
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Kanto Region, Pewter City, on the outskirts of the city, around a shabby shop selling Pokémon Items, a teenager about 15 years of age is sitting on a public bench facing the shop.

The boy was wearing a set of worn out clothes that were washed white, and his handsome face was yellowish and thin, and there were a few bruises. Judging from the appearance of the boy, it is obvious that the young man came from poverty.

The boy's name is Sato Kaede. He is a commoner living in the countryside outside of Pewter City. He is currently working in Pewter City to make some money. Unfortunately, the money he earned from working hard in a convenience store,has not been able to cover the his expanses as it was snatched away by a group of hateful ruffians.

Sato Kaede at first was naturally not going to give away his hard earned money that easily and was ready for a fight, but when he saw the bullies each holding a Pokéball in their hands, he decisively chose to give up, because he knew that if he showed any resistance it would end up bad for him.

Sato Kaede didn't complain about his money being snatched. This kind of bullying and thievery, he has experienced a lot of times since he left the countryside to live in Pewter City.

Sato Kaede:"Sure enough, it won't work. No matter which world you live in, your future will always be in the hands of others if you are not capable enough to defend yourself. If you want to control your own destiny, you must first have power."

Sato Kaede leaned on the bench, he took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a lighter, and held it in his mouth. Then he stared at the sunset in the sky, and then gradually recalled his previous experiences.

In fact, in addition to being a villager in the countryside outside of Pewter City, the boy has another identity, that is, He is an transmigrator from the 21st century Earth. When he was on Earth, his name was Alex vader. A top student from a prestigious university, he was a programmer by profession.

Alex's background was also the same as that of Sato Kaede of Pokemon world today. It is very simple. He was also a child from the countryside. However, he aced the entrance examination, and successfully entered in a Prestigious university.

Alex parents were simple and honest farmers, so Alex's temperament was also quite honest and timid under the influence of his pears, and he was always calm and humble in ever situation.

Since graduating from the university, he relied on his diploma from a prestigious university and excellent programmer ability. He was quickly hired by a big company in Japan and became a programmer with good pay and conditions.

Because Alex was honest, hard-working and very smart and capable, he was quickly appreciated by his superiors and suddenly became the superior of most seniors before him.because of the sudden and fast promotions many seniors became jealous and began hating him out of spite.

It's a pity that Alex's temperament is just like that. Even after a little social influence, in the bones he is still a very honest person who keeps to himself, and in this world an honest person is easy to be used by others.

So all the seniors in his company made him a target of bullying and put mistakes on him eventually leading to a huge loss to the company which was also put on Alex's shoulders.As a result Alex was fired from the company and also had to pay huge amounts of debt.

In despair Alex returned to his parents but they also left him alone in this world.After there funeral Alex went to court to sue his seniors but all it did was pile up more debt on him.So Alex took matters into his own hands.Alex being excellent in chemistry made multiple bombs and delivered them to his seniors home killing them on there doorsteps.

After this he evaded The authorities for 2 years eventually he choose to end his life by the side of his parents grave.By the time Police came Alex had already died,finding a letter in which he had confessed and wished to be buried along side his parents.

Alex realized that without sufficent strength nothing matters in this world but Alas he realised this a little too late.

God may have took pity on him because he woke up once more now in a different world with a different name,in a different body.

Sato Kaede was an orphan adopted by a elderly couple and for 14 years was looked after by them but eventually they too left him alone in this world.

Growing up Sato realised that this is the Pokemon world.Sato wasnt too familiar with this world but he had knowledge of it since he had played Pokemon when he was a child back on Earth but a game is a game this was a real world many things are different like Ash getting struck by Pikachu's Thunderbolt would just get scorched but in reality you would straight up die if no help is provided even though human body here was 4 or 5 times tough than a Eathling.

"The only way to deal with a pokemon is a pokemon" even a little Rattata is capable of killing a fully grown man.

This is rewrite so i will try my best to give you a good experience so support me guys also its a little slow in the beginning so u might as well skip this chapter

BoredMortalcreators' thoughts