
Chapter 33: Seeking the Forest King

Wei DI tried to calm Du Ji down and replied" I need to go gather strong allies for the border and meet my spiritual beast if possible"

Wei Di continued "But no worries I will come back to Fengfan City and start my journey to the border from here.

To Wei Di's surprise, the seemingly cold Du Ji seems to be on the verge of tears. His words seem to stir up a complex set of emotions in Du Ji that he found hard to depict. He patted her head and comforted her "Train hard and I will be back in no time."

Du Ji knew that there nothing can halt Wei Di's desire to leave the city. His words carry a sense of firm conviction. After realizing the fact, she simply nodded and looked down. Perhaps she was afraid that she looked at Wei Di, she would really burst into tears.

The next day...

It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.

All the students headed to the inner first for the annual spiritual beast selection. The gates to the inner forest will only be opened on this day and people can enter to select their spiritual beast. The entire forest would be under the school instructors' and elders' surveillance because the inner circle of it would be was dangerous.

In his previous life, Wei Di recalled that he was unable to get a spiritual beast due to the sabotage acts by Murong.This time he knew that he would not let this opportunity fly away. A spiritual beast as a mount would reduce his traveling time by a huge margin. More importantly, it can warn and protect him from danger when he is recuperating after a fight.

After the principal safety brief, the gates were opened and the hot-blooded students rushed in. Time was a luxury they cannot afford to lose today.

Each of them was seeking a spiritual beast to increase their fighting capabilities. However, only Wei Di strolled in slowly as if he had no intentions of getting a spiritual beast. After strolling in for two hour, more and more cultaviours seem to be forming spiritual beast contracts.

Unable to hold his curiosity, the shadow spirit asked "Boss, why is there no sight of any spiritual beast approaching us?" All the spiritual beast seem to stay clear of Wei DI as if he was Moses and the beasts were the red sea.

Wei Di replied, " because they know their place." No spiritual beast would dare to come near the "King" aura emitted within Wei Di. But still, Wei Di knew he needs a mount for the journey. Wei Di looked up at the rising blazing afternoon sun and muttered "Its time.. itshould be coming out for lunch anytime"

Wei Di said," Shadow spirit, I need you to find a small unassuming turtle with a dark grey pointed shell now." The shadow spirit nodded "yes boss as you wish!" . With that the shadow spirit leaped out of Wei Di's shadow and disappeared within sight in several seconds. On the other hand, Wei Di just sat under a tree and dozed off.

After an hour, the shadow spirit came back and said" I have found it at the northern part of the mountain resting."

The sleepy Wei Di rubbed his eyes and stretched out his arms.

He complimented "Great job, now teleport us to the shadow of the turtle.

In that instant, Wei Di teleported to the shadow of the turtle. The turtle was extremely shocked as two unknown figures appeared out of its shadow. Wei Di looked at it and say "Hi! King of forest how 's your day going by".

The astonished turtle took a further step back. The turtle stuttered "How...did you see through my disguise.."

The shadow spirit himself was in doubt" That small turtle is the king of the forest?!".

Usually, a forest would have a king to govern the entire forest. In the law of the forest, the strongest spiritual beast would be the king. Wei Di smirked "That's right he is the one and only king of the forest since the founding of Feng Fan city "

The shadow spirit replied "How could that be! I have never heard of such a thing." It is common for the forest to switch kings and rulers as stronger spiritual beast emerged while the older king strength diminished with old age."

But what the shadow spirit didn't account for was that Turtles had a ridiculous long natural life span that cab outlived most known spiritualist beast. Also, its appearance as a small-sized turtle was a disguise to prevent any huge commotion among the spiritualist and hunters.

Suddenly, the turtle regains its usual composure and glared at Wei Di solemnly. That is because no one in this generation should have known of this secret. The entire atmosphere was getting serious as the falling leaves tumble, pirouette in midair, and cascade to the earth below.