaede knew this was an opening as Ekans was noy even listening to its trainer "Zubat use Shadow ball continuously" Zubat immediately shot Ekans with Shadow ball like a machine gun and keep on hitting Ekans for good 5 to 10 minutes.At this time Ekans had finally woken up but its body was now riddled with scars.

Rondo seeing Ekans waking up immediately commanded"Ekans close the gap and use Roxk tomb" Ekans slithered closed to the zubat avoiding Shadow ball and used rock tomb but Ekans modified it as It was weak and didnt had enough physical strength and made the boulders into sharp rocks and attacked Zubat.

Zubat at close range wasnt able to dodge all of the rocks thrown at it and was hit directly."Zubat dodge" Sato kaede yelled but it was not effective.Rondo watching this commanded Ekans to keep using Rock tomb."Zubat use Gust to throw the rocks away" Zubat in a moment of desperation used Gust a white cyclone of wind immediately appeared and sucessfully threw the rocks away."Zubat use the cyclone to injure Ekans" Zubat moved the wind cyclone to Ekans seeing this Rondo Ordered "Ekans use dig to get out of the cyclone" Alas the ground was made up of concrete and Ekans couldnt dig through it and was hit by the wind cyclone which due to Zubat being under stressed and far more power than it used during training.Ekans getting hit by the cyclone was the last straw as Ekans was thrown away as a rag doll and spiral appeared in its eyes.

"Ekans is not able to battle.Winner is Sato kaede and Zubat" Announced the referee Team Rocket soldier.

To be continued.....