512 Reunion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The spaceships floated above the Sanctuary silently like a flying fortress. As those on the ground looked up to the skies, they could only see the enormous base of the spaceship and the light blue glow of the ringed-shaped, anti-gravity stabilizer.

This was not the first time that the players on Planet Aquamarine had seen a spaceship. When Han Xiao left Planet Aquamarine, they had also witnessed a spaceship descending. History had repeated itself. However, this time, it was not a single spaceship but an entire fleet of spaceships!

While spaceships could be seen all around in Bun-Hit-Dog's videos, the visual impact of seeing them in person was vastly different.

The players all raised their heads with looks of excitement, and some of them began recording the scene.


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