
The legend of the siren

Heydy_Salas · Outros
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4 Chs

Are legends real?

I can't believed it that will are here because of this old book who will depends on our future if will get killed our survived.

And what l mean us l mean me and my friend's group.

By l mean by friends is my best friend girl Melanie Martinez and for my other best friend guy Andrew Garcia.

As l was saying l can't believe will are outside in this hour of the night where the ocean weaves move slowly and the moon is so bright that the sky is all dark except for the moon who bring light.

As the light moon give us light for us to summon the spirits who are inside of this book who will bet our other classmates of our school that will were gonna do the dare of the summon spirit legend of the ocean.

Suddenly on the other side of me l saw my girl best friend Melanie preparing the ritual for us to perform on

today night l noticed how Mealnie got rock and she started drawing with the rock on the sand of the beach the figure of the star of the devil with triangle inside and get brought red candles and dark candles and put fire on all 4 candles.

She open the book she started reading them and beside her was Andrew calling me heydy are you coming?.

Oh shit lm sorry l was not putting attention lm coming l came runing to my friend group which they started sing the worlds that book said.

As l started signing l felt something in my guts telling me what if this old book is real like the folks at this town says.

To late will started singing as l was singing l was in my thought were l was thinking is real or fake the story that this book said.

And the signing was like this

Wake up sleepy spirits who have been sleeping for. more than millions year spirits of the night and the Ocean will commented you to appear.

Suddenly a hard wave came almost over us and push us to surface on the sand and will got separated by tide l was tring to be up on my feet since my eyes where fill with salt of water l turn to ocean where will summons the spirit and saw a person who have been where will were before the ties began to grow it look like it was searching for something or someone.

l look at stranger it look like figure of human it was dark with only the moon light reflecting half where the person was.

As the moonlight sunlight turn all bright to that person l saw the person turn around but she was not a person.

She have half her face of skeleton and her other half as human.

She had half her face fill with structure of real dead people and the other half structure of person with one living eye which was dark red eyes. and her hair look musty like if she never brush her hair .

When she noticed l noticed her she smile to me with her half face and look at me with creppy smile with her yellow teeths half them missing.

As she look at me l feel she was looking at my soul and l want to move but l couldn't l try to run but my legs were no running and try to scream but nothing work.

l feel like if time stop it was only me and the unknown thing.

Suddenly l feel like something was calling me to come where she was is like something was making me walk where she was.

After l was going where she was on on the ocean l want to stop but couldn't after l approach her suddenly a big wave ocean pull me down in water.

I was pull down on surface of the water after l was pull down l saw under the ocean it was can dark with full coral of plants suddenly l noticed that l almost was out air and try to get in surface to get air put something was pullling me down.

l feel someone getting my leg not letting me go up.

i try to see what is and l noticed it was the same

creature smiling at me suddenly l try to push the unknown creature but she had more power over me she push me on the rocks of the ocean.

After she push me l touch my head where l was push and l feel warming coming from my head and l saw how water around me turn red and l noticed it was coming from where creature push me in my injured head.

As l was touching were l got injured l verly noticed that wave took me to unknown place a can of canve where l can breath and its has water.

Thats when l thought l could run and return where l was with my friends.

l was abouct to leave when someone jump and got me from the throat and was pulling me down again on the ocean and it was the unknown women with half face she was speaking some unknown language when she finally spoke some word that l understand she said to me

akuma maka you submitt me now you must pay your price.

When she said that l felt like l was out air since she was choking me l felt my eyes want to close .

As she was speaking at her unknown language and choking me suddenly she bite my neck after that l feel more blood coming at my neck l feel like l was gonna die when suddenly l heard footsteps and voices of people l saw how unknown women was smelling and she throw me on the water and she went running to the ocean and l was left on water abouct to go down .

I suddenly feel someone getting my body saying she is here l find her she is injured after they touch me l close my eyes and saw darkness.

Suddenly l open my eyes and l saw darkness around me l was alone nothing was here it was so silent not even the air was here.

I say hello is someone here suddenly l heard someone coming running in my direction it was the same women she point at me and said lm gonna be here forever with you until you die your just like me.

I couldn't believe this was happening suddenly l said lm not like you lm a human lm not like you .

