
The Legend Of The Forgotten Mercenary

He was just a legendary mercenary that was lost in history. But what they did not know is that he is lost but he is still making his history just in a, different world? different dimension? He doesn't know but what he does know is that this is going to be a difficult world to strive in and he never backs down from a challenge.

SlyHope · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


As he was happily walking toward the village in the distance, he was in a dilemma. 'What should I do if they ask me my name?' when he thought about this he stopped in his tracks, 'What do I say when they ask my name?' He was an orphan when he was a child, but one day a man showed up and bought 30 children to be born and raise to be a mercenary force.

It was set up by the mans organization and the orphanage really had no reason too decline because less kid equals less money having to be spent equals improvements for staff and the orphanage. So they agreed to the idea, but lion thought if they knew the hell the kids that where "adopted" would have to go through they wouldn't send them.

They where dropped in the middle of a forest and they had to survive for 50 days and every 2nd day a team would sweep the area and kill the kids that got caught with the exception of the 1st time. It was hell and at the end of this only 7 kids survived, the others died because of animals, exhaustion, lack of food and water, and infections. Those who survived would be given an alias and they would go by that for the rest of their life.

When he met his wife in his past life he had to say his name was lion, and when she heard that she teased him every day. He refused to name himself lion after he was betrayed by wolf. He hated wolf so much that he didn't even want a name from the same organization as "it". That being said he was thinking of a name, after 15 minutes of thinking he came up with on.'I think I'm going to go with Alex.' This was the name of his what his wife picked for their 1st born, and he always wanted to remember them and love them. With this problem solved he made his way towards the town, by this time it was around 7 am. He walked for 15 minutes feeling the effects of being starved.

He was on the edge of town and looking at the nearby building as his vision was faltering and he got more sluggish. Around 300 meters away from the town he lost consciousness, he didn't know when but he was conscious again but in a new location. He was very confused about how he got here, but as he was thinking and he looked at the source and realized something. 'I'm naked in a strange place with no weapons on me.' as he looked again he realized he was on a bed in a 5 meter by 5 meter room. 'this bed feels like its stuffed with wool.' He didn't know why he had this thought but it just appeared. He flipped his body so his feet would be over the edge of the bed as he did something came through the door.

It looked like a wolf but it was one and a half meters tall, from the ground to the top of its head and when it saw Alex was up it howled in a very low tone which inwardly shocked Alex. ' How could its howl be so guttural.' But what he heard next made him stop for a few seconds.

" Are you okay? You where on the edge of the village area when we found you. You dont have any bruises or cuts on you so is it internal? What's your name? What cultivation realm are you? I'm Lindsay. Can we be friends?"

Said a little girl in the doorway next to the wolf When Alex heard this he was a stunned for a second not showing any emotion on his face though. All the questions happened in a span of 5 seconds without a breath in the middle. He was impressed and a little confused.

' Is she the one that took my clothes off?' He asked in his head then he started answering the question to show his gratitude. "I'm okay thank you. Thank you for helping me when I fainted. I was just starved so I guess internal but I'm okay at the moment. My name is Alex. What is cultivation? And I wish to get to know people before I make friends."

When she heard his voice she was very shocked because it was calm but it had a hint of danger to it. She didn't know why or how someone that is probably a year younger than she is can have that kind of tone. The wolf's eyes sharpen when he heard the tone this child had because it was the tone of a person that has killed many without remorse. It didn't help that the kid had a natural cold aura aswell so this set the wolf off even more.

Alex saw they were set off by something, so he said "whats wro-" before he could finish an old but still strong and light hearted voice was heard "Lindsay come here and dont skip lessons anymore I told you that you can't always run off to "check the boy" like I said, it's okay that you think he is handsome and you like him but you ca-"

He was talking while walking towards Lindsay and when he looked in the room he saw the boy and abruptly stopped what he was saying, the boy's silver and black eyes looked at the old man like they where in a staring contest after 10 seconds of very awkward silence the wolf barked snapping everyone out of the trance like state. " So your awake little one, happy to see that, are you okay because you looked sickly pale when you got here and I had to see if you had gotten hurt anywhere to make sure you wont bleed on my blanket.

Lindsay gave the old man a light kick and said " Grandpa Lin please try to be a little nicer." Alex heard this and he chuckled as he said. " That's quite alright I'm the stranger here and you guys helped me. So I have to show my gratitude some how. I'm Alex, sir, age 12 I wasn't stabbed or anything like that I was just starved but for some reason now i feel like I'm ok. Also thank you for not leaving me on the side of some road ."

" Where were you heading Alex? You do know that there isn't much in this village, right?" Said Grandpa Lin

" I don't know much of anything sir, I have woken up without memories back when I was in the woods."

Grandpa Lin had a puzzled expression on his face when Alex said this. That forest houses very dangerous demons and magical beasts that could kill a grown man with a swipe of its paw. So how did this child survive even 2 hours in there?!

"Are you sure you remember nothing about where you are? Are you also not sure about what's happening to the sects? And are you also sure you don't even remember about your parents?"

When Grandpa Lin said this somehow Alex started to understand where Lindsay got it from. "No sir I don't know who I am. I also dont know what sects are. I don't know about my parents either." When the trio heard this the where sad for the little boy, but also intrigued because he was able to make his way from where ever the hell to here. " Young man tell me what is your cultivation level." said Grandpa Lin. "Okay just quick question." Said Alex "What is it young one?" said Grandpa Lin, "What is cultivation?" said Alex with a confused expression on his face.

When Grandpa Lin heard this he couldn't help but have his jaw wide open while his long white beard hit the ground. ' Does this young one really not know about cultivation!? Was he born yesterday?!?' what snapped Lin out of this was Lindsay saying "Well what is your spirit? It should show when you focus in blank space." When she said this it was Alexs' turn to be confused. ' She knows about the wierd things in my head?' What he heard next confirmed his suspicions " Just think about it and think about yourself in the next to it and it will show." Said Lindsay. ' Well mind aswell try because right know they are just sitting there looking wierd.'

He closed his eyes because it felt like the right thing to do. Then he started to visualize himself in the center of the circle of circle, then he started to slowly start to think about the room and the people in it. They all slowly materialized and what greated the trio made them all want to run. The Immortality Phoenix, The protector Budah, The Hell-sword demon, The forever-flying Angel, and the last one that shocked them the most, The forgotten Rune.

When they saw this the all wanted to steal one of them, but the more they thought about it the more they disagreed with that decision because this kid could be a god like figure in the future and if they could get him on their side they would win each and every town battle. Their thought where interrupted when the sound of the 5 spirits disappeared back into the boy. " Never show those again in the future because many sides will fight for you and many people will want to kill you if you choose a side." Said Lin "Yes sir thank you, but I have a question. What are sects?" Said Alex when they heard this the still couldn't help but be a little shocked the quickly recovered though " Sects are places where groups of people go to learn from different masters depending on which path the person is proficient in there are many different sects that lead people through their path In life they dep-"


When they old man heard what interrupted him he couldn't help but chuckle, while Alex cracked a wry smile. " Okay young man you just woke up and haven't gotten anything to eat let's go to fix that." with that being said the old man turned and left followed by the girl then the wolf. Alex kinda just sat there for a bit to think about if he could ask more questions. He didn't want to very step his boundaries, but he needed to know because he cant stay here forever.