
Chapter 27

The moon was overhead, totally illuminating everything under itself causing a natural light which was destined to witness what was happening right now in the streets of Kuoh

In the streets of Kuoh, there were currently several supernatural beings who were fighting each other, previously they came with the intention of creating a truce but when there are those who have hatred within themselves in a place surrounded by their enemies it is quite obvious as far as the situation

"Wow, I must admit that you are very ... Eloquent? This 'talk' if it is working among all of us, don't you think so?" Arthur Augusto spoke mockingly but certainly contained a bit of his anger within himself

"Haven't you been told that when the Devil goes out for a walk, bad things happen in the world? They are very uncivilized, which is why it wouldn't be bad to get rid of them at once, don't? Mr. Paladin"

Baraqiel acted coldly while standing on the roof of a house watching the battle of his allies against his enemies

This event had been going on for about thirty minutes and it was true it was the Demons who started the battle

"Those are words too scandalous Baraqiel-Sama, I must make you understand that you can not say such words easily and go unpunished from the situation" Grayfia with his stoic attitude proclaimed his claim looking at all

This was truly a stalemate because Paladin Arthur had almost the same strength as Grayfia, as for Baraqiel he would rather not get into the problems of these two

"Then what do you think the solution is---"


Baraqiel did not even speak when an explosion caught the attention of the three who saw a rather abnormal event


In the middle of the 'battlefield' was Yukio who had landed and patted his outfit shaking off the dust that had piled up due to his fall

Everyone was somewhat confused by this new person who had appeared so suddenly hitting everyone around him, even more, when they saw his outfit so strange

It was because this person was wearing an outfit that included a pair of black pants and gloves with a black shirt with white sleeves, on it he wore a large purple robe with a long neck and long sleeves and had the Uchiha symbol engraved on the back, also around from his waist he wore a simple purple and a belt

His face was hidden with a mask that reveals both eyes, it was a white color and had the back covered with a light purple fabric even had the mask had the design of three tomoe with a small dot in the center and a pattern of waves spreading through it

No one could see his identity and which made him mysterious except that a person in the crowd suddenly came before this person standing in front while raising his sword

"You're finally here ... Madara!"


Yes, now everyone realized what stood out most in this person called 'Madara' this man had no presence!

Only Madara was so abnormal not to have a presence of his existence, it's as if he was never there, you could only see it with your own eyes

"Shura? ... Are you still angry about the last time?" Yukio asked as he watched his surroundings cautiously the wise man who was being surrounded in the surroundings

If they all fell on him he would clearly lose but why did he do it anyway?

That is easy is because no one would be so dumb as to go directly to him without even knowing his true strength and abilities, therefore everyone would be careful

Even so, there was a certain woman who was an exception and had some red cheeks "You !, return them now! I will make you pay for that time!"

"Do you want me to return them?"



"What are you waiting for? Give them back to me now!"

"... If you want that"

Shura immediately stretched out his hand cautiously but at that moment he realized the situation ... what would happen if everyone saw how he gave her some panties in this place surrounded by many people? No doubt there would be misunderstandings.

But she was too late Yukio had taken some panties out of her 'pocket' and placed them in her hand quietly

"I even washed them for you, you don't have to thank me"


The silence that was what there was instantly throughout the place because of the abnormal situation, without a doubt this would be a great scandal of the situation

Why was Madara giving Shura Kirigakure some panties in this place?

No ... Apparently those panties belonged to Shura but why then did Madara have them in her hands?

Many felt that question in their own heads and even Arthur wondered if Shura was having some kind of unhealthy romance with his enemy.

Just when some wanted to be able to understand the situation, Madara did something that surprised everyone again

"We can talk later ... Because right now it is ..."

Without him finishing speaking, he extended his own leg at a great speed and directly hit the stomach of Shura who was stunned, sending her flying back impacting those unfortunate ones who were in that direction.

"Time to dance!"


Arthur and company were looking at everything with an expression full of disbelief and some confusion while they could witness as 'Madara' was violently beginning a massacre all the way while the Kunais and explosive labels made acts of presence on the battlefield

But the most confused was Arthur because he knew that he had previously hit 'Madara' enough to leave him incapacitated for a few months.

But here he was again slaughtering everyone around him as if they were rubber dolls

Instead, Baraqiel had a cautious look, but immediately ordered his subordinates to attack 'Madara' trying to kill him or even take him as a prisoner, it would be good to get some secrets from him.

And Grayfia was looking at everything with her typical stoic expression but her eyes shone as if she was thinking about something mysteriously

She walked to the battlefield attracting the attention of both men who followed her


A Fallen Angel raised his spear of light trying to throw it towards Yukio

But Yukio immediately bent down and broken-down his leg managing to make his enemy lose his balance and without wasting time flexing his hand that was holding his Kunai stabbing him in the neck

[You have killed a Fallen Angel of the lower class, you have received '100' OP coins "

Yukio immediately rolled on the ground dodging his new enemy and immediately took a leap sending a side-kick to the head of a nearby person managing to disorient him

In a battle where there were enemies around it was not difficult to kill and the more people fell into his hand's even more strength he would have

Making high-speed hand seals immediately stepped back before jumping and placing his fingers between his lips

"Fire Element: Deadly Fire!"


Immediately from the mouth of Yukio a powerful bullet made of fire shot down hitting the ground creating a living hell along with an explosion that massacred his enemies mercilessly granting several experience points just like OP Coins

[You have murdered a Beginner Exorcist, you have received '100' OP coins!]

[You've killed an Intermediate Exorcist, you've received '500' OP coins!]