She said you are gonna be like me l try to scream and she keep saying your like me you are like me you are like me everytime she said that her words got stronger that l couldn't stand it and l try to conver my ears when my ears suddenly started bleeding and l collapsed covering my ears with blood and my tummy in pain feeling like if l want to vomit meanwhile the women was laughing at me.

Then suddenly l vomit but l did not vomit normal l vomit blood and person finger came out of my vomit l scream and said WHAT THE FUCK


The women said you are the blamed one you summoned me will are together no matter what.

l keep screaming when the unknown women said until next time heydy salas see you.

After she said that to me l feel like l wanna to fainted this time and suddenly l open my eyes and l noticed l was in bed with different clothes like hospital clothes and l have tubes around my body.

I look around and l know lm in hospital l was about to move when doctor came and said to me you finally wake up dear after he said that a nurse came.

As nurse came close l saw how nurse face turn in to unknown women after she came close l scream and said get away from me suddenly doctor said hurry. nurse bring the injection to calm her down .

I try to push the doctor when l noticed the doctor call for help and with help of other doctor they tie me and injected me and everything went dark.

After l wake up again l wake up on the same bed with my hands and my hole body tie in each corner l scream help somebody help me suddenly the same doctor came and said to me are you calm down so will can talk?

l ask him were are my parents at l command you

He said calm down willl gonna take you to your parents later

l said what do you mean by later l said lm a minor my parents have to be here lm 16 year old the doctor said l now let me talk suddenly he look at some can paper on clip he was holding in silent reading.

Then he said so will took the test and will found out you have a concussion on your head that look like you got hit very hard by something and it look like you were bitten on your neck by some can animal that will can identify.

Suddenly the doctor ask me where was l and what happen l said l don't remember l lied to him since l know that nobody is gonna believe me so l told him l don't remember then doctor say perhaps because of your concusion.

Then he give me some clothes here he said put this on will gonna bring you to your town.

Then said wait lm not in my town he look at me and said your in another town.

The said wait a minute how did l travel to another town then he said maybe the tie took you in here since last night tie was really strong and probably make you travel without you not knowing.

Then l said yeah maybe then doctor tell me go right and then go straight and you find the bathroom for the ladys.

As l went l keep looking around and l saw the hallways filled with sick people nurse helping them after l find bathroom and change myself.

When l was changing myself l noticed where l hit my head there was mini bandage where it covered the cut and l touch where my neck was bitten l feel the two hoes.

As l was changing pants and l saw myself in mirror and l saw how l look like l look very bad my eyes were all swell with filled with red around and eye bags around my eyes and my hair look like the brush of old brush and then l took my t shirt of the hospital and l noticed tattoo it was a medium tattoo with small dragon and around the smalll dragon it was smalll flower around it color black and l thought to myself l never did tattoo myself lm a minor.

lm so confused when did l got a tattoo and why did it appeard whatever l think abouct later l have more important things to do like the unknown women.

I better wash my face l look dusty with the dirth of the sand as l open the sink to put water in my face l touch the water and suddenly l feel a connection or something suddenly l touch the water again and as l touch water a form of circle of water form in my hand and it feel warm the ball of water l did and l saw myself in mirror and my eyes who were color normal green turn purple l couldn't believe what was happening l feel curios at the same time how was l abel to do this.

I was abouct to touch with my other hand the water when l heard a knock on the bathroom door it was women nurse is everything okay dera

yes everything okay l say after l said that the ball disappeared out my hand and l left bathroom and nurse was waiting for me.

Then the nurse said to me the doctor gonna drive you to your home town l said is okay.

l saw how the doctor was waiting for me outside in his car he said come on l went inside as will were getting on road l keep looking at window of road trying to add everything that happen when doctor interrupt.

So you know everyone is gonna be crazy if they see your marks they probably think you been bite by vampire and he laughed l look at his serious and he said lm kidding is joke to bring you mood up sorry but on serious note lf l were you l coud not tell everyone abouct bite if you don't want to scare you home town think abouct it and l said to doctor l won't.

will arrived to hometown l saw my mom and step father and step borther and my brother infront on hometown waiting for me.

Went l came off the truck my mom came and hug me saying l thought something happen to you when you did not return my step father hug me to and say lm glad your okay kid.

