
The Legend of Yi si tie

It is a story of a Princess who has a tremendous dark force inside her that can be controlled by others. What would she do if she found out the truth about her past? Let's see what will be her decisions.

InaraRiver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Love of a Father 

Meanwhile in the Demon Realm, a guard went to see the Demon Lord Jiao-Long. "My Lord, the Demon Prince wants to destroy the Penglai!"

"What!?" Jiao-Long asked back in shock. "This is not the right time to be sentimental! Where is he?"

"He is in his room my Lord."

Jiao-Long went to see Xiexie and there, he saw how Xiexie had destroyed everything in his room. He had even killed some of his servants.


"Arggh!! Where is the Princess!?"

Jiao-Long cast a spell on Xiexie but, he immediately countered it. He also attacked Jiao-Long. "You! How could you let this happen to her!?"

"Enough of this nonsense! That girl made you weak! You are the Demon Prince and must act like one!"

Xiexie fiercely looked at his father and growled, "Don't you dare try to stop me."

"Where are you going!?"

"I know they have the Princess and I will take her back!"


However, Xiexie didn't listen to his father and continued with his plan. He took a team of hundred Demon Soldiers with him to Penglai.

"It's not time yet! This is not how I planned it to happen. How did this happen!?"

General Zhao went to see Jiao-Long and asked him, "My Lord, what are we going to do?"

"For now, you must control the Human Realm. Stay there and wait for my news. I will follow Xiexie, his nether powers are not fully awakened yet."

"Yes, my Lord."

General Zhao went back to the Human Realm as he was the one who's controlling it. A royal family was absent and the only person with enough power was General Zhao.

At Penglai, Taiyang continued his training. However, he remembered the Princess on many occasions during training. He stopped of what he was doing and looked at Sorrow. Sorrow was dropped from the Princess before Xiexie took her away.

"Why I can't feel your feelings now Princess? I hope you're alright." He whispered. Longwei and Lu arrived to check on Taiyang.

"Greetings Father and Elder Lu."

"Hmm, I just wanted to see if you're doing okay."

"Thank you for your concerns father, but…"

Elder Lu and Longwei looked at each other. "But what?" Elder Lu asked.

"Ah, never mind. Maybe I'm just tired from training."

"Hmm, you should take a rest first. You have been training so hard since the last meeting with the Immortal Master."

"Thank you, father. I shall take my leave now."

"Alright." Said Longwei.

After Taiyang left, Elder Lu began to deliberate. "It seems that, there's something disturbing the Prince."

"Sigh. I hope my daughter is alright."


"By the way… Elder, what did the Immortal Master mean by what she said?"

"Ahh… that's…"

Before Master Lu could answer, the sky darkened and began to thunder. The cold breeze hitting them informed of Jiao-Long and Xiexie's presence.

All of the People in Mt. Penglai went outside to check on what's happening. The sight of the Demon Lord and Prince approaching their sect was what greeted them.

"Everyone! Prepare for defense!" said Elder Lu.

"Father! What's happening!?"

Then, Taiyang saw Xiexie. "You!"

Jiao-Long and Xiexie along with their demon disciples, touched down on Mt. Penglai.

"Where is she!?" Furiously asked Xiexie.

"What do you mean where is she? I should be the one who's asking you that! You took her from us!" Taiyang answered back in anger.

"Acting ignorant won't help you!"

Xiexie charged at Taiyang while Jiao-Long charged towards Longwei and Elder Lu. The battle between them started.




"It's been a long-time brother Longwei."

"A weird time to me brother! Hiyah!"

Master Lu cast a spell on Jiao-Long but, he countered it and Lu fell into the water.


"I'm okay!"

"You! Arggh!!"

Meanwhile, the fight between the two Princes was becoming more and more intense.

"Arrgghhh! Give us back the Princess, you demon!"

"Don't act like you're innocent! Bring out the Princess or I will destroy Penglai!"

Then, both of them stepped back and stopped. They glared at each other furiously while preparing for their Primordial Attacks.

Taiyang called out his Dragon Spirit while, Xiexie called out his Demon God Spirit. Jiao-Long saw it and tried to stop Xiexie from releasing it.

"No! Xiexie, stop this INSTANT!"

However, Xiexie didn't listen to his father and continued.


"You demon! Die!"

Both of them released their attack and both the spirits exploded. The energy wave blasted everyone away and even Mt. Penglai was almost destroyed.

Jiao-Long was the first to wake up and he immediately looked for Xiexie. His vision was restricted thanks to the leftover smoke from the blast.

"Xiexie! Xiexie!"

Not far away from him, he saw Xiexie lying unconscious. He grabbed Xiexie and checked his pulse and "Sigh…" sighed in relief. He called out to Demon Disciples who were still alive and told them to retreat.

Minutes after they left Penglai, Longwei also woke up while coughing, "Elder Lu! Taiyang! Where are you!?" After looking around for a while, he found Elder Lu standing while looking devastated.

"Elder Lu? Why are you stan- "

Even before he could finish his question, he saw Taiyang. He was lying on ground covered in blood.


"His Primordial Spirit is terribly damaged."

"What!? No..." Without a second thought, he transferred his own Primordial Spirit to Taiyang.

"Longwei! What are you doing!? You will die if you do that!"

"He is my Son, Elder! I can never forgive myself if he dies! This is for the best!"

Elder Lu couldn't change Longwei's mind and watched as he successfully transferred his spirit to Taiyang and Taiyang also woke up.

"Argh! My head!" He saw his father, smiling at him.


"Son, promise me that you will save your sister. Promise me that, both of you will live a happy life and that you'll protect each other. Okay?"

"Father, you don't have to tell me that. I already know what I should do." After saying that, He noticed that Longwei's figure was becoming transparent little by little. "Wh-what's happening!?"

"Your Primordial spirit was damaged and you were on the verge of death. So, in order to save you, your father transferred his spirit you." Lu said.

"No… No. No! This can't be happening! Father! Please! Don't leave us! We still need to save sister… Father please no!" Taiyang cried and begged to his father.

"Shh... I'm so happy and proud that you're my son."

Longwei's spirit finally vanished into the air. Taiyang grieved in loss and didn't even notice that his hand was bleeding from hitting the ground.