[You have killed a Middle-Class Devil, you have received '500' OP coins!]

[You have killed a Fallen Angel of the Lower-Class, you have received '100' OP coins!]

[Congratulations on raising level 36!]

[Congratulations on raising level 37!]

[Congratulations on raising level 38!]

[Congratulations on raising..!]


Yukio clicks his tongue as he noticed how some of his enemies came out of the fire while immediately the flames were shaken in their bodies and then started fighting again in the surroundings

Those people were clearly people whose rank was possible 'High-Class' or 'Advanced', when their feet touched the ground he quickly raised his Kunai in front of his chest


A sharp metallic sound resonated in the area while Shura held his sword tightly, she clearly came with the intention of taking the life of 'Madara'

"Do you really have to get so angry? Even I haven't attacked you so far"

"You think I care?!"

She obviously knew that 'Madara' had been avoiding her in battle so far

Even when 'Madara' use that strange fire skill, he throws it to another direction where she wasn't there but she didn't understand why he did that

"Well, you should care, at least it's my way of paying you that one at that time, isn't it?"

While they were talking they did not stop their movements achieving great impacts between both metals quickly and precisely even those enemies who launched on them to take advantage of the situation died immediately by both

"I don't know who you are, I don't understand why you're doing this when you don't even have to fight us ... Don't you prefer to live your life comfortably like a normal human? How old are you even ?!"

Shura wanted to reason with 'Madara' for her this young man was only a child at least for his height and youthful voice, she wanted to kill him but at the same time she respected him for showing such amount of strength at such a short age

"Believe me if I could live comfortably I would have done it, but unfortunately I have plans and dreams to fulfill in which many of you stand in my way"

"Is that why you go around killing everyone to fulfill your dreams? What kind of dream is that? Become genocidal?"

They both stared at each other while their hands moved rhythmically achieving the impact between both metal objects

"You won't understand ..."

Yukio immediately used his left hand to block the next attack of Shura managing to stop the attack although he clearly had to suffer an injury, even so, he clenched his teeth and with his right hand he formed a fist hitting Shura in the abdomen

Although the force behind Yukio's coup was not much and even if he used all his strength, the maximum he could do is just take the air out of Shura, after all this woman was practical 'High-Class' or rather an 'Advanced'

"So if you explain maybe I will come to understand" Shura used her right hand to hold on to the 'Madara' outfit she was determined to try to bring this child in a good way

But Yukio shook his head before, with his right hand, lightly tapping Shura's forearm, getting away from her, he knew that there were different paths to fulfill his plan but he didn't want to be thousands of years in this world

"It is a dream that I must fulfill and even if I have to become the evil one in history I will not mind doing it while I reach my goal"

He wanted to fix everything as soon as possible and had a plan that even if he brought destruction to this world he didn't care, only his future was important to him.

"In that case, I will take care of getting in your way if you want to follow your dream you are welcome to do it but as long as I'm present I will stop you from at least damaging this world"

"So while I travel to my own dream I am counting on you to enjoy and fight with you on my way to my goal ... Shura Kirigakure!"

Without saying any more words Yukio began to recreate several stamps with his hands and soon ended up looking at Shura before speaking

"Water Element: Hiding in the Fog"

At the end of his words mysteriously a huge amount of fog was present in the environment while everyone stopped their fight to remain cautious raising their weapons with greater caution

Strange sounds began to emerge within the fog causing those who were outside to try to discover what happened inside

"Fire Element: Jutsu Fire Dragon!"

At the moment that voice was heard it was as if the 'Devil' himself had come back to life to embody evil in this world

From the huge mist, countless really strong black threads that were subject to some Kunais around the battlefield began to light like fireworks bringing hell to this new world raising the flames as if it were a forest fire

Countless screams full of terror and pain began to be heard in the surroundings while only the threads full of fire could be seen in the fog that hid the suffering of others but stopped the hearts of those present keeping the survivors with their weapons raised with visible fear in his eyes

"Out of the fog now!"

"Get out of there!"

"Regroup now!"

Grayfia and Arthur immediately became alert watching their allies die so tragically they immediately realized that it was time to act could not stand still now

Arthur raised his greatsword in a swinging motion that immediately sent a great gust of wind cutting half of the fog while Grayfia immediately prepared for his attack.

It was at that moment that everyone could see how a silhouette ran from inside the fog and passed between the nearby buildings everyone thought that 'Madara' was trying to escape but suddenly after getting behind a building he jumped from above and made stamps with their hands

Instantly, everyone was immediately alert and knew that each attack was meant to take someone's life and that this could not continue like this

"Everyone uses distance attacks right now!"

Only with that shout immediately each of the Fallen Angels raised their arms by throwing [Spears of Light] [Swords of Light] or [Bullets of Light] all kinds of Light-based attacks were sent to 'Madara'

Even Baraqiel sent a powerful beam against Madara, Grayfia did not move her hand because she certainly had some suspicions about 'Madara' and would not attack him at least not until she could understand the situation well

With so many attacks sent that were destined even with the ability to kill a Paladin, Arthur did not move while looking at the countless flashes that decided the life or death of 'Madara'

It was at that moment that Yukio smiled behind his mask, he certainly never thought that his plan would be so easily fulfilled

With just waving his hand everyone realized that 'Madara' had pulled a strange Gunbai out of nowhere surprising everyone, but nothing could overcome the surprise they saw so far ...

"¡The Return of the Uchiha...!"

A single word along with its strange Gunbai and the greatest hell was unleashed towards all those present who watched as their own attacks came towards them

The only fear was what everyone could witness now ...

...!The Demon called Madara!