After my mom and step father hug me my mom said lm gonna talk and say thanks to doctor for helping you l saw how my step father and mom went where doctor was and l was left with my stepbrother and my brother both of them my brother look like me he have green eyes with red hair same like me l have green eyes and red hair as for my step brother he name is Erick he has black hair and brown eyes and he is mosly the bad boy

Erick ask me are you okay l look at him and say yeah and my brother say are you sure

yeah l said remembering everything that happen l ask Erick did Andrew or Melanie came to see me Eric say well they were on the hospital last night they were realized since they almost drought then said oh l didn't know l ask Eric do they remember what happen he say no they ask them what happen and they said they don't remember and they ask where were you and they did not know.

And Eric ask me where was l

l don't remember l said to him he look at me like if he think lm acting weird then my mom and stepfather came and said come on guys time to go home and Heydy will gonna talk abouct what happen.

After will were coming to the house my mom said can will talk Heydy of what happen in my room l went and my mom ask me what happen ?

l said l don't remember what happen

she said are you sure

yes lm sure

she said is okay just relax the doctor tell me aboct your conscious.

After l went to my normal room l feel so relieved that lm back home lm gonna take a shower after l went to my bathroom l open the sink for my bath tube l fill with water my bath tube after l fill in with water l took my clothes and on the mirror l look at the tattoo that it disappear l thought how its possible whatever.

After my tube was filll with half way of water l was abouct to take bath when water turn in to a tunnel of water l was abouct to run when the tunnel push me inside with such hash force.

Suddenly before the can water portal push me l got towel to covered me and then everything became dark.

I open my eyes and l couldn't believe my eyes l was not in the bathroom no more l was in another unknown place.

I look around and l saw a castle infront of me and the sky was color of galaxy mix of color purpel and blue and light blue and l saw there were flower that were size 5"2 which is not normal in earth suddenly l saw a dragon which scales of pink and yellow flying on the sky couldn't believe my eyes.

Suddenly l heard l saw guy say to me are you an element guardian l look at him he has blue hair with black eyes and freckles in his face.

l said who are you and where am l?

He look at me and say really you don't know where you are let me introduced myself name is Jose lm guardian element of fire l look at him and say is this a joke an element what are you talking abouct?

He look at me and said come on will gonna go to Castle to explain everything l say wait what abouct my family don't worry he say willl gonna explain .

Will were walking in silent l stare at hallways of the castle it was fill with gold and shine emeralds rocks color black, blue, purple ,pink, yellow.

There were statues of animals who look like statues where build from expense Jewelry finally wipp came in throne.

The throne look like any fairytale thorne with big red carpet and chair of gold and someone sitting down it was a man he look like 25 or 27 he have black eyes and yellow hair and he look at me and say who are you?

I look at him and say that's what lm wondering why lm here suddenly Jose say father she is the reason the monsters out the book.

Suddenly the kings face turn a little bit mad.

He said so your the little trouble maker who cause this.

l look at him suprise l l l lm really sorry l didn't mean to then the king said don't say sorry because you are gonna fix it .

l look at him and say how l don't know he look at me and say your element what is an element?

The king look at me say are you for real you don't know didn't you family tell you nothing abouct it.

My family are humans lm not from this world l say to king suddenly say are you sure cause without any family you couldn't be abel to get the powders of elements he said very well element are guardian such as water fire or air .

l say to him so lm water element he said yes and l said what does that have to do with women that keep attacking me suddenly Jose interrupts.

He said you see that women use to kill elements she use to be the most beautiful and powerful element combined of all the element but suddenly she felt hunger for more powered.

Everyone used to love her and she used to be caring and so kind but suddenly something corrupts and she suddenly started doing black element's meaning like black magic.

She used to kill elements kid and womens and mens to take over their powdered nobody on the Kingdom suspect it was her until there were less peopel until someone saw her and went running to tell past king will execute her but before that she put curse on us that she was gonna return and kill all element and humans.

So now said Jose now that she free she probably gonna started killing soul will have to stop her what do you mean by us l said .

Jose said yeah buttercupafter he said that to me l blush nobody have ever call me that.

