
The Legend of Yi si tie

It is a story of a Princess who has a tremendous dark force inside her that can be controlled by others. What would she do if she found out the truth about her past? Let's see what will be her decisions.

InaraRiver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Confession of a Broken Heart

Iris noticed that the Demon Lord has doubts about her, as the guard kept following her wherever she went. So, she decided to stay low and did not do anything suspicious for the time being. So that, she can still stay at demon realm and check on what's happening. "I must stay here no matter what." She whispered to herself.

At the end of week, the guard went back to report the demon Lord of his findings. "My Lord. About Iris, there's nothing suspicious about her as of now."

"What about the people she talks to or the places she goes to?" Jiao-Long asked.

"Nothing my Lord. Everything is normal."

"Hmm, just continue to check on her. I think she is hiding something."

"Yes, my Lord."

"I feel something strange about you. I just hope that you're not her."

At Penglai, Taiyang was about to make a request to Elder Lu that surprised him. "Elder, greetings."

"Greetings my child. What brings you here?"

"I know this is so sudden but, I would like to request something."

"Anything child."

"Please allow me to train at the Dragon's Core."

Elder Lu was shocked after hearing what Taiyang requested. "What!?" He composed himself and continued, "Nobody ever tries to go there. They avoid the place instead. The last person to enter the Dragon's Core was the Last Prince of Fairies and he died during the cultivation of spirit there!"

"I know Elder. But please, my powers are not enough to completely overpower two Demon Lords and my sister is also with them."

"I can't take this gamble. You can't risk your life for it, your Highness."

"Please, Elder Lu. This is the best if not the only way. I have to enter the Dragon's Core."

"If you die there, how can I stand before your father in the afterlife?"

"If my father was still here, he would have understood my decision and will have faith in me."

Elder Lu turned his back to him and walked away without giving any response to Taiyang.

"Elder, please!" Taiyang ran towards Elder Lu and kneeled in front of him.

"Please, Elder. I have to be more powerful. The Sun chose me as the Saint. Since the sun chose me, then it should know that I can handle it."

Elder Lu helped Taiyang to stand up and told him something important. "The Dragon's Core is the most dangerous realm of all the secret realms. Even the geniuses of Demon realm don't try to enter the Dragon's Core. However, there is a legend saying that the Goddess of Balance was the only person who managed to achieve an improvement in her cultivation there. But few days after she finished her training and returned from the secret realm, she just disappeared as if vanished into thin air. And even until now, nobody knows her whereabouts or if she's alive. The Goddess of Balance holds the balance of all realms, she is a neutral. She never took side with any faction."


"If this is what you decided on, then I will give you my blessings. But you must promise that you'll return in one piece."

After Taiyang heard Elder Lu's words, he got excited. "Thank you elder. I will make sure to come back alive."

"If you manage to do so, you will be the second person who achieved to return from the Dragon's Core with results. Also, there's one last thing that you need to know."

"What is it Elder?"

"Once you manage to successfully finish your training, the Dragon God will bless you and will tell you of your destiny and that destiny will only be told to you and you must fulfill it. If you don't follow it, your spirit will be devoured by him. I think the vanishing of the Goddess of Balance is also related to this matter but, we aren't certain of the real reason behind it yet. Even until now, the followers of the Goddess of Balance still searching for her whereabouts."

"I will keep it in mind Elder. Thank you for the information, at least I know what I must do."

"Alright, you should rest. Three days later, I will guide you to the entrance of the Dragon's Core."

"Yes, Elder!"

While Taiyang was resting, the Little Princess at White Lotus sect also fell asleep after playing around with the other disciples the whole day.

"Lady Lilia, what's on your mind? You kept on smiling while looking at the Princess."

"Ah, nothing. I'm just happy seeing her smile freely with no worries."

"Heh." Yuixen was also smiling for the entire time.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing, Lady Lilia. Earlier, you looked like you the Princess's mother. The way you scold her and looking out for her. It's strange but suits you quite well."

"I just have to do that since we don't know why there are two Princess in this world yet. One is full of happiness and free but, went back to being a child. While the other one is still unconscious, and her face shows her sadness even while she's asleep."

Lilia left the room and went to walk around the hall together with Yuixen. Later on, Lilia felt a sudden jolt in her mind and blanked out momentarily. She was about to fall but, Yuixen grabbed her to stop it from happening. "My Lady, are you alright!?"

"Yes, maybe I'm just tired after leaving the space of consciousness."

"We really need to do something about the Pill of Light."

"I'm alright Yuixen. If this is my destiny, so be it."

"Why do you always say that!?" Yuixen berated Lilia angrily which made him slip his tongue, "What about me!?"

Lilia starred into Yuixen's eyes and spoke in surprise, "Yuixen… you…"

"Yes, Lady Lilia! I have feelings for you! Can't you also see that? Don't you also feel the same?"

Yuixen grabbed Lilia's hand and placed it over his chest. "This heart… the beat of my heart, it only beats for you Lady Lilia."


"I know you love someone but, I don't care. It's enough for me to see that you're happy and well Lady Lilia. I will do everything to keep you alive and I will protect you with all my heart."

Without waiting for Lilia's response, Yuixen left.