
The Legend of Yi si tie

It is a story of a Princess who has a tremendous dark force inside her that can be controlled by others. What would she do if she found out the truth about her past? Let's see what will be her decisions.

InaraRiver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Foolish Fate 

The next day, Longwei entered the Princess's room and immediately noticed something was different about her, "Yǐ sī tiē?"

"Good morning, father! I had a strange dream last night. The Moon let me see mother! She talked to me and gave me the power of the Moon."

Longwei checked spirit energy and he felt the Power of the Moon from her.

"It is indeed the power of the Moon. Seems like your mother still watches you from up there."

"Hmm!" the Princess nodded happily.

"Anyway, are you ready for the journey?"


After days of travelling, the father and daughter pair successfully arrived at Penglai.

"Welcome back Longwei."

"Elder Lü, it's been a long time."

"Hm. I'm glad you're alright." Then, Master Lü noticed Yǐ sī tiē's Power of the Moon.


"I'm sorry where are my manners. This is my daughter, Yǐ sī tiē."

"Ah, you really look like Yue. Anyway, come let's take you inside the hall. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Sure we do Elder."

While the two of them were discussing Important matters, Yǐ sī tiē went to look around the sect. In the training ground, she saw a person Practicing Martial Arts. She couldn't see him clearly at this distance so, she closed onto him until she slipped her feet.


The man saw her falling and grabbed her.

"Yǐ sī tiē?"


"What are you doing here?"

"I…I came with my father."

"Father? The King?"

"No, no, no, my real father. Longwei."

"So, you've finally met each other. I'm glad that happened."

"Master, I have something to ask."

"What is it?"

"Where have you been all these years? I've been waiting for you. Why did you leave me alone."

"I'm sorry. I was in a daze during that time. After the ritual, my energy was completely depleted. Xiexie locked me away in the prison and also absorbed my energy little by little. I wasn't in the right mind. To be honest, I don't recall everything that happened during that time. It stayed that way until Master Lü saved me."

"So, you didn't abandon me?"

"Yes, I did not and will not abandon you on purpose. I promised myself that. I was planning to get you after I recovered enough."

Afterwards, Longwei and Master Lü went to the training ground to check on the Princess.

"Yǐ sī tiē."

"Mister, he is the one who gave me Sorrow. He is my master, Taiyang."

"Taiyang, nice meeting you. Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"It's my pleasure."

"Can we talk privately?"

"Yes sir."

Then, both of them went to an isolated corner of the training ground.

"Yǐ sī tiē told me everything."

"I'm sorry, the elders fooled me. They were using me. But I swear I never intended to bring harm the Princess."

"Did you know that, the seal inside her kept her from unleashing her Dark Force? Once she begins practicing martial arts, the seal will be broken and the power she holds can be controlled by others."

"I only knew that once the seal was broken. I thought once the Chains of Demons was done, her dark force will be gone. But I was fooled by the Elders. They wanted to control her and they used me for it. It was my ignorance which caused all this, so I'll set everything right. I'm ready to atone for my sins and accept any punishment that I will be given."

"Hmm, one last thing. where did you get the sword that you gave to my daughter?"

"It's precious to me Sir, it was with me since I was a baby."

Then, Longwei asked him with uncertainty, "Who are your parents?"

"The elders told me I was an orphan. But I later found out I'm a member of the royal family."

Longwei cried in tears and he said, "Son…"

"Son? What do you mean?"

"Sorrow, I placed that sword beside you before we left you in the palace."

Taiyang was shocked after what he heard.

"Ahh!! There are so many of you and you can't even find one woman!? Useless! Get out of my sight!"

"Calm down Xiexie. We will find the Princess. In the meantime, there's something I want to discuss with you."

"Sigh, what is it?"

"In the eastern outskirt of the Kingdom, there's a small village. I believe the Princess might be there."

"Outskirt? I thought there's only desert around that area?"

"That I also know. However, one of our patrol teams found a Hairpin in the desert. We are certain it belonged to the Princess. Then, they found the Princess in that village."

"If you already knew that the Princess is in that Village, why did your men not bring her back to me!?"

"I'm sorry. As much as I wanted to, I prefer to be cautious. As per the report, the Princess seem to have someone with her. It seems that, he is the one who saved her."


"I doubt it's Taiyang. Because the Man is quite older to be him."

"Hmm, pass my order. Gather a team. We will go and check that Village."

Xiexie and General Ryo went to the Small Village where the Princess and her father at stayed for couple of days. People recognized them almost immediately and the people feared them. One of Xiexie's guards took out a painting of the Princess and asked them if they saw her. Many couldn't recognize her but a child spoke.

"She's the Princess?"

Xiexie heard the child and asked him, "Do you know her?"


"Can you show me where she is?"

"I can show you where she stayed at."

The child led Xiexie to the house where the Princess stayed at. Xiexie looked around and the child said, "Uncle found the Princess in the middle of the dessert. I think she was hurt, that is why she stayed here for couple of days to rest and heal."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know, the Uncle and the Princess just vanished after a few days."

"Okay, guards! You know what to do."

"Yes, your highness."

The guards left together with the boy.

Xiexie kept on looking around hoping to find some clues. A mysterious token placed inside a drawer caught his eye. "What kind of token is this?"

"Xiexie, this token belongs to the Immortals of Mt. Penglai. How did it get here?"

"It seems that, the man alongside the Princess is from Penglai."