As he said that the king interrupted and say Jose will trained you Jose look at king and say are you sure father?

lm sure positive you gonna bring good work anyways show heydy her room.

As he said that l said lm staying here?

but what abouct my family there gonna noticed lm missing the king say will gonna convered for you don't worry.

After me and Jose where passing by hallways l could see all the rooms were like fairytale after will stop at end.

I look at the room and l was surprise how gorgeous the room was filled with color violet by the walls and bed with color dark pink of color and fancy light.

l ask Jose lm staying here he said yes tomorrow will practice 8 Am.

l said wait 8 Am that's to early he said buttercup you have to face the consequences of what you did remember.

He said that to me l blush of guilty remembering what happen he look at my face and smile and say is okay buttercup everyone makes mistakes see you tomorrow goodnight.

After he leave l went to change my clothes to pajamas l never see so beautiful color pajamas and so comfy.

I started closing my eyes and l fell a sleep suddenly l. thought l have peace but again my life is feel drama.

l was again in the dark place but this time l saw a young women being burn by people her crying for mercy after that everything turn dark.

l say not again in dark place then unknown women said yes again hello heydy will meet again l told you l always be here you really are dumb.

l say to her WHAT DO YOU WANT.

She said l want revenge l said to her why.

she said you do not understand your really are like me so innocent open your eyes she touch me on throat again and this time l felt her cold hands in my throat and l fell down she went up in my body.

She opened her mouth suddenly in hee mouth it was coming out blood with animal l tried to scream suddenly the blood that was coming from her mouth was getting inside mine .

l feel like choking at my mouth filled with blood l try to kick and she said little girl you play with fire suddenly l heard voice Heydy calling me.

Suddenly the women said see you dear will meet next time.

l wake up super fast and infront of me was Jose looking me suprise he ask what happen?

l look at him and say a nightmare l look beside me and l noticed is still night l ask Jose did you wake because of me he look at me and said yeah l heard you across my room the hallway.

He look at me and said are you okay?

l said yeah and he said well lm gonna go to sleep.

Suddenly l rush and said wait can you stay please with me ?

he look at me and said are you sure you want to let a stranger in your bed he said sarcastic

l pull one pillow in my face to covered my red cheeks.

He said okay but each of us in our own space.

After that l close my eyes and l dream peacefully.

l feel someone touchong my body and my wrist and l open my eyes to see Jose he must have move to my space of the bed and he maybe sleep move and hugged me.

At that movement l was abouct to move form his hugged when he open he eyes and look at me at surprised he stand up and said to me what happen.

l look at him and l started laughing and say it look like you were hugging me he say no l never did.

l saw how serious he got and say okay chill let's go . practice he say there wardrobe on the closet you can choose for training.

He left to his room l went on wardrobe and it was beautiful l feel like princess of Disney l pick on outfit of train which look like rebels and smae time royalty.

After l change outfit l tie my red natural hair to ponytail for training as l got out my room l saw Jose got out he said finally.

It was weird none of us talk abocut it will arrive in tournament place that look like knives places.

He said who to left and l got to right try to throw me ball of water.

It been 5 minutes l been trying but no ball of water have appeared in my hand.

Suddenly l say to Jose l can't do it he say you can buttercup l believe on you come on he approach me and touch me by the hand and when he did l felt a little spark of thundered and purple coming out both of us he let go.

He said to you felt that l said yeah he said well practice is over go change on bathroom of training l went and took bath and l saw the same tattoo l wonder what does mean and why does appear.

After l finish l try to find Jose but he was no where l decide to explore.

l went to all the places and try to search every room.

Finally l finish almost all room except for one room it looks weird l mean why is it where almost nobody can see it on the other side l went and open the door of mysterious room it was filled with black paint suddenly l saw a machine and inside machine look wires connected to a person that was inside that was a women and l got close and she look my age l touch the class where women was and she open her eyes and start to move and break the class try to speak.

She look like she was forced to be inside it l saw her try to speak with all the water l heard foot steps and saw someone coming and l decide to hide below the desk.

l head voice it was a male are you sure nobody is looking for that young women

unknown female lm sure you can use her for experiment and to take her element like you always wanted.

After they were abouct to leave l got to see that it was the king couldn't believe what was happening.

suddenly the king say what are you doing here with serious face .