
The Legendary Guardian angel

A young boy named Katsumi Angchael who is Born in the Angchael clan which he is forced to painful and horrific experiences which they call in the clan training. find out more as the story continues....

Katking23 · Terror
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7 Chs

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The Guardian angel


It all started on a Saturday morning, it was a normal day, the sky was clear blue, birds singing, kids from outside the borders of my clan playing like no tomorrow, they were happy unlike in my clan.... I can't even call it a home because...

[ Chief household ]

Every child starting from the age of 5 where taken to the chief's household for training. Some kids died, some couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide or died during training because the training was that brutal. Only 10 out of 100 kids were able to survive this first stage of training, I was one of those 10 kids who survived.

I didn't have parents, my parents where useless, they didn't even make the cut from their training when they were children, the only use they had was too bear a child after that they were required to perform {1} harugagure, not that it mattered too me, they were just weak cowards unlike me.

I was considered the second strongest at the chief household but that I wasn't expecting because I thought I was the strongest but back then I was only 8 years old when I awakened my stage 1 angel eyes called the zyron which at my age shine bright as diamonds and as beautiful white and black like the night sky with it it's stars well mine where not like his though and he was the strongest but smaller than me by size

All of this was just the beginning of a great and spontaneous horrific, gore like story of mine with a hint of